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Big s

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Posts posted by Big s

  1. I'm afraid to try to remove the guns at the rear on the regult and haven't heard of anyone doing it yet. I like the regult enough that if they do release the variants I would buy them all even the recolor for the movie.

  2. Filling it like that may prevent the swivel of the joint. There may be a way of get a piece that could fit fixed on one end and maybe have a wider top to lock it in place keeping the joint action. It's possible some one with far better experience on these fixes could figure it out.

  3. Thanks for clearing that up. It been years since I've even seen the old films/ova's. I don't have a working vcr, but have the tapes boxed up. The only thing of guyver I have on dvd is the complete set of the tv series from a few years back.

    I still think after doing a search it seems strange bbts is the only place I could find listing that variant of the figure.

  4. I really hope that leg can be fixed easy. That's the side swivel joint at the knee and to fix it straight would be very easy, but to keep the swivel will be more complicated either way I hope it can be done.

  5. There really isn't enough news on this thread for a figure line with so many releases. Anyway I was on Hlj and noticed that there is a preorder for a figma guyver 2 fm. It says it's one from the manga, which must take place sometime after all the anime, ova, and movies ended. I have never read the manga in hopes an anime version would come out with at least an ending, but I thought the figure looked really great so I had to preorder it anyway. Hopefully more guyver figmas are on the way. I also have the guyver 1 figma to go with it and thought it was just a one off thing.

  6. For something as small as the eyes they probably don't need the blue or green paints for previs work. If it ends up something that needs to be erased or replaced like a cybernetic arm they most likely would take those steps.

    They may also be doing away with those eyes for more realism. On an agent for a secret government branch they really stand out, like a comander in a one piece thong bathing suit.

  7. The LA anime expo announced Kawamori as a guest, so now the question is that since last year it was a big robotech thing will be talk much about that or just talk about Delta, or maybe we'll get some surprising news that Harmony Gold worked out a deal to let all the Macross stuff come to the US. I know, wishful thinking🙃

  8. The eyes themselvesare enough for tracking for cgi due to the color contrast. The ones for deadpool were tracked by the area around the white eyes on the mask, other films have done cgi eye additions without the help of green or blue pants. Not sure if he will get different eyes in this or maybe a prosthetic for later, later production pictures and footage will give us a better idea of what direction they go. Either way it's looking more believable as an actual film.

  9. The tail fins on the Roy look like the sprue is connected wher it's painted black. Some times a quick fix for that situation is using a black sharpie over the cut mark and dull coat or gloss if it needs to be shiny.

  10. I did say closer to the source material, not an exact copy. The new film turtles are almost twice as big as they were in the old days and they are very hard to look at. Part of the what made me love them as a kid was that they were short and almost cute, something you don't expect to kick anyone's butt. The other thing here from the trailers that I have problem with is the over use of explosions and slow mo. None of the previews show what they physically can do. And just because the comic was dark it was still fun, but I don't think a film will ever be made that will capture all that. I also liked them having tails, which was something that gets left out here and there with different versions.

  11. That price for a wave kit is not surprising at all. They don't pick items other companies do and they don't have the high production of a company like Bandai. Since there are no moving parts I would expect the detail to be high if not spot on.

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