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VF-1A Grunt

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Everything posted by VF-1A Grunt

  1. Hi folks, I spent a lot of summers in Japan as a kid, but somehow I never paid attention to Gundam. I'm interested in watching it to learn a little about the series, but I'd like to start from the beginning. Is this the original MSG? Mobile Suit Gundam (First Gundam) Part 1 DVD Collection https://www.amazon.com/dp/B014LHPGVK/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_mLpbzbY2BF4MM Are there other places to watch the original series? Thanks!
  2. I had only ordered once from them, but their closeout prices are excellent - I placed another big order over the weekend. Sad to see them go. I've ordered Mr. Hobby paints from Red Frog Hobbies also, as an alternative.
  3. I'm curious, how do the Bandai UUM-7 missile pods compare to Hasegawa's? I agree with some comments I've read here before that the Hasegawa 1/72 missile pods are too large. They look a little silly under the wings of their fighter. I was hoping the Bandai version might be closer to the right size, but I haven't felt like spending the money to find out yet.
  4. That looks fantastic! And thanks for the feedback about the feet.
  5. That looks fantastic! The proportions, relative to the Battroid, look much more in line with what I think of from the animation, and just logically, considering the size of the pilot that has to fit inside, this "works" much better for me personally. Count me in for two! The only minor suggestion I have to offer is that it might look better if the single "toe" extended out a little further. It looks a little stunted to me. The animation (and most of the toys and models I've liked at) appear to portray it as longer, like this example from the Mecha Manual: It also appears to have a joint or gasket that connects it to the foot and blends things together a little more. I know this is just a test shot, so you might already be thinking about that, in which case, disregard my comments! Looks great!
  6. Thanks for the info, Duy. That explains why the kit hasn't popped up during my periodic searches on eBay and other sites for Hasegawa VF-1s. I have plenty of kits to keep me busy for years, so no great loss if I can't find one of these.
  7. Wow, I thought I had seen all the VF-1 variations that Hasegawa produced, but I missed this one somewhere along the way. I have the 5 Grand Anniversary, but I'll have to keep my eyes open for one of these. Beautiful job on yours!
  8. October! A little info coming out at a time. I just want to be able to pre-order a few so I can sit back and wait for them to show up.
  9. Great model! What issue is that from? I don't see a date on any of the scanned pages, unless I missed it. Thanks!
  10. I managed to get a VF-0A kit off Amazon for a decent price a few months ago, but I'd like to see them rerelease that one. Seems like the Zero "Cannon Fodder" equivalent should be more readily available. I know it was first released a while ago, but I guess it was a "limited edition" kit and sold out.
  11. Looks like a great product line! Just FYI for U.S. modelers, I have an Amazon.jp account, but it says that the seller can't ship to my U.S. address. Have to go another route...
  12. This is a really good discussion about some of the more interesting VFs in the Macross series. However, I have to point out that it sounds like some of you might not be familiar with how real AEW aircraft are employed. One of the main reasons for using them is to protect the capital ships that they support by allowing the ships to run "dark" (no electronic emissions) while the AEW aircraft do the broadcasting. This helps conceal the precise location of your much more valuable assets while placing only the AEW aircraft at risk. Yes, the SDF might have larger, long-range sensors, but as soon as it turns them on, it immediately broadcasts its location to the enemy. Placing a Cat's Eye or other aircraft out some distance from the "mother ship," at an offset azimuth, helps conceal the SDF from the enemy, unless they in turn are willing to reveal their location by using their sensors to search. One of the fundamentals of reconnaissance is to make contact with the enemy with the smallest element possible to protect the main force. This would certainly apply in a space conflict, and the various AEW aircraft in the UN Spacy fleet would serve this purpose.
  13. That looks pretty good! It definitely looks more contemporary than some previous examples I've seen and should work well with VF-0s and VF-1s, at least. It would be cool to have a version with the ground crew area at the flight deck as depicted in SDFM, but then we need the space-suited ground grew figures as well!
  14. Personally, I think that battle pods are more than worthy of a plastic kit series, especially with their modular nature (like the Wave Destroids). With the generally higher cost of resin kits, I'd prefer a series of battle pods kits that ran in the $30 range (or $50 if it was Wave!) so I could buy a half dozen or so.
  15. This is a fantastic way to achieve the "organic" look of these alien spacecraft. I love the updates on your progress. Thanks for sharing!
  16. Thanks for the heads up, I grabbed the last one! This will be my first venture into resin aircraft modeling, so I'm not sure how soon I'll get around to this project, but I wanted to get one while they were available. There's probably no guarantee as to if / when they'll run them again.
  17. The TV flight suit is this much thinner one: The DYRL movie flight suit (which is included in the Hasegawa 1/72 weapons set) is the bulkier one with the big shoulder pads that looks more like a space suit: The Master Files VF-1 books explains it as if the TV version is an early suit and the movie version was designed later for better survivability in space. It also shows the suit that Hikaru wore in the VF-4 clip in Flashback and describes it as a third version. The Hasegawa 1/48 VF-1A/J kit includes the TV cockpit and pilot, while the 1/48 VF-1A/S included the movie cockpit and pilot. I like the idea that both could exist to represent different stages in development of the VF-1. I want to model several 1/72 VF-1s to represent the time period right as the war started, so I want TV cockpits and pilots, but then I'll do some later examples (e.g. with FAST packs) using the movie cockpit and pilot. Edit: The 1/72 Gerwalk kit introduced the TV pilot, as seen in this model.
  18. That's sharp! Nice work! I wish Hasegawa would sell the TV pilot separately, maybe a set of 6 or something.
  19. Gatsu, here's the very interesting thread about how Mike designed this second version of the resin kit:http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=37927&view=&hl=&fromsearch=1 Here's where he discussed developing Version 2 and the improvements he wanted to make on the original model: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=31710&view=&hl=&fromsearch=1 Wish I could afford one! Regardless, I think I stumbled across the discussion well after he had sold all of them.
  20. I really hope the Wave kit turns out as well as the resin version. I'm thinking I'll have to try painting one in CF brown! Looking forward to seeing your progress.
  21. Beautiful! As cool as the movie is, I think the TV version with Prometheus and Daedelus is the way it should be.
  22. By the way, Gatsu, I should have said this in my first post - your models looks great, and I'm especially impressed by the Regult, which I've always heard is a tough model to build (since I can't seem to find my kit, I can't try it for myself!). My first impression of the kit when I received it was that the brow(?) cannons looked much too thick compared to the artwork, but your model really turned out well and captures the colors, stance, and weathering that I had hoped to achieve with my own model. I may have to break down and buy another kit, but I keep hoping that I'll find my first one, or someone will produce a better model!
  23. The 1/72 Regult was originally Imai and the Glaug was Arii. As a kid, I remember thinking that it was strange that they were made by different companies. I guess I wasn't sure why one of them hadn't decided to make both. Maybe there was an intentional split of the licensing so that one company wouldn't have the monopoly on the "pods." I bought the Regult off eBay about a decade ago but now can't find it for some reason (moved about 5 times since then). I've never seen the Glaug in person - they were always too expensive on eBay - but have heard it is undersized (more like 1/100).
  24. It would really be great if someone would produce new, quality, detailed models of the Regult (all four versions) and Glaug in 1/72, hopefully a little larger than the Bandai and Imai versions. I'm sure that we'd all buy a bunch of them. The Regult seems like a great opportunity for Wave to do something like they did with their Destroids - common parts in all four kits (even if it's only the legs for the Scout) with just the addition of specific parts for each variant.
  25. Yeah... I hope that's some sort of artist's rendering of the concept or something. I know models go through a series of refinements. Hopefully they'll release more info in the near future.
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