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Posts posted by ghostryder

  1. Although the Sentinel scale is closest to 1/48, I'd also like to imagine it as closer to 1/60.  That would put the real-life jet length around 40' (vs 32'), which is still shorter than the Harrier.   The toys looks too damn small compared to ~1/48 toys. 

  2. On 7/27/2020 at 7:34 PM, twich said:

    So, with the Robot Heroes KO Oversized MP-11 Airstrike/seekers, how good of a toy is it? Is it 1/48 scale? Where, other than eBay is a good place to order it? I have seen a few reviews, and saw another member comments on page 111 of this thread to include comparing it in size to a VF-31J with supers, and it looks huge! Which is why I would like one, had the original MP-03 that Shoji Kawamori helped them with, and that was awesome! Thanks to anyone who can help out!

    I've posted pics of mine on TFW2005.  I think they are great toys, and the leg sculpt improvements over the MP-11 mold help make them look less blocky and give a pseudo-ankle tilt. 

    Not sure where to get them now, however.  I got all mine off of ShowZ in the past.  Keep in mind there is another OS seeker mold that's sightly smaller, and without the leg mold improvements (see these on ebay). These are not as nice and the Robot Heroes.

    I've painted mine up with G1 toy colors.  They are still my favorite seeker mold to play with and display just because of the sheer size:







  3. 23 minutes ago, Dobber said:

    I really can’t understand what’s going on with the wings. Why is there a big hinge on the leading edge of the wing? It looks as if the wing has 2 halves...almost bi-plane like. That seems...odd. I fear for how the alt mode will look. The F-15 is a great aircraft to use for a transformer, I don’t see why they can’t make a toon accurate bot while still making a good looking F-15. The previous examples have come close as did MT. Just a few tweaks and we could have the best of both worlds. 


    The entire tailboom/vertical stabilizer/taileron sections fold up, and it looks like the verticals rotate 180 and get stuffed between the wing halves like a sandwich. The lower wings halves extend from the tops via those double hinges at the leading edge. Looking at the alt mode silhouette, the tailerons look like they fold in half and get jammed into that glorious backpack somehow.  I'm guessing most of the nose section gets hidden behind the backpack, and that chest canopy may be fake.  This Screamer is THICK.


    edit: M'Kyuun beat me to it.

  4. 23 hours ago, Shadow said:

    Here is the article on the conversion to the Super Hornet. I'm still hoping to catch one more show with the Blues in the Legacy Hornet but who knows with COVID now. :(

    I'm curious if the Blues new Super Bugs also will have the updated engines that the rest of the fleet are getting at the moment.


    Was the EPE engine ever funded?  Even if it was, I thought the Navy would opt for the increased life (boo!) vs increased thrust.

    The single seat E models do look sexy in blue.

  5. 18 minutes ago, vladykins said:

    So it looks like the end of the beam rifle swaps out with the alternate gun.
    Mine hasn't hit BBTS yet so I can't confirm. Has anyone tried removing the end of their Eta rifle?

    Yup, the end is removable.

  6. 2 hours ago, Kyp Durron said:

    I love the Legioss fighter mode, but damn that gap between the wing and shoulder is triggering the Hell out of my OCD. If I knew how to make a 3d printer cover for it, that would have been the first thing I would have done upon removing it from the box. 

    I'm surprised I hadn't noticed that before!  I must be losing my OCD powers with age.

    I transformed this guy and am pleasantly surprised that the wing flaps never popped off.  The shoulder rotation is, however, too stiff to move.  I'll need to locate the WD-40 or silicone grease.  

    My two favorite 80s mecha in battroid/soldier modes:


  7. If you have one for sale at a fair price, let me know.  Any of the 3 are ok, as long as it's not broken,  the joints/hinges aren't too loose, and there's not too much yellowing. I live in Colorado 80122.


  8. 45 minutes ago, MacrossJunkie said:

    Is that basically an upsized version of the masterpiece seekers? That toy must be massive being at 1/48 scale.

    Yes, upscaled MP-11 with improved leg sculpt.  They are pretty big in fighter mode, but even up in bot mode:




  9. Some fighter mode love... I did the same light panel lining to the VF-1S as I did on the VF-1J. 

    Here's a comparison to the ~1/48  Robot Hero OS Skywarp.  I wish I had the new Sentinel 1/48 Legioss to add to the pic.QLQt2D.jpgshhhm1.jpgxf87fx.jpg

  10. 3 minutes ago, sqidd said:

    Did Hikaru's VF-1A show up in DYRL with Super Parts on it? I can't remember if it was Supers or Strikes???

    Same thing with Max????


    Supers.  Roy was the only one with Strikes from the beginning.

  11. 12 hours ago, Kyp Durron said:


    I've seen several pictures like this that shows them angled downward, so I'm OK with their design choice. 

    Being an 80s VTOL  design, maybe they got inspiration from the Harrier's wings, which are also anhedral to combat rollling moments due to sideslip.

    I've always viewed the Legioss as a mix of Mig-29 and Harrier.


  12. 6 minutes ago, Anasazi37 said:

    @RedCometand I are working on a decal sheet for folks who want to fix reversed vertical stabilizer markings, add missing markings like the ejection seat triangles and the skulls behind the canopy, and enable Roy 1S and Max 1S conversions from the Hikaru 1S. We're even throwing in a Hikaru name for the canopy of the official Roy 1S.

    Great, I'll definitely grab a couple of sets!

  13. 4 hours ago, sqidd said:

    Read em and weep! The @RedComet custom VF-1S DYRL Fockers just showed up.......and a whole bunch of other stuff. It's Xmas in July! Looks like I have a long day ahead!:good:



    Very nice!  Too bad he couldn't fix the "100" on the vertical stabilizer, I'm still pondering how I will do this on me Hikaru when I get it.

  14. 19 minutes ago, Sanity is Optional said:

    Yeah, I'm debating doing a pilot and canopy swap from one of my 1Js and leaving it in Battroid.

    I was also thinking this... the 1J canopy has "SLT" (second lieutenant), was Hikaru first lieutenant when he gets Skull 001?

  15. So this is my first foray into pre-order madness.  The unfortunate side-effect of extreme alcohol consumption is impulse buying other items while trying to temper my OCD.

    A side question - do all the DX VF-1S Hikarus have the "100" on the right vertical stabilizer?


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