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Everything posted by CharlesXavier

  1. Thanks for the heads up on AE. Communication can be terrible but at least they fulfilled their orders. Any past cases where they did refunds? And it seems NY is very responsive to give refunds on the 31A. Not an optimistic trend. I believe NY used their staff's accounts to buy TWEs. And far as I know, Bandai recognizes different IDs as different accounts even if address is the same. Validated with my experience of using a Japanese husband and wife proxy. So in this case NY can just have the TWEs sent directly to them without having to hide that they are distributors/resellers.
  2. no news from them to me. maybe they are doing stocktaking and we will receive delivery emails over the next 2 days. just trying to add some optimism to this depressing topic. likewise i am done with NY for TWE after the 31C fast packs which I already PO and paid for before this fiasco. AE's got my business moving forward.
  3. Right on. What we love can be something that is common and affordable while something premium and rare may not be what we appreciate. The 31A is probably the closest to a realistic modern day fighter plane that we can get from the delta series. to me it's on par with the YF-29 Ozma.
  4. The kairos fiasco caught everyone by surprise. It was supposed to be a regular TWE that no one should have any problem getting. It's not even 1 of those lucky draw or 2 per account limited item. Hence scalping doesn't apply here cos in order to scalp you have to buy off huge quantities of an item that is not widely available at the point of release. The 31A was made to order. Everyone had the chance to buy as many as they wanted during the PO window. No one is depriving any one of it. Rightfully the 31A should be in abundance everywhere at this point. But somehow some of our Japanese web stores literally failed us. And now the prices shot up like crazy.
  5. For me paying an insane price is better than waiting insanely for NY to send my PO to me. I probably won't email another chaser to them till nearing the payment date for my Hi-metal 1A, of which I might just let it lapse
  6. Yes I got mine from Robo Robo just before he increased the price. It's now SGD600 (USD460).
  7. Most QCs are relatively mild. Unless it’s wrong parts or broken parts straight off the box, bandai does not entertain any replacement or exchange. It’s stated clearly in their Website that minor paint differences are expected. The Japanese had no issues getting their stocks. The Hong Kong resellers had no problem getting all their PO from their Japanese proxies. The signs are pointing that this is a likely scenario that the likes of MY, NN and NY messed up. If we still don’t hear anything from NY by end of this week, it’s pretty much a gone case. And I think NY may go around sending emails to offer store credits in lieu of the PO.
  8. Oh yes you are right. Seems 2 weeks to me cos I only started getting frustrated in the last 2 weeks. Glad I put it behind me now.
  9. Already 2 weeks past the official release date and NY is the only online store still holding on to its POs. Honestly I’m not that optimistic. Hence I took the leap to buy it at USD418. If it pops up again at mandarake at 35k Yen I will buy it without a moment of hesitation. But I still hope NY gives us good news on Monday by starting to ship out or at least processing all of their pending 31A orders
  10. Totally feel you. Mines still in the box. Guess I will only open it when I get a 2nd piece
  11. There is no concrete evidence that Bandai is disallowing japanese webshops from selling these. As far as I know, all web orders for the 31A were fulfilled. So whatever theory about bandai cutting stock of webshops is nonsense. Webshops buy TWEs the same way every other Japanese does via the TW website. Bandai doesn't care who orders their TWEs. As long as you pay, they deliver. What you do with them they don't care. They earned their margin and that's that. Bandai could cut stock of Ami Ami, HLJ, NY, AE etc for regular releases but never for TWEs. Aside, the local shop is in "The Aldelphi" level 3. Tell the male boss CharlesXavier recommended you. He might be a bit merciful on the price. MIGHT.
  12. I will grab another 1 if a 35k yen piece pops up. This seems to be the cheapest price now.
  13. Singapore. We have quite a number of toy shops here, not as many as Hong Kong or Japan though. There is only 1 shop left with the 31A now, so I am not taking any further chances or risk. The only other Singapore member who got his piece was Recon. But I believe there should be more. And again, I believe the delivery sequence is random but likely for single pieces first.
  14. Just bit the bullet and bought 1 piece at USD418 from a local shop. End my frustration of waiting from NY. If NY delivers my PO then I’ll sell off this piece. Else I’m getting my $ back from them.
  15. I started way too late to catch any good deals for the 25G. But I made up for it with the profit of the spare 25S reissue I sold. So more or less after profits my 25G cost the PO price. Grateful enough
  16. Not impossible for bandai to do a 31A with fast pack full package if they pick up the huge popularity of the 31A. These days bandai reissues whatever has huge demand or insane after market prices just look at shf dragon ball figures. Normal goku, Super saiyan vegeta, trunks, SS3 goku, cell and freeza became so expensive. Few years later, bandai reissues the “premium” color edition of the above figures. And more recently normal goku is released as a regular release at a low price point and with more facial expressions. What happens to the insane prices of those highly sought after figure? Almost instant plunge. The only piece which I thought bandai would reissue but never got to it, was the VF-25G renewal. I got into Macross F late but was lucky to get alto and Ozma cheap cos of the reissues. Paid premium for 25G but beats having to pay the $500 premium price for the original Ozma renewal.
  17. Yes they rarely do straight reissues. But they love to change the markings and “reissue” it as a “new” release.
  18. They have issued a few as part of their anniversary offer. Items I can recall are metal build avalanche special pack metal build avalanche add on parts SIC Gatagiriba no Macross so far as I can recall
  19. You can have multiple accounts with the same address. This I can confirm. I have a Japanese contact who could order above the 1-2 limit of very exclusive items for me because he and his wife both have accounts. I engaged him less because he kept increasing his commission from 10% to 15% and then 20%. That’s when I stopped using him for regular items and only engaged him for those lucky draw items. Sadly both his accounts didn’t get the lottery for the 31J Kai and I had to buy it off YJP
  20. I feel 2, 3 and 4 are the most likely scenario. NY is notorious for putting up popular items at premium prices but only after they fulfilled their POs. I only hope they still uphold their principle to honor all POs before pulling the mark up stunt
  21. I can’t speak for bandai outside of Asia or japan but I can confidently tell you that bandai doesn’t care about the after market prices or demand of their TWE items. They have only one target for whatever TWE they put up. That is to generate the most sales out of it since they get the greatest margin from selling these TWEs. Heck if the item is so hot, they will open 2 or 3 POs with staggered release dates to maximize their profits for the item. Bandai earns that xx% margin and that’s all they care about. NY or anyone can buy as many as they want and resell as high as they want. Bandai doesn’t care. And perhaps if it’s so shortchanged the Japanese customers will ask for a rerun and bandai may just do it.
  22. I am in Asia but yet to receive any updates on my order paid on 26 Oct. So the orders are not filled by geography. I have decided to go get 1 piece from YJP in case NY doesn't fulfill my orders. Then I can put this matter to rest. And if luck has it that I get my orders from NY, I will sell my spares at the going price to even out the cost of the piece I bought from YJP.
  23. Wow that's a "nice" threat. Instead of trying to remedy the situation, they chose to "punish" the customer instead.
  24. It would be a lot more assuring if they changed "didn't receive all of our stocks" to "haven't receive all of our stocks" The former is just grey whether we will get our PO fulfilled. For the latter, at least we know we will get it eventually.
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