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Everything posted by HardlyNever

  1. HardlyNever

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm not in the plastics field, but I believe that is for more "disposable" types of plastic, for things like plastic bags and packaging. I think high end toy ABS is made to last longer.
  2. Isn't that a false equivalency, though? The original takatokus where designed to be daily play toys for kids. I don't remember the recommended age for them (did they even have one?) but I can guarantee that they were thinking somewhere in the 7-10 y/o range (minimum) for those toys. The modern toys are specifically marketed to adult collectors. Most boxes have 14 or 15 as the recommended age, but the marketing and price shoots even older than that. Of course I would like a little bit more durability (or just QC, as this is probably more of a QC issue than durability), but all things have a price.
  3. In the "Miss Macross" episode, Hikaru gets in the GBP vf-1j with the battroid-seat thing. I feel like it makes an appearance somewhere after episode 27, as well, but I'm not sure.
  4. I don't have my 1/48 in hand yet, so I'm just going off of other peoples' pictures, so I can't do a side-by-size comparison. Looking at @manfred17 pic, it looks like 1/60 Isamu and 1/48 Hikaru are roughly the same size, with Isamu being perhaps slightly larger (how they sit in the cockpit could affect this. A a side-by-side comparison would obviously be better). The macross wiki has TV Hikaru's height at 175 CM. It has Isamu's height at 183 CM (I don't know where they got these numbers, I'm willing to accept others if people have sources). By my calculation, 1/48 Hikaru should slightly less than 0.6 real-life CM taller than 1/60 Isamu (someone check my math on this, I could be way off). I think Bandai made their SDFM pilot small again, but I can't commit to that opinion until I have my 1/48 in person.
  5. Bandai perpetually has the idea that the TV pilots are ridiculously small. I'm not sure how or why they got this idea, but if look at the HMR valks, they always make TV pilots smaller than DYRL pilots, in the same sized cockpits. I'm guessing they just continued this same trend into the DX 1/48 line, for reasons unknown.
  6. HardlyNever

    Hi-Metal R

    Based on what I've seen, Bandai doesn't care that much about focusing either TV or DYRL; it is all one shared universe to them. I'm not saying they aren't aware there are differences between TV Macross and DYRL, but I don't think that really factors into their decision making process. They package DYRL-style hands and missiles with what are obviously TV-style valks. When it comes to enemy mecha, I think they'll make whatever they think will sell best/looks best to them. If they think they can make money on both versions of say, an n-ger, they will. However, I think we'll only be getting the DYRL version of that particular mech (just a hunch). I was thinking the same thing. But looking at the Macross Mecha Manual line-art, there is quite a bit of deviation between the two designs. They might be able to get away with re-using the jet-pack thing. That looks to be about it.
  7. I got mine from AmiAmi, and I went with SAL, so I'm going to be super late to the party on this one. I appreciate all the reviews and first impressions. The more I see of this, the more I'm thinking I just want the one. It looks good, but I might be at the point of vf-1 fatigue, at least personally. I'm going to wait until I've had it in hand for a while, but for now I'm thinking this might be a one-and-done line for me. The size is also an issue for collecting multiples.
  8. HardlyNever

    Hi-Metal R

    I have mine in a detolf. You are basically restricted to a cannons-in-the-air artillery-style pose(if you want to close the door), but it can fit.
  9. Payment requests from AmiAmi are going out.
  10. It's looking great; I'm not going to nitpick something that does so many things right. I like the fatter feet (compared to the v2) and the Gerwalk antenna. I stand by the idea that you can't make a flawless (in all modes) perfect or near-perfect transformation vf-1. Still no notification from AmiAmi, unfortunately. But I'm excited to get this next year. I think it will be worth the wait.
  11. The one on the right is a v2 1/60 . Looks yamato, as it looks slightly off-white and has a rainbow canopy. I believe the the one on the left is the Bandai 1/72 model kit, but not 100% sure on that.
  12. If I had to guess (and this is just an educated guess, based on the info I've seen), there will be a more "general" release that does not come with the extra display stand. How much that one will cost is anyone's guess. It is also entirely possible they skip a reissue and just go to the next version they want to make (VF-1S in all likelihood).
  13. Did the same, I finally caved. I hope Bandai doesn't do something like include missiles in the super parts bundle or something, or I'll just feel dumb. I already feel less than great about what I paid for two sets. If I only end up getting 2-3 valks in this line (which is probably what is going happen), I might not feel so bad, as I probably ended up saving money on the valk itself. Being TWE kind of sucks for us foreign buyers though, as it basically just inflates the price on something that is already a bit inflated.
  14. You would think with the price being what it is, and the fact that they are selling missiles separate at all, that Bandai would at least give us a set of red and a set of yellow tipped reaction missiles. But Bandai doesn't seem to have a problem with mixing DYRL and TV ordinance, going by HMR, at least.
  15. These guys are messing with you. I'm hoping this is all in good fun (and I'm going to assume it is), and not some back-handed "no girls allowed" BS (it can be hard to tell on the internet, sometimes). But they are actually Transformers. Sorry to ruin the fun.
  16. Still on the fence if I even want to engage with this level of skulduggery with Bandai. I'll probably end up getting a set or two, but I'm worried that they will find a way to make me feel dumb for buying these.
  17. Kind of unfortunate on the timing of the 1/72 scale. Two or three years ago I would have been very interested. It's a little late to market, now, though. I'm still interested in some of the 1/12 figures, especially Hikaru and Misa. I mean... Rick and Lisa...
  18. This advice comes too late, but I suggest handling and transforming these things very close to another surface (table, floor, w/e). I usually transform mine sitting on carpeted floor, in case I drop it, it won't be damaged. It also generally makes it easier to find stuff that might fall off.
  19. Anyone else a little concerned about build and plastic quality? Compare a yamato/arcadia vf-1 to say, a dx vf-31. I like the vf-31, I think it is a great toy with a great design, but it still feels a little wobbly and just slightly less... solid in terms of plastic and build quality compared to an arcadia vf-1. Every time I see these pics, it seems like it will have a "looser/weaker" feel in the hands. I know this is one of the ways Bandai cuts costs (not bad plastic quality, but not the level that Arcadia uses). I think these things matter, especially in the long term. I still think it will be a great toy, I'm just not convinced it will be strictly better than the Arcadia/yamato vf-1 in every single catagory.
  20. I'm pretty sure it still has optional hands. And it will have a standard display stand (as well as the "special edition" one). And a gunpod and strap. And a gerwalk antenna... I think that's it. But yeah, box does seem a little large, even with that.
  21. As skeptical of this as I am, I gotta say I don't actually hate these character descriptions: http://www.thathashtagshow.com/2018/12/11/exclusive-netflix-cowboy-bebop-character-breakdowns-and-production-start-date/ At least they aren't "white-washing" things. And I sort of like the idea of mixed race/ethnicity characters, as it can be hard to really identify who is what (in a good way). Also, it's in the future and all that, so you would think there might be more "mixed" people in a more global future.
  22. HardlyNever

    Hi-Metal R

    Is it time for another "collector vs scalper" showdown? On the MWF this time?
  23. But... isn't it supposed to look like a "W?" As in "walkure?" Not that I'm a huge fan of walkure, but you kind of want your shameless brand sellout vehicle supporting cast to support what you're actually selling.
  24. This is what I paid for mine (except from Manda). At that price, I'm not disappointed. Getting it into gerwalk is a pain, but just going fighter-> battroid (you can skip gerwalk) really isn't that bad. I have the lil'draken/missile set on the way, I'll give impressions of that when I get it. Be advised that while the valk is still available at a discount, the accessory pack is not. Also, it's my wife's favorite valk (appearance-wise, at least). So that's a bonus, I guess.
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