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Posts posted by Viceland

  1. Henry said everyone in the group purchase needs to complete the order form with in one week, after that he will close the order section of the 1/48 kit.

    Joel I will get on it asap.


    So... what about the %25 off coupon? We just order @ $251.10? Is that the discount? Shouldn't 25% off $279.00 be $209.25?? Or will he know from our email address?

  2. 1/32 Valk? pfff...

    You've got the tools/machinery/technology, and you've got the talent, why start over in 1/32 when you could start fresh in 1/24!!!!

    I can see it now:

    Cobywan's UBER Ultimate Detail 1/24 Fully Variable VF-1 Super/Strike Valkyrie w/full weapons drool_b.gif

    Come on Coby... Put Tanmen to shame...

  3. Same idea but for modelers. Im lookig at it from a cost saving point of view. Whats easier? He  has to remake the same legs for each destroid OR He makes one set of legs and then the 3 torsos seperate. It would make it easier for anyone who would master  the parts for kits like these. Whenever you order a kit you would get a full destroid it wouldnt be a conversion kit.  Plus these would be  1/72 scale MODELS, not toys.


    Exactly, and to top off better quality and detailed resin Defenders and Tomahawks, we would finally have a readily available Phalanx in 1/72, other than that overpriced WF event only kit.

    Poor Destroid Spartan will be lonely, that'll teach it to wanna be different with those platform feet of his!!!

  4. Man, this is starting to suck a little.

    Pay more (option #1), much better quality, but possibly get a gimp leg Valk. So they say it's a new mold... but a mold of what? a recast? or an original Club-M kit? I don't mind paying more as long as it's made from an original. Would this eliminate the shrinkage? or is the problem the way G-Systems does the job?

    Pay less (option #2), but get a slightly lesser quality cast, plus a limited number of kits available will be making some members very disappointed.

    edit: spelling

  5. Heres a quick pick to show how of it is. The landing gear on the left is further back than it should be. This is because the whole leg had to be shifted back to equal out the difference and make the finishde model look right when complete.


    Can you take another pic of that, only pan up this time :p:rolleyes::lol:

  6. "Hey, let's ALL post new list every time someone says they're in!!" :blink::rolleyes:

    Can we quit screwing around with the damb lists?? :angry:

    The list in the FIRST POST, should be THE ONLY LIST... whenever Jorawar_b updates it, he can say he has done so in a post that refers to it ("list has been updated, see first post"). We now have 3 list in a 3 page thread.... way to confuse people. Since this is Jorawar's thread, he has the lead, he should be the one updating the list in the FIRST POST. The 2nd list posted on June 15th by Jorawar, and the 3rd one by our eager little friend Dean, should be edited out of their respective posts.

    And Dean, I realize you're excited about this kit, so am I, and that you're just trying to help out, but Jorawar can handle this. Did you even look at the list you posted? you have me listed twice for 3 kits total, and godane79 is also listed twice (that's Jorawar's mistake though :p;) ) so the total is actually 12, not 14. Just be patient and let Jorawar do the list whenever he gets around to it, ok? There's no rush here, and besides, even if we get the amount of orders desired, AND if either of the shops agree to cast new kits, be ready to wait several months before anything gets done and shipped out.


    And for the record, I'm ok with the resin landing gear kit, especially cause of the etched parts and the quality decals (or does the other kit come with those also?).

  7. Hey bro, if you know how to cancel it, please let me know or do it for me, please, Brownsfan72 im'd me and didn't want one, he got a yamato 1/48.


    Just edit your post and remove the list. Keep the good list, and any major updates, on your first post, and edit that one. Other than regular conversation, post stuff like "major update, see first post" or "list updated, see first post". That's the way the "Pro's" do it :rolleyes:;)

  8. HIGH praises go out to:

    Kevin @ VALKYRIE-EXCHANGE.COM: Fast and efficient!!

    Valk009 (and WAI KEUNG LAI): Always a pleasure!! Thanks for all your help!!

    honneamise: Keep those bitchin' scratchbuilt kits coming!!

    samurai_m: Superb service as always!!

    Thanks guys!!

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