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Posts posted by Dobber

  1. 8 hours ago, sqidd said:

    I'm in.

    Skarsgard is juiced to the gills.šŸ˜²

    That would be fun. If I remember correctly Eric's father was killed by werewolves though wasn't be? Or at least another vampire that had werewolves working for him?


    Itā€™s been so long I donā€™t remember. Ā I just remember his name and vague history. True Blood started good, but like many HBO shows, quickly went down-hill for me. To the point that I couldnā€™t watch it anymore.Ā 


  2. I really like Henry Cavill. He has some interesting insights into how he played Geralt in both season 1 and 2, along with his other roles, in this video. I had no idea he was in Count of Monte Cristo either! Always fun seeing things like that from older movies you enjoyed.



  3. 4 hours ago, M'Kyuun said:

    Just watched the first ep, and gotta agree with all the good things being said.Ā  Very well written and acted. The movements of the characters are so fluid and lifelike, and yeah, even the facial animations are incredibly well captured. Too, as a world building show, the steampunk direction is beautifully captured as well.Ā  Like just about everyone else here, I have no familiarity with the League of Legends game that inspired it, but if the game was anywhere near this good, I think I'm missing out.Ā  Looking forward to watching the rest.

    Take note Netflix: more like this.

    First 2 episodes are good and setting the plate so to speak, then episode 3 sets the hookā€¦..hard. If you like the facial animation and voice actingā€¦..just wait. ;)

    For me, the shows animation looks like an ā€œArt of (insert whatever series)ā€ book come to life. Simply amazing. It rides the edge of the uncanny valley beautifully.


  4. I just made a post the other day in the General TV thread about this show. I found it AMAZING. I know nothing about League of Legends either. Animation is amazing as was mentioned above and the story takes its time to build and characters are developed so well. So very happy itā€™s getting a second season.


  5. Just finished Ep. 6 of 9 of Arcane on Netflix. HOLY CRAP! This is an AMAZING series. Not only is the animation gorgeous but the story is so well done and mature. Ā The first season is essentially broken into 3 parts of 3 40 min episodesā€¦so essentially a trilogy. Well thought out and fleshed out characters really make you care. The first episode had me interested which continued well in ep 2. Episode 3 thoughā€¦..damn did it hook me and it just keeps getting better and better. I canā€™t recommend it enough. I know NOTHING about League of Legends which is yet another thing this show does so well. It tells a story without relying on prior knowledge of the franchise.Ā 

    Seriously, look at reviews for this show, it is a masterpiece. If you havenā€™t seen it please give it a try. Thankfully I see it has been renewed for a second season too.


  6. Just saw Ghostbusters Afterlife last night. I LOVED it! I really like all the new characters too, especially Phoebe. She reminds me so much of daughter it is scary. I had no problem with the nods to the old movie whatsoever which seems to be the main ā€œcomplaintā€ of many reviewers and the cameo at the end was touching to meā€¦screw you slashfilms reviewer. Really hope they make more as the post credit scene seemed to imply.


  7. I really want to applaud most everyone hear who as replied and remained civil and open minded to differing points of view, while calmly and patiently explaining the context from which they and the story are coming from. As was written above, I too can understand where Squidd is coming from. Itā€™s one of the problems when we are told to be aware and more sensitive to whatever issue one side is for; ieĀ Race/gender/sexuality/religion whatever. People will then do just that but it wonā€™t always go in the direction people would want/expect. Like Squidd said the hypocrisy of the argument or stanceā€¦..but also as others have said the story was written some time ago and has a reasoning behind it. Though the timing of making a show with this kind of story in our more hyper-aware times can lead to it seeming like it is trying to make a political statement. Even if it wasnā€™t the intention..I dunno. Just my 2 cents.

    All that said I havenā€™t seen this yet and not sure if I will watch. Some friends have watched it and said it is pretty roughā€¦.not politically or anythingā€¦just the production values and such arenā€™t that great. That the quality of the show is only so so.


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