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Posts posted by NZEOD

  1. Getting more balanced lighting now.

    Note how the stern lights are dim, that's from so-called colored fiber. Doesn't work. Need to stick with clear fiber.

    It looks fine. Mix the coloured with standard and you'll get a more realistic look. Not every view port will be as bright that way.

  2. Hahah space is SUPER tight inside the Defender now!! I've dremeled as much as I dare of excess material out of the inside of the body and still have to switch from $3.95USD micro servos to $30USD digital Sub micro servos just to get the servo heights to under 18mm.

    So now I have a 6mm motor driving the radar at the rear in continuous rotation at 100rpm, the same style motors, one in each arm spinning the Vulcans at 1000rpm, the Hitech HS5035HD Nano servo driving the torso rotation leaving the issue of the arm raising and lowering to solve...

    Probably with another nano servo ... somehow...



    That servo is as of right now, THE ABSOLUTE smallest servo you can buy off the shelf.

    Digital servos are more convenient for Arduino programming and control that conventional analog ones and you can set end points and soft starts (so it doesnt jerk into motion but it more human in movement) as well as the speed it moves and flash those parameters to the servo with a PC.

    The next major hurdle is the wiring. Using ribbon cable I would need to route it though the legs and into the chest. THis will be... interesting... to achieve at the leg to hip joint as its exposed and then up into the upper torso while still allowing the torso to twist 90° to 120°.... the alternative is to run enameled wire instead but the digital servos will be power hungry so the bigger the gauge wire the better. THe single strand enameled wires could then be spun in a drill to make into a braid and then not be so noticable BUT... will be a nightmare to match up.

    I need:

    2 wires to the radar motor

    2 wires to the left weapon

    2 wires to the right weapon

    3 wires to the torso twist servo

    3 wires to the arm servo or 6 if I run one servo per arm

    3 wires for the chest floodlights

    2 wires for the arm weapon targetting LEDs (these can be daisy chained)

    So 17 to 20 wires...

    in each foot I have a 10pin connector to jack into the Diorama base to power everything. 10 wires up each leg is the goal.

  3. Amazingly simple system too. All cam driven bolt locking, Firing pin unlocking and extraction. So in theory you could fire one by hand just by rotating the barrel.

    Barrels on the Master Models one are not drilled out. So no firing lighting effect for now. Also they aren't very long at 39mm. Defender Mk X twin cannons are 60mm long so I'm hoping thiese smaller Rotary cannons will still have "Stage Presence" and wow factor.

    Really good customer service as I sent some questions in to them yesterday and had all the answers from them in Poland sitting in my email this morning!

  4. I have too many projects now... 4 carrier deck Valk dioramas, 3 street fight dioramas

    Found the right motor to spin the vulcans... The GH6122S will spin them at about 1172rpm



    The GS6321S-10 will do the Radar at about 60rpm

    Just need to work out the servos or stepper motors for the arm lifting and how that will work and one got the torso twist.

    For the barrels I found these....



    And even though everything in Macross uses caseless there is something about a sea of spent cartridges at the Defenders feet that yells "GET SOME!!" so I found these!



  5. Had some fun last night hollowing out the Defenders Chest cavity of all the mount points and bracing it no longer needs with a dremel.

    Points to note with a Dremel...

    1. clean the bit off often, a build up of melted plastic can cause havoc. Just use a small pair of pliers to run lightly against the bit shaft to shave off the collected material.

    2. WATCH THE DREMEL CHUCK!! while you are busy shaving away inside your item, the chuck could be unknowingly up against the model melting it down to slag while its spinning at high speed!!

    While planning for the motors I looked at the weapon arms to plan out the XV models 35mm Gatling system. I need to be able to fit a 20mm long (max) motor inside that will direct drive the centre shaft of the 6 barrel assembly with enough room left in the arm to fit two bearings per arm to carry the weight and spin the barrels at 1000 rpm and still have room to run a fibre optic line to the top breech area to light up the barrels as they spin past that point to simulate firing.

    Nothing like a challenge....

  6. We just had Waitangi day, a National Long Weekend so between Motox, renovations, friends rolling utes on the highway and finding time to plan out the wiring on the Defender I built a new spray booth out of left over scrap.

    Just needs the light bar bolted on, the filter element inseted and an extractor fan fitted and its done.

    Thought about using a car Aircon blower...



    The Filter element holders slide out of the ali channels, the foam is place/sandwiched between the two window panels and and the assembly is slid back into place. Simple and easy to change.


    The only reason its V Groove is thats the paneling I had laying about from the renos.

    My oddball 1½ yr old Jackson seems to enjoy crawling inside it when ever my back is turns and hes loose in the Garage of Horrors.

  7. Working on the Wave Defender and trying to determine how to cram in all the wiring, LEDs, Fibre optics and servos when I noticed the Radar can spin.

    So the question is... does it actually spin or rotate in search mode like a Marine radar?

    If it does I'll definitely be adding that feature.

  8. Next question... after priming the Defender and looking at how and where I'm fitting in the servos I noticed the radar can be rotated 360°... so my question is... is the radar MEANT to rotate while in operation/search mode? If so I'm looking at making a drive motor so this spins as well

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