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Posts posted by Viceland

  1. I bought the masters not Jesse, he's doing the casting.  Neither of us have the launch rail


    :unsure: OOPS!! sorry... :unsure:

    I got the impression Jesse had bought the kit since he was the one doing the casting, many "Interest Gauging" thread are started by members who are not the ones actually doing the mastering/casting work, but are none the less part of the project handling the communications/money aspect. Plus, there was no reaction to my post #2, so I figured I was right... hence my post #9. Again, sorry about the mix-up.

    edit: what did happen to the rail master? John still has it?

  2. Did Jesse also buy the Booster *Launch Rail? and if so, will it also be (re)produced? I might be tempted to go for another Booster if the *Launch Rail comes with it like a combo kit, of course I expect the price would go up.

    This would also mean I would need 2 Booster Launch Vehicles, that's right, 2...

    *Booster Launch Rail, not to be confused with Jesse's other Launch Arm project :huh: well... they both say "launch", might confuse some :rolleyes:

  3. You know I'm in for one of each.

    I actually joined this community a few weeks after the last 1/48 YF-19 and YF-21 recast endeavor was completed, so I missed out on those back then.

  4. You got a kitchen table dont ya? Then whats stopping you? Come on man a good modeler finds a way. If you let lack of a "man room" stop you then youll never get anything built.


    Who says I'm a good modeler?

    Totally agree, you can build a model in a moat you can build a model in a boat.  You can build a model here or there, you can build a model anywhere. I do not like your excuses yes you can, I do not like your excuses Vice da man.

    :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


    I know, I know, I feel shame...

  5. Hey Dean, I like your "enthusiasm" towards the craft as much as anybody here. I know you meant it like an expression that you would like to own one, I just thought I would gently bring you back down to earth before you attempt to start another crusade, only to back out at the last minute because of an uncooperative matriarchal sponsorship program ;) It's all in good fun B))

    I admit it would really sucks to be 15, to see all these awesome garage kits of my favorite anime, and not have the $$$ to get any... so I feel for you, but not much, I had 2 part-time jobs + school when I was 15.

    Ok, back on topic, in the last 3 years, since buying a house, renovating it, having a kid, recycling myself by going back to university because of cutbacks in my old career, while working full time in my new career, I've been in "collector" mode. All my built and unbuilt kits are still in storage, and I have yet to set up the "Man Room" in the basement, which will include my workbench. So I have nothing to share... for now.

    Wait, back off topic!!! I live in the Canadian Capital region, there's an airshow going on in Ottawa right now, my house is exactly where the aircrafts turn around to head back towards the airshow for more passes. Me and my son ran outside to watch a B-24 and 2 Spitfires flying in formation, followed by a P-47 Thunderbolt, and 2 CF-18's, all came around 3 times at around 900-1200 feet... THE NOISE!! AWESOME!!! THE NOISE!!!

  6. There is also a special PG Zaku contest happening within the Legs contest. All you have to do is enter a PG Zaku.


    And since Amazon.com was pretty much giving them away, we'll see a bunch of entries for that Zaku challenge... I would of loved to enter one, but of course I, and many others, missed out cause Amazon won't ship models to Canada :angry::angry::angry: bastids :(

  7. They taking entries yet? I have 2 or 3 models i want to enter befor i go to the desert. One you have seen grow on here.


    Oh yeah!! Your Rex will place in the top 3 for sure, it's got my "unbiased" vote!!! :lol::lol::lol:

  8. It's not closed... you just posted in it...  ;)

    The section was joined because the traffic was too slow on the seperate sections.


    Yeah, but if you read Roy's pinned thread, he's thinking of totally getting rid of this section, build-ups and how-to's would need to be "submitted", in a complete form, for a chance to be displayed on the Main site.

    Welcome to Roy's fascist mind, this is the NEW MacrossWORLD ORDER... :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:


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