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Posts posted by davidwhangchoi

  1. 14 minutes ago, Chronocidal said:

    I thought they were?  At least a small amount.

    Arcadia I believe confirmed they shelved the weathering version they displayed at WF a few years ago due to budget limitations.

    i think the premium 0D was the pinnacle valk release and was hoping it would be a trend going forward. 

  2. 36 minutes ago, Duke Togo said:

    So, we were paying, what, $30 per VHS? At two episodes per (am I remembering that right?). Which is $65 in 2023 money. The modern anime industry in the US was built upon our wallets.4

    that was a lot of money being in elementary school and being poor with no allowance. oftentimes, i could afford a roundtrip for the NYC public train which was $1.00 each way back then.  i had to save up alot to finally make a big purchase once a year. i always was on the lookout for macross vf-1 variable kits to buy though!  

    21 minutes ago, 505thAirborne said:

    I still have my US Renditions VHS copies of GUNBUSTER hiding somewhere in storage. Two episodes per tape plus the bonus classroom lessons.

    If anyone here grew up in The Valley and remembers Continental Comics on Balboa, that's where I'd go for Macross & Gundam kits. The owner or manager there was super cool and he personally recommended Gunbuster & Bubblegum Crisis to me. 

    that's awesome you still have em^_^

  3. 3 minutes ago, Duke Togo said:

    I currently have the old Bandai(?) DVD set, but have wanted to upgrade to blu-ray for a long while now.

    Like many, I was introduced to Gunbuster via the US Renditions VHS releases and it's been a favorite of mine for decades now. I still recall the flier I got from Books Nippan that listed the upcoming releases of Dangiaoh, Gunbuster, and one other anime that I can't recall. Dangaioh and Gunster were must haves because oh Kawamori and Mikimoto.

    same here, I saw the ad at Books Nippon that was downtown Manhattan. I only was able to get vol. 1 bc i had no money. Those clam shell style cases for VHS made it feel premium^_^  



  4. 52 minutes ago, mikeszekely said:

    So about that Metroid Prime Remastered...

    Yeah, if you have a Switch you 100% should buy it.  If you don't have a Switch you should strongly consider buying one to play Metroid Prime Remastered.  It's everything that made the original one of the best games of that console generation- superb level design, an excellent soundtrack, the way they delivered that "alone on an alien world" atmosphere.  But then they went and polished up the graphics and presented it in a modern 16:9 format, and new accessibility options.  But, best of all, there's the new control scheme.  It's easy to forget if you haven't played the original in awhile, but the controls were a tad awkward.  Even more so with a modern controller that doesn't have a giant A button nestled smack in the middle of a little B button and little bean-shaped X and Y buttons.  While Remastered still lets you use the Classic controls, if you like, or even Prime 3's Wiimote motion controls, the new control scheme is the way to go, as it ditches the original's single-stick controls for the now-standard twin stick FPS controls.

    Oh, and for those like myself disappointed that only the first game was Remastered, I have good news and bad news.  The good news is that sources say the other two are definitely coming to Switch, and they'll probably have the new twin stick controls.  The bad news is that they apparently will NOT have the graphics overhaul that the first game got.  I gotta be honest, while new graphics would be super I'll be happy enough to play them on a modern console with improved controls.

    waiting for my hardcopy

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