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Posts posted by KingNor

  1. This one is SO right up my alley (as the MW AR15 expert)... heh...

    The original M16 was being field tested in the early 60's and was approved for service use in 1963. It began to be issued in large numbers to combat troops in late 1964, starting with the elite troops first such as Hal Moore's Airborne brigades that took part in the LZ X-Ray battle in the movie. The movie takes place in November 1965, the M16 was in full field issue for almost a year at that point but it was still very "new" and a lot of troops like the grizzled old Master Sergent had grave misgivings about the weapons which were in Hal Moore's book thus they appear in the movie.

    However you are correct that the M14 was still in field use at the time, notably with the Marines who only grudgingly adopted it by 1966.

    ... now back to the Spartans with their privative spears and swords. :ph34r:

    I stand corrected sir. :unsure:

    you know, reguarding spartan gear, i know it's not movie related but i've been looking for an authentic real spartan helmet, since there seems to be so much variation. you guys know where someone could find a pic of a authentic spartan helm?

  2. A recent "historically accurate" movie I remember is "We Were Soldiers", another Mel Gibson joint. That movie was very accurate. In fact, about the only inaccuracy it had was that it stopped telling the story of LZ X-Ray too early and omitted the whole "ending". But it was pretty darn accurate up to that point and portrayed both sides in the conflict as human. It did pretty good at the box office as well, with a production budget of $70mil it grossed over $120mil worldwide.

    except the m-16 wasn't in action yet. odd since they go out of their way to talk about it. i beleive at the time of that battle they would have been using m-14's but i'm probably wrong.

  3. Which movies would those have been?

    well.. I'm sure we all know about the historical train wreck that is Braveheart. They almost comically got every aspect of that story wrong. Like Robert the Bruce being a young boy at Wallaces death, Wallace spending most of the wars in Europe looking for support, Wallace being very well known for his big manly beard, the kilt not being used yet, the there isn't even a hint historically that the kings son was gay, Wallace is NOT the father of Edward III, the first big battle "at Sterling" being historically known as "the Battle at STERLING BRIDGE" and taking place on a fking bridge.

    anyway that's Braveheart and its an easy mark

    Another good example and also another MelMovie is the Patriot, i don't know the inaccuracies as well but they're numerous and glaring.

    U-571: the british captured an enigma machine, not the americans.

    Gladiator: /laugh

    Pearl Harbor: the p-40 "heroic" battle is pretty silly and seemed to want to attribute a good amount of the 29 kills to these two pilots, iirc it's unlikely any of the fighters that launched shot down any zeros or bombers, and it was ground fire that did most of the killing. I could be wrong though. Various other things. And cuba should have had a bigger part.

    Finding Neverland , Enemy At the Gates, Master and Commander..

    Anyway Hollywood has a bad track record with historical accuracy, and the worst part is how convincingly they can portray INaccuracy. Just read up on a few of these movies and the events the portray. And i'm not even going to get into the issues i have when Hollywood tries to depict science.

    ALL OF THAT SAID... a good actually histiorically somewhat accurate depiction of 300 would still interest me a great deal, like i said also, even if it was just a documentary or something but with a good budget and battle scenes.

  4. you guys are nuts, as if any of you could resist piloting a transforming jet-bot. There isn't much that could hold me back from that.

    As for me i have a theory about Destroids:

    They didn't show them much because if they did.. they'd steal the show, what with all the ass kicking that they do. Especially the [robotech] gladiator [/robotech] and their big bear claws, i could watch a episode or two about them ripping up enemy mechs and pulling off zentradi arms! Toss the body up and let a [robotech] Excalibur [/robotech] shoot it full of holes, then send it back to mommy via the monsters main guns.

  5. No more savage or brutal than modern warfare, and in many ways far less so. But one thing it was is personal. Aside from archers loosing arrows from a distance, ancient warfare was an in-you-face affair where you could smell your opponent's breath, hear his gurgling scream as he was hacked by your blade, and see him lose his bowels in front of you. It must have been far more terrifying to both the vanquished and the victor than shooting somebody with a high powered weapon from 100 yards away, or dropping bombs and artillery.

    Thats what i'm getting at, those old battles were just a writhing sea of death and dismemberment. Todays wars create some pretty nasty aftereffects, but i can't even imagine the spectacle of watching thousands of men hack each other to peices. I try to imagine it and it's just too unreal, i can't really perceive it as something that actually happend.

  6. I heard somewhere that Vince Vaughn wants to be RacerX in the film. Interesting.

    good for him, does he realize he's never done anything in his life to make him the racerX type?

    Maybe he and will ferrel can be in it together and do lots of gay jokes and run around in their underpants!

    It'd be rad too if the chimp is done in really obvious 3d so that audiences can say "man those CG's were really cool looking, didja see those CGs?"


  7. so apparantly, pgis were doused in oil, set aflame and set off running towards the elephants who would go all nuts from the sight and sound of burning squealing piggies.

    ...that is so many things at once....

    It seems like any elephant that made it to europe to fight was probably not in top condition, they'd probably be freezing cold, uncomfortable and very poorly tempered. I don't know what the weather is like in greece but i'm assuming that even hot days in europe arn't quite the africa that elephants are used to.

  8. Can a Spartan Phalanx stop a war elephant charge? Esp. when they were not using those later 'deluxe length' spears?

    Actually, if I was facing a non-moving phalanx wall (who can't move up and attack since they were guarding a narrow pass), I think 'battering rams' (or just long tree trunks) would be a good idea. One smash and the arm holding the shield is in for some bruising.

    Remember that all of 300 is being told by the Spartan with one eye who was sent back to tell a grand tale. according to real life accounts there were no elephants, and even if there had been, according to the story they slipped on all the dead bodies and fell.

  9. We are talking about a movie and whether we liked it or hated it. Let's keep it at that, shall we?

    Personally I would have really liked to see some more Phalanx formations and less "thrilling heroics" since i remember a very interesting story from years ago about a king who captured dozens of spartans and wished to see their "superior" fighting.

    So he set them to battle one on one with other captured soldiers. and the spartans complained that in one on one they were just men battling each other, so the king let them fight as a unit and they were basicly un beatable.

    While i really loved the movie, and it put so much emphasis on SPARTANS, i wish this one aspect was given more promonance.

    I wish i could remember where i heard that story, i think it was on one of the learning channels but it really was years and years ago.

  10. .. I'm sure that scene itself was funded by the republican party.. it's sad that our goverment try to sent us (citizen) message through our movies.. it's just my 2 cens.

    Show some evidence of this BS or get out, i've got no time for political conjecture in a movie thread. It's possible some film makers have a different political opinion than you, you know.

    Anyway I thought this movie was great, it wasn't historically accurate at all but unlike a movie like say.. Braveheart.. it doesn't try at ALL to seem historical. It's like watching a movie of a folk tale the way it would have been told in those times. I loved it.

  11. i really don't see where they are going with this. not just this chibi thing but the whole plan of expanding on the Eva mythos.

    There doesn't seem to be much wiggle room with out hoping into some alternate universe OR locking down a very "interpet it how you want" ending into something specific (which would bug me quite a bit)

    i keep hearing people say that one of the movies is going to take place in shinji's alternate world he saw at the end of the series where rei is a new girl and he, asuka and all the rest are friends in school. perhaps this is what the chibi stuff is for.

    Also that ugly pink clad unit 01 keeps showing up. I think it was for a game, but i'm not so convinced it wont' be in an upcoming show.

    The most jarring thing about all this is that it's so unoriginal. What i've always liked about Gainax is how the next project is totally out there but NOTHING like their last project. This is a very odd step for them to be taking IMHO.

  12. That's true of the current prototype, but at the end of the video it is stated that a future version, in the works, will be designed for extended endurance and take offs. That will be beyond incredible, specially considering that what is shown on the clip is already spellbinding.

    the fact you need to launch from the air doesn't even bother me, if they could get the flight time up to about 30 mins or so then this thing would be a easy sell.

    vertical take off would be cool though, imagine dropping these to downed pilots in the brush, they could launch and fly to safety.

  13. I thought Dafoe was a great choice also, I just don't understand why they hid his face under that non-expressive mask when his natural features are already goblin like

    I really dug his performance with the mirror in the first spiderman, totally blew those stupid golum scenes out of the water. It's too bad his character was neutered by having that stupid green powerranger suit.

  14. If you click the link below the big bold heading, it goes to a text list of links for toys w/ English heads for some... I beleive there's more there than there are thumbnails... he takes amaizng and helpful pics. And TOP takes you to his front page of latest toys...

    I see no big bold heading with anything to click on underneath.

  15. I play on Burning Legion, name is Barasil, lvl64 Tauren Hunter. My guild is called Pants.

    I've been taking it very slow with the BC expansion, reading all the quests carefully, and completeing and ENTIRE zone before moving on. The game is much more enjoyable that way.

  16. i dont' see why the production eva's need two variants. wings, blade weapon, 3 heads, lance. that's not too much for one box.

    All i really want is each unit to have wings and their big blade weapon, i could actually do with out the lance.

    man... are they going to show which version comes with what?

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