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Posts posted by KingNor

  1. Now where's the MP Megatron/Galvatron?

    I'd like to reiterate that Megatron should hopefully an artillery piece like the M155 and a "primitive" aka "modern" Galvatron. The whole Transformer sized Megatron gun was almost as silly as the human-sized one considering he was Prime-sized in bot mode.

    well seems like the whole point of the MP line up is to recreate the G1 toys and make them look like the show. changing an autobots "vehicle" mode from a pistol to a howitzer is kind of a big change.

    You don't want MP megatron to transform into a gun you can use to cap your buddies?

  2. Photos of grey rant: Grey will drive photo-developers (and cameras) nuts, they always try to color-correct one way or the other, especially when the sky is visible--they'll tend to try to make the sky "look right"---which will often tint the whole exposure bluish or greenish. Early F-15 pics suffer from that tremendously, as they try to take out the blue, because they think the planes are supposed to be grey in a blue sky--but everything looks too blue. Except that, early F-15's WERE blue, and they flew in California in the summer, in incredibly super-blue skies. So a lot of early F-15 pics look they're in "normal" blue skies with grey paint, instead of the super-rich blue skies with blue paint they actually were. They "corrected" the exposure, but actually made it wrong. Same thing happens with ship photos all the time---taking "neutral" pics and trying to match the greenish Atlantic, or taking blue out from Caribbean pics----which will really mess with the grey color of the ship.

    arrg you broke my brain...

    soo... no green strike eagles... well that sucks i guess i don't like the green again...

    but all difrences aside, i dont' want to take away from peoples enjoyment. this is still an amazing peice of actionfigure technologie, i wish everyone and their decepticon well :-)

  3. For all the problems I had with the toy, color wasn't the biggest one. It's 'real enough' to me. Any more 'real' it would be an Alternator, I guess. Besides, the original Strike Eagles did come in 'Lizard Green' paint scheme. In the right skies, it'll look 'blue-green' too. (See pic.)

    At the end of it... haters just keep your fingers crossed and wait for the Hasbro edition, though chances are the hip-kibble's here to stay. Nothing else is gonna happen from Takara except more repaints.

    thanks for mentioning the strike eagles, i looked them up, they are indeed quite a nasty green almost identical to starscreams green:

    IPB Image

    I'll give them lots of credit for matching that color. though still i have a big problem with t hem not going for realism nor show accuracy with enough confidence.. in real life no one would mistake starscreams multi-color paintjob for a strike eagle:

    IPB Image

    (though atleast it has some real life redeeming value)

    But then there is some internal inconsistency in the MP line up.. (i didn't know this untill just now) but MP prime has a panel with starscream on it:

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    which is clearly the tv colors.. yet ...

    IPB Image

    Anyway though.. the strike eagles are quite a good arguement for why he's the green he is. personally i've seen far more grey f-15's than green, and i'd rather have seen SS in his more traditional colors :-(

  4. If you painted a toy car red, would that make it fit in more as a real car than if you painted it in it's original purple and orange polka dot cartoon scheme, even though red isn't one of the factory options?

    Well that's sort of my point...

    the green paint isn't bad and if you like it, good for you. but i'm simply saying it doesn't make the thing more realistic.

    paint it what ever color you want.

    my problem is that STARSCREAM was never green. he's always been grey with red and blue trim. this is a toy of starscream. the toy is green for some reason. and the reason is decidedly NOT to make the f-15 more realisitic. I just wish people would stop saying things like "i like the green color, it makes the f-15 more realistic than if it had been grey"

    the green color does NOT make the jet mode more realistic. at the same time it doe NOT make it LESS realistic either. it's the same level of un-realistic, with none of the faithfulness to the show or G1 toy.

    that is my problem with the green. (that and personally i just think its ugly, but that is just opinion)

  5. I rather like the fact that it fits in more as a "real" jet with the paintscheme than the original scheme does (what I always thought the intended purpose should be),

    thats what i don't understand...

    the green paint is in no way "real". no f-15's are painted like that. the green and red is 100% just as wrong as the tv or G1 paintjob.

    the only thing the paintjob has done is make it less like the g1 figure while doing not a single thing to make the plane more real. there is nothing more realistic about the plane being a dark blue-green as opposed to light grey.

    I mean can you really say that this green looks more realistic than the grey featured in either the cartoon or g1 figure??


  6. jenius, we could definately run those games, but we need to get licensing to use these "thrid party games." In time i am sure the star trek and indiana jones games will be something we'll go after. (thats more the buisness end, i'm more of just an artist)

    I'll ask on monday which third party games we're shooting for first though.

    Hiriyu: This thing is being designed for the arcade and there isn't a home version yet, though at some point an updated verson of our VP engine (with lots of improvements) will be released from GVR (thats where i work "Global VR"). That will be free but won't support our tilting function (which is uber cool) and won't be able to run our commercial versions of the tables, you'd have to create or download versions that fans have made.

    You can get more info at www.vpforums.com if you want, we've been working pretty close with those guys. (do a search for "UltraPin")

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