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Posts posted by ghostryder

  1. The canopy on the prototype we've just seen is not extended forward or backwards, but it should extend backwards according to the VF-1D design. Not sure if that answers your question.

    Right, that was my point as well. With the nose section removeable, they could have easily lengthened the upper half to extend into the chest plate more. The upper half of the nose section and the chest plate have to be a different mold from the 1-seaters regardless, so it's not like it would be more complex or costly to manufacture.

  2. roy 1S isn't perfect, the pilot sits too far up front.

    As for the canopy i'm with you, hope we'll see it lowered, but i don't know if it's possible with how the heatshield to be stowed and retract over the canopy.


    Waddya think NMB4M??? :p Yours will still own this, but it sure looks pretty all the same!

    I think what we see is what we get. The 1-seat canopy was made taller to support the bulged out chest plate, which was needed to accomodate the 2-seater cockpit and canopy.

    I also don't see what people are saying about them extending the canopy forward on the 1D, but these photo angles make it hard to tell. We'll need a legit side-by-side comparison to confirm.

  3. Well, just think of it this way, the two seaters do have the proper elongated canopy, it's the 1 seaters valks that have an improperly elongated canopy. :lol:

    Actually, the 1-seater canopy is the right length, but too tall... and the 2-seater canopy IS too short, but the right height.

    ...not that MWers are so picky as to notice minor stuff like that ^_^

  4. Another thing I was wondering was if I did have to start all over after my son plays with it for a week and it is chipping all over the place, of stripping it down, sanding it to hell and painting it with a heavy enamel automotive engine paint. Is that stupid or just crazy?

    You can get yourself another 1/55 (cheapest used one you can find, maybe a CF) and try the automotive paint after sanding the hell out of it.... or just bite the bullet and get him a old 1/60 v.1 or genuine Millia 1/55 reissue. I mean, the kid only lives once, right? Look what toy depravation did to our generation :p

  5. The stock stickers aren't that bad, as long as you trim off the excess so your sticker edges are sharp, rather than the factory die-cut. I went ahead and put on the minimum markings (001's, pilot name, SDF-1 markings).

    I've actually transformed it into all modes with and without FAST packs, and have decided to leave it in naked fighter mode next to my 1/48 Hikaru VF-1S . I love the streamlined belly, without the low-hanging arms. I've also come to appreciate the nose/cockpit section profile. After staring at it for a couple of days, it really seems to capture the VF-1 lineart better than the 1/48, which is a bit exaggerated in an F-111 style.

  6. Here's what I wrote in the 1/60 VF-1 breakage poll, about the shoulders and swingbar:

    1. When transforming the arms, be sure to handle the shoulder hinge, not the shoulder ball joint or pulling the forearm. This also holds true for posing the arms - grasp the hinge with one hand while moving the ball joint, to minimize stress on the hinge. Personally, I'm ok with this issue, as I would rather have the ball joint too tight, than flopping all around like my Zero.

    2. Swing bar detachment from nose section going from battroid to fighter - as Jenius said, first disengange the swingbar from the back plate. Then if you hold the Valk facing away from you and bend the legs slightly forward, place the feet on your chest and gently apply pressure. This will push the swing bar at just the right angle to pop it free with little effort, and little stress on the nose hatch. I was pleasantly surprise how easy this was to do.

  7. OK, transformed from fighter to batttroid and back to fighter. The only thing that irks me is that the gunpod does not attach to the forearm - the hole in the gun is too big, and it just falls off <_< .

    Gun stays on just fine in fighter mode, at least 4mm off the ground.

    Other than that, this thing is frackin perfect - all joints are tight, no missing parts, perfect paint and tampo printing, straight skulls, and nicely balanced proporations in all modes - if you don't lock the chest down in battroid, you can minimize the giraffe neck and still have the heatshield cover the canopy completely.

    Some advice to avoid some of the documented breaking issues:

    1. When transforming the arms, be sure to handle the shoulder hinge, not the shoulder ball joint or pulling the forearm. This also holds true for posing the arms - grasp the hinge with one hand while moving the ball joint, to minimize stress on the hinge. Personally, I'm ok with this issue, as I would rather have the ball joint too tight, than flopping all around like my Zero.

    2. Swing bar detachment from nose section going from battroid to fighter - as Jenius said, first disengange the swingbar from the back plate. Then if you hold the Valk facing away from you and bend the legs slightly forward, place the feet on your chest and gently apply pressure. This will push the swing bar at just the right angle to pop it free with little effort, and little stress on the nose hatch. I was pleasantly surprise how easy this was to do.

    Too bad the panel lines are so thin - I can't cheat and use a 0.3 mm pencil like a ususally do :huh: .

  8. Yeah me too, I placed my pre-order about 5 mins after he posted it was up here. He sent me an email yesterday saying the shippment was on the boat already and that he was going to be getting the orders ready but still no payment request. :(


    I got my payment request from Kevin today - hope yours comes up soon.

  9. Hmmn--both Swoosh's and Graham's have the right fin skull a bit crooked---and I am VERY picky about that---I may wait for a second run. Of course, it could get worse with the next run.

    PS---hey Yamato--what's up with the bright shiny silver screws? All the other VF-1's and the YF-19 etc use dull black screws which are FAR less obvious. Use black ones next time!!!!!!

    PPS--why no printing on the boosters? They even did that on the early 1/60.

    I didn't really notice the crooked right skull, since niether posted a straight-on shot of the right fin (until recently), but you are right. Yamato got it right on the VF-0S and a few select 1/48 runs, why couldn't they get their act together on this one, given all the other QC improvements??

    Whenever I get mine, I'm using flat paint to touch up the screws.

  10. Yeah, and then I wait for my valk to get to Valkyrie Exchange, and then I wait again for my valk to ge to me. Then I lock myself in my room and call in sick.

    And for the third time:


    Sorry for resorting to that, but I'm hoping the third time is the charm.

    I think that's the case. With either Kevin and Carlos at LAFToys, you'll have to wait for them to get their stock shipped from oversees (I think), and then once it's in their hands, it's only a matter of a few days for domestic shipping. Never had a problem with either. I've preordered the 1/60 VF-1 with Kev, and will be in the same "boat", so to speak.

  11. If you compare the VF-1D battroid CAD drawing with the VF-1S' battroid CAD drawing you'll notice that the indent in the chest plate is a little deeper, indicating that the canopy will be a little bit longer too.

    Yes, the indent is deeper on the single seaters, but I don't see how they are going to extend the canopy much more than it already is and fit a hinge, all in this little space (unless they go removeable canopy with no hinge, like the 1/60 V.1).


  12. I don't think the canopy will be longer - they already lengthened the the cockpit section (see VF-1S battroid giraffe neck), and there's no more room for a canopy hinge if they extended the canopy more than it already is. I think this may be the case where the design was optimized for 2-seater, and they fudged the 1-seater canopy/cockpit to fit.

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