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Seto Kaiba

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Everything posted by Seto Kaiba

  1. That's a quirk of IPB... the IPB rich text editor will retain the source formatting of copied and pasted text (incl. color, background color, size, and any other tags) unless you paste using CTRL-SHIFT-V instead of just CTRL-V. Most BBS software doesn't do that, and thus people copying and pasting stuff to here often find weird formatting when IPB attempts to make sense of whatever tag content was in the original. Since a lot of office applications have started doing the same thing, CTRL-SHIFT-V has become rather more useful than CTRL-V for most purposes. This term is the same in British English as it is in American English, at least according to the Oxford, Cambridge, and Collins English dictionaries... It's a dedicated two-seater Airborne Early Warning model, with some specialized hardware for fold wave-based electronic warfare and purports to be using an advanced version of the Aegis Pack that has a non-rotating phased array radome (a trait Master File's writers seem to really like, as they've incorporated it on several similar units). Apparently not, given that its description essentially describes its reconnaissance methodology as reconnaissance in force (seeing what the enemy's got by shooting at them until they come after you). It's noted to have reinforced energy conversion armor that is beefed up to twice the usual strength of the VF-25 with additional equipment to supply the armor with power. That's another oddity Master File's writers seem to be fond of... "VIP transport" conversions that gut the VF's transformation so it can accommodate a large passenger compartment. The airframe shape isn't actually that different, it's just the transformation's moving parts have been replaced with a static crew compartment and the shield replaced with a generator unit to provide power to the greatly-upscaled ISC system protecting the passengers from its acceleration. A carryover from Macross Ace magazine, actually. In the final analysis, that goofy thing is technically a stealth conversion... namely, one meant to eliminate the low level fold waves emitted by the Gravity and Inertia Control systems at the heart of the VF's compact thermonuclear reactors and make the VF-25 "invisible" to the Vajra's fold wave detection abilities by substituting a reciprocating engine and contrarotating propeller with that larger wing so the VF-25 would be able to function as a low-speed reconnaissance aircraft for surveying the Vajra home planet and Vajra habitat without being perceived as a potential threat. Development was cancelled after hostilities with the Vajra broke out in 2059.
  2. Well, that'd explain why the show mentions that protoculture tastes awful...
  3. It'd be rather hypocritical of me if I did get annoyed... I'm pretty damned pedantic myself, truth be told. (Ah, the perils of academia...) That's "restoration" you're thinking of, not "retrofitting". As a nautical term, "refit" can go either way... covering either restoration of a ship to its original condition as well as retrofitting it for purposes of modernization or customization, though the latter usage is far and away the more common one. "Retrofit" is a synonym of "Modernize" (per Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition).
  4. ... dear gods why? So, business as usual? My favorite part is how 99% of the posters aren't even humans... you've got adbots spamming each other's threads incessantly. In other late-breaking news, water is wet!
  5. At the time (c.2059 August), the handful of VF-25s that had been built to date were trial production units built for operational evaluation testing. The Frontier government contracted the local SMS branch to test those trial production VF-25s in actual combat conditions because there's less red tape involved... especially if somebody dies. Long story short, there were only a double handful of VF-25s in existence and all stationed aboard one ship: the SMS Macross Quarter. (You can see the SMS livery on the side of the nose and on the stabilizer.) We know that the SMS Macross Quarter had at least a few QF-4000s, since Luca had three, and that they had a workaround for the Vajra's high-powered ECM from a fairly early point. There is that, yeah...
  6. Those are Guantanamo-class stealth space aircraft carriers and Uraga-class stealth escort battle carriers, the two most common classes of aircraft carrier used by the New UN Spacy from the 2030s onward. The Guantanamo-class stealth carrier is a successor to the old ARMD-class space carriers used during the First Space War and the more advanced type seen after the war (sometimes called ARMD II-class), while the Uraga-class is a newer type that is able to operate in space and in water.
  7. They appear to use the QF-4000 Ghost in that role in the Macross Frontier TV series. The Macross Frontier fleet NUNS used QF-4000 Ghosts to conduct forward reconnaissance of the Vajra homeworld at the end of ep23. That looks to be a stock VF-25A though. IMO, the VF-25F would make a better choice for that kind of role given its enhanced air combat spec includes improvements to avionics and sensors and tunings that boost its agility and acceleration for use in dogfighting and reconnaissance-in-force roles. Variable Fighter Master File included a dedicated reconnaissance model on top of the moderately recon-focused RVF-25.
  8. Not gonna lie, I hit like because you took the time to do the sound effect.
  9. 23 or 24, I think... it's shown flying out of an asteroid field. #3, starting at about 7:45... though it's not quite the classic VF-1 Valkyrie. What we see are a pair of VF-1EX's, training aircraft that've been retrofitted/modified with the EX-Gear cockpit system used by almost every 5th Generation VF.
  10. Being the first the vast majority of Robotech fans ever saw of Robotech, the foundational story arc underpinning the entire Robotech series, and the best of the three adapted shows, it's not exactly surprising that Macross was the one that stuck with Robotech fans. (Kind of a disservice to MOSPEADA, if nothing else, since the titular but perpetually out-of-focus MOSPEADA was wicked cool.)
  11. I'm not sure if I should be disappointed by that or not, TBH. I'm about halfway into Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable and I'm not enjoying it nearly as much as I enjoyed Stardust Crusaders. If Golden Wind is a return to the Stardust Crusaders form, that's a step in the right direction as far as I'm concerned. (Not to say Diamond is Unbreakable is bad, it's just got all the formulaic enemy-of-the-week but it lacks any real sense of direction apart from the short-lived quest for the Stand Arrow that was creating all the Stand users in Morioh. Stardust Crusaders felt a lot more focused because there was a clear goal that Jotaro and company were working towards. Diamond is Unbreakable is bizarre, but it doesn't feel like much of an adventure... more like Jojo's Bizarre Neighborhood.) But is he the long-awaited Jojo protagonist smart enough to realize that the enemy Stand user is always the most flamboyantly-dressed person in the vicinity? "Where's the enemy stand user?" "Look for anyone nearby dressed like they mugged a carnival float this morning!"
  12. The way she's addressed in the TV series, Lady M's presented as if she were a single person rather than an inherited title or alias. (Which makes it weirder still that the Ragna branch of Xaos don't seem to know who she is when everyone else seems to... even the Windermereans in Passionate Walkure.) I can't quite see Mylene putting her music career aside to focus on playing politics with the New UN Forces either...
  13. Alto didn't really choose anyone in Macross 30... he came to the future (2060) with Sheryl but, in that scene, is relieved to see Ranka is all right because Ranka had been held prisoner by the New UN Spacy Special Forces 815th Independent Squadron "Hávamál" to ensure Major Brera Sterne's cooperation with their goals. (They similarly held Myung Fang Lone hostage to force Guld Goa Bowman to cooperate with them.)
  14. No... Mainland is just a very large habitat ship where the majority of the Macross Galaxy fleet's civilian population lives. The NMCV-21 Battle Galaxy is the same type of warship as the NMCV-25 Battle Frontier. It's a Battle-class variable stealth space assault aircraft carrier. Each New Macross fleet's Battle-class flagship is built to the same basic design, but no two ships of the class are truly identical due to changes in technology during construction and customization of the design during construction by the fleet government to meet its specific needs or incorporate technology that the fleet government feels it should have. Battle Galaxy looks so different from her sister ship Battle Frontier because its design incorporates a lot of cutting edge and experimental technology developed by the Macross Galaxy corporation that runs the Macross Galaxy fleet as its government. Battle Galaxy would have spent most of its time docked to the Mainland ship the same way that Battle Frontier spent most of its time docked to Island-1. When Battle Galaxy was sunk by Battle Frontier over the Vajra homeworld, Mainland was elsewhere and was not attacked.
  15. Oh, almost certainly... Robotech is so obscure and forgotten that you don't really see anything in the way of pop culture references to it. Voltron had way better brand awareness in the US even before Legendary Defender. I'm not sure if it's necessarily laudable, but Macross Frontier was one of the most pirated anime properties of 2008... the US and Europe were following the fansubs of the new show almost as strongly as its Gundam contemporary Gundam 00. You see Macross cosplayers are anime conventions... you don't really see much representation for Robotech apart from the occasional HG booth. Only when his bosses are looking over his shoulder. Well, "younger" covers a lot of ground. Kids in junior high or high school aren't going to be out there torrenting anime on the daily to get the latest shows from Japan, they're going to be watching whatever's being carried on Cartoon Network, Netflix, Hulu, etc. The group you're going to see getting into Macross is going to be the tech-savvy high schoolers and the college age fans, who have the wherewithal to look for fansubs for newer or less well-exposed shows. Most Robotech fans are basically just closeted Macross fans... they don't really give a flip about any part of Robotech besides "the Macross Saga". As far as I've seen, that principle holds true even among fans in Latin America.
  16. Fair enough. I was just struck by this weird feeling - based on nothing in particular - that we hadn't really seen anything recently teasing the forthcoming movie and that felt kind of odd. EDIT: my memory may just be compressing the spans of time between worthwhile news pieces for previous films. (I know he's a busy guy in his job at Satelight, but that he's working on so much other stuff besides the film is a little worrying.) Can't be, Lady M's supposedly been researching the potential of songs since the First Space War... Mylene was born in 2031.
  17. Is it just me, or has there been a distinct shortage/absence of news about this film since it was announced?
  18. ... considering that Tommy's the only one with an education even remotely related to his position? (Though, really, that means nothing... it feels like it's rarer these days for someone to have an education and job that actually line up.) It's not really an education problem, IMO. Kevin's parents just never taught their little boy how to play nice with others... a rather important shortcoming for someone whose main job is handling public relations with Harmony Gold's customer base. Especially when the fans of the original don't just have deeper pockets, they arguably outnumber Robotech fans 5 or 10 to 1 in Harmony Gold's main market (the US). "Biting the hand that feeds" feels like an apt metaphor, especially when Harmony Gold's entire merchandise line is built around trying to appeal to those same fans of the originals. For Banky? It's always been about picking fights with people. I doubt Harmony Gold has deep enough pockets to justify hiring a troll farm to defend Robotech.
  19. In all fairness, Harmony Gold's management would probably have preferred not to antagonize Macross fans unduly... but this is the kind of stupid stuff you get when you make a notorious Macross-hating Robotech fanboy troll your head of franchise marketing. A lot of unprofessional, counterproductive nonsense.
  20. It's one of those Obi-Wan Kenobi truths... it's true in spirit, but it's not objectively true. Yeah, if the creators of Macross see Robotech as an illegitimate abuse of their work I'm inclined to agree. Eh... I think it's not even so much that as the fact that GoLion was a dead property in Japan. It's like Southern Cross, nobody cares that Robotech bastardized it because nobody would remember it exists at all if not for being included in Robotech. Beast King GoLion would be just another forgotten squirt in the super robot crowd were it not for WEP using the series to make Voltron. There's nothing for GoLion fans to feel like they're missing out on because Voltron exists. Macross fans, on the other hand, know only too well that there's a MASSIVE amount of much higher-quality material they're missing out on because the Robotech series is a thing. If Macross had been a one-and-done like Beast King GoLion then Robotech wouldn't be catching all that flak for having adapted the original series.
  21. Yeah, it's kind of a pain since several games are key installments in the Macross continuity... ESPECIALLY VF-X2. So much stuff in later stories comes back to or ties into Macross VF-X2 that it's a little frustrating. Both Ernest Johnson and Grammier Neirich Windermere VI have the Second Unification War figure prominently in their backstories, Kaname's home planet is one where that war never ended, surviving splinter groups from the Latence faction that was defeated at the end of VF-X2's Good Ending are the new anti-government terrorist forces that figure prominently in Macross the Ride and likely Mirage Jenius's backstory, etc.
  22. We have answers. It's a different design, because Macross Galaxy is a unique 4th Generation closed-system chemical plant ship instead of being modeled on 3rd Generation City-class ships the way the 5th Generation Island Cluster-class closed-system bioplants (e.g. Macross Frontier) were. This is Mainland, the Macross Galaxy's primary habitat ship. The prequel light novel Macross the Ride also indicates the Macross Galaxy fleet has the same type of support ships first seen in Macross 7, including a Riviera-class resort ship with the designation Evna, which was attacked by anti-government forces while hosting the Vanquish Cup final in 2058. They're flesh-and-blood people who've had their bodies remodeled with technological implants. Grace has several spare bodies that she can operate remotely using zero-time fold communications to avoid exposing herself to danger, like the body she used to travel to Gallia IV and detonate the Dimension Eater there in Macross Frontier's 13th episode. (Grace's spare bodies have also demonstrated the ability to change genders on the fly, with one turning into a male form codenamed "G" to clandestinely meet with Leon.) The Macross Frontier short story "Wired Warrior" does feature one truly artificial person codenamed Greenwich Meridian, callsign Meridian 01, who was a bio-android constructed around the reprogrammed brain tissue of a deceased Macross Galaxy Corporate Army pilot. Brera found the entire idea disgusting and cremated Meridian 01's remains after the bio-android was killed in combat. The Zentradi are based on the ancient Protoculture's DNA, modified to make them more robust and aggressive... but they're not technically Protoculture. The Mardook in Macross II: Lovers Again - a parallel world story sequel to Macross: Do You Remember Love? - are strongly implied to be descendants of a group of Protoculture who fled the collapse of their civilization. It isn't outright stated that they're descendants of the Protoculture though. The Protoculture AI in the ruins on Lux in Macross 7 is believed to be modeled on a Protoculture male, though its form is only seen in silhouette. Mina Forte from Macross 30: Voices Across the Galaxy is initially believed to be a Protoculture-based bio-android. Mikumo Guynemer is a Protoculture-based bio-android. So we've never seen an unaltered Protoculture individual... but we've got several instances of people who are in the general vicinity of being one. Mikumo Guynemer is a clone of a Protoculture-designed bio-android, created using cell fragments obtained from the Protoculture ruins on Windermere IV by New UN Spacy Major Wright Immelmann. Mikumo herself was created (illegally) by Xaos under the direction of Lady M specifically to join Walkure as a superweapon to use against Var syndrome. The original Star Singer she is a clone of was created by the ancient Protoculture. The SDFN-04 General Bruno J. Global was one of twelve mass-production Macross-class ships constructed to provide advance reconnaissance ahead of the 1st Generation Megaroad-class emigrant ships. The New Macross emigrant ships - the 3rd Generation City-class, 4th Generation Mainland-class, and 5th Generation Island Cluster-class - didn't exist when the ship was launched. By the time we see it, the General Bruno J. Global had been retired from its original duty and seconded to the 117th Research Fleet as its flagship on its expedition into Vajra space. Other ships of her class ended up as permanent fixtures on the planets where the fleets they escorted settled, such as the SDFN-08 General Vrlitwhai Kridanik landing on Uroboros and being repurposed as the planetary capital Vrlitwhai City (as seen in Macross 30). Another one that isn't identified is seen on the planet Pipure in the Macross Delta prequel Macross Delta Gaiden: Macross E. Macross Olympia has, thus far, only been mentioned/described in Variable Fighter Master File: VF-25 Messiah. The book's contents are not official setting material, according to the disclaimer on the credits page. Master File describes the fleet as trailing about 500 light years behind the Macross Frontier fleet (c. December 2056). Their only official mention, as far as I know, is a brief aside in Macross the Ride that acknowledges that Vanquish League VF air races are conducted there as well.
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