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Posts posted by KingNor

  1. two things to consider:

    1) you're compairing full screen ps2 and wii pics with a 4 player split screen.

    2) wii isn't so much about visuals, maybe the game is still tons of fun!!

    there is way more to games than graphics, especially when it's a racing game.

    given that, the ubisoft racer looks pretty rough.

  2. Imdb is indeed not my friend in this case, since it does little more than give me the title of the movie (which i already knew) and a few tid bits about who was in it and made it.

    note that the quote section is also specifically greyed out and not clickable.

    I also already looked on netflix, no dice there either.

  3. I just watched a segment of a show on KQED (PBS)'s Masterpiece Theater, the program they were showing was called Voyage to the End of the Earth.

    Does anyone have this on DVD or have access to a version they could thumb through for me, there was a line that I liked but didn't have time to jot down. I'd much appreciate it.

    (I know this is a long shot :-) )

  4. sorry to hijack the thread even more...

    I always thought the right way to do a Macross game would be as a First Person Shooter. Like say BattleField.

    You play most of the time as a Batroid, but when you need to you can turn into a Gerwalk to hover and do Gerwalky stuff (sort of like the helicopters in BF) and turn into a jet when you need to dog fight and fly around. (just like using a jet).

    You'd basicly be 3 vehicles in one.

    Most macross games i feel miss the mark by makeing a flight game where.. for some reason.. you turn into a robot. the robot is always crap at flying and there is very little for it to do.

  5. Well for anyone who's intrested the game is on location here:

    George and Waltz

    5445 College Ave

    Oakland, CA 94618

    (510) 653-7441

    For beta-testing.

    If anyone is in the area you should check it out, I'd love to hear what you guys think of it. :-)

  6. I had a batty of a time with that level, the one that made me stop playing was the one where you escort a cats eye. the game actually used the limits of your visible area to spawn in more enemys ie: theyd spawn in, sometimes right next to you, and always just out of view.

    very frustraiting.

    to answer your question though all i remember is that there was some kind of trick, like doing barrol rolls or somethign that would help you avoid the missle barrages', i dont 'remember exactly what it was though.

  7. I'm sorry you feel that way, but I find it kinda funny that you say that when they are pretty much the most dynamic and posable (not to mention affordable!) versions of those characters ever released.

    the careful reader will note i didn't compair them to any other versions from the dougram line, compaired to the EVANGELIONS in the revoltech line, the dougrams are weak pose-wise.

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