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Posts posted by Dobber

  1. I love that it is in-scale with the Lego  Statie of Liberty. Can pair them together to not only give a sense of scale but kind of as a “What if” scene of Titanic reaching her destination. 


  2. The science of Paleontology is always evolving. The feather debate for the larger Tyrannosaurs such as T-Rex, Tarbosaurus, Gorgosaurus, Albertosaurus, and Daspletosaurus has shifted back to non feathered. Skin impressions show very small scales on multiple different locations of their bodies. Some smaller more primitive species where feathered and the “Raptors” where also feathered. Like I said above the Carnosaurs such as Allosaurus, Giganatosaurus, Carcharldontosaurus, etc. where never thought to be feathered.


  3. 1 hour ago, David Hingtgen said:

    There was hinting at even more "legacy" characters.   I'd rather they keep closer to "Pike's own unique crew, with Spock" rather than move towards "Kirk's crew, but with Pike instead of Kirk".   

    IMHO, they're right at the limit now.  If they bring in Sulu and Scotty...


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