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Posts posted by NZEOD

  1. Need some advise on how to damage the outside of a Walthers Apartment Block building. Its Styrene with a Slab Concrete and Brickwork patterned exterior and Black Ali window frames.

    I've gone down the route of building it and painting it complete then going back and damaging the parts that need it.

    The type of damage will be from a VF-1 lending against it. A foot taking out the foyer doors and cracking the pavement, the shoulder and remaining Fast pack scraping the walls a few floors up and the hand gripping a brickwork corner.

    Anyone tried this before?

    Guessing the glass will need to be blown out on the foyer and maybe the windows behind the booster and shoulder and some fallen brickwork on the pavement.

    Wondering if the windows on the side facing the street where the booster was blown off need to be blown out and curtains fluttering. The attack will be from a 120mm HEAT round or a LAHAT Tandem charge ATGM fired from a Merkava. So there would be some blast but most of it would have been directional down the street.

    I've already chewed up the head laser, shoulder sensor and top portion of the FAST Pack and the FAST back will have a small fire burning in its remains. The Valk has a scorched head and shoulder.

    Dremel the building face? open a wall to the room behind? I have a bent street light and damaged car that the Valk stepped/stumbled over

  2. The gear on the EA-18G Growler is pretty top notch and covers about everything at its time of release. One thing that would be interesting, aside from holding an unplugged Fluro tube in your hand and having it light up like a lightsaber near a Growler, would be to see just how much radiation the crew is absorbing while its in use.

    The Black Box I carry when working on IEDs is pretty scary in its output. Glad I have all the kids I want already.

    Good article on the Job of a Warfare Officer


    Love the comments on trying to keep up with Brit Tornados and being left in the dust at 200ft and 1000kph or so...

  3. You just need the Google Translate app in a smart phone and it reads it as the camara looks at it. Point your phones camera at the image on the PC screen and tell it to look for Russian. Then just highlight each line of text the app picks up for an instant and surprisingly accurate translation!

    The results will be identical to whats been posted above. Useful for our model instructions too. Wish they had this built into an EoTech unit, would have been useful in Afghanistan!

    To wire one up there are two wires going from small poles/posts to each end of the "flashtube" or bulb (actually a gas chamber). These are the ignitor wires. Extend these wires from the circuit board to the tube and you're good to go. Just remember its 240v/110v you're messing with.

    Also there is no plastic sheath that hes built. He means the actual bulb, guessing in Russia the bulbs are plastic, in NZ they are glass.

    Smallest Bulb size I've found so far...


  4. Dont forget all ground based military models are most common in 1/35... yet another scale!

    Atleast in 1/35 we could add Battroids and Gerwalks and even parked or crashed Fighters to our displays with ground forces!

    but no....

    I've been having a nightmare time sourcing civilians in 1/72 - 20mm scale for mt city scenes to go with the Hasegawa and Wave kits. There is plenty of HO and OO scale train stuff but thats actually 1/87 and 1/76 scale!!! And NOOOOOO one makes 1/72 running, panicing and fleeing civilians! Not even Shapeways.

  5. That's looking pretty sweet. That's how I do hard-edged camouflage and masking - built myself a Tamiya tape layout on some glass, draw on the patterns and cut out patterns with a fresh blade.

    That APC has the near Future "macross-ish" look to it. Well done. Can't wait to see how it turns out.


    I had a photo of an actual Swedish CV9040 under the panel and layed it on a light box to trace out the patterns.

    I chose the GtK for the fact it WAS different looking and because at minimum its armed with a Mk19. To pods and 10m troops I figured the more bang for buck the better. MK19 Hi Velocity HEDP seems a better option to 12.7mm ball rounds from an M2 for knocking them down so thats my thinking for the City Scenes and how everything will be armed. Mostly Mk19s, M203s, Barretts, Autocannons and ATGMs. Not so much main tank guns as they firstly wouldnt be able to track a hi speed target with one and second hitting a soft organic body would not initiate the fuse although airbursting Proximity would be messy, but thats useless within a friendly urban area, as even firing one past a building or ridge sets them off. Seen one fail and detonate a round 68m down range of a 105 field gun because of a ridge radar shadow. That was a fun day seaching a 1km grid square with metal detectors looking for the pieces and the fuze to conduct the investigation!

  6. haha my thread has achieved its goal...

    Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

    Instead of wire use a clear acrylic rod hidden within the "dust" to hold the model but spray it matt so it doesnt reflect light to help it disappear within the cotton.

    Gerwalk jetting over the desert? Or over the water?

    Actually.... an awesome display would be a VF-0 Gerwalk racing low over the water with two F/A18s or F14s in chase formation evaluating the Phoenix. All 3 kicking up spray tails.

    Another would be an SV-51 emerging from the sea abit like the image below...


  7. Gives you something to think about doesnt it... all well and good doing a static model display but what if you could do it in such away the viewer is mentally filling in the next few moments of whats happening...

    Displays should tell a story or a moment in time. An interesting one that makes you start thinking and going off on tangents.

    That desert Recon scene has me reliving my days on a deployment and having to design a crash course in off road riding to the Recon elements of 1RNZIR when we were issued KLR350s and Quads to use. A couple of Irish Rangers came along with us and they had DR400s which is that bike in the image. My only qualification for do this being I was an A grade Motocross Racer... probably the worst person to be teaching anyone SAFE riding techniques. Definitely alot of airtime on the course and thats a bad thing with all the extra gear we carry on them!

  8. yep... thats what I'm thinking...

    Impacts on a wall... a collapsing wall caught the moment of detonation... a burning building interior... A beam cannon scar along a roadway up to the feet of a destroid with still glowing edges?.... so many ideas forming.

    That White Phos one is pretty dynamic too!

  9. Those things are great for stacking and burying underground in sets to make large (1000L - 5000L) hidden water storage units. I use them to supply my ponds and streams.

    Bread trays and Milk bottle crates.



    Random bit of info for the day. Breaks over, back to your SDF1 project.

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