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Posts posted by KingNor

  1. i'm very unimpressed with my getter and dougram, after they sat for about 3 months i decided to open them.

    their poseability is a joke compaired to the eva's, and its all becaues they sacraficed range of motion for that stupid big nut pose. I won't be getting anymore non-eva revoltechs (also the actual revoltech joint count on the non-eva's was too low for my likeing)

  2. Anyone who doesn't see that the X-02 is obviously a YF-23 is an idiot, and i mean that in the harshest possible way.

    or... possibly not very familiar with the newest fighter planes...

    never mistake personal knowledge for common knowledge.

  3. Yes, and there is a variable Glaug out there.

    I'm just curious what a variable ED209 would look like.


    please no more.. first the monster now this. I respected macross BECAUSE not every mech in the show transformed for no reason. I sincerely hope this is not cannon or I might just swear off macross for ever.

    as for ed, thats a sexy beast.

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