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Posts posted by Saburo

  1. 1/48 low viz

    That is really cool!

    I am currently using the top photo as my Samsung Note 3 wallpaper! works perfectly with the dark background!

    Its funny you mention how you lost your 1/55's in unfortunate circumstances! During the late 80's in our (old old old) house we were robbed, we lost a whole bunch of stuff! all our tv's, video players, hi-fi system, cordless phones, money, jewelry.. etc etc even a few rugs & food! they almost completely cleaned us out! it was during the day and funny enough none of the neighbors saw anything.. <_< they would have needed a truck to take it all! so anyways among other things that were taken were my own 1/55 Valks that I had on display in my bedroom at the time were also taken! The only one that wasn't taken (of which I still have to this day) was a Transformers Skyfire version which I never kept on display as I didn't really like it so much..


    I am sorry for what happened to you and your family. It seems a bit strange that no one saw aanything. :(

  2. I have been working on this guy for awhile but have decided to sell him to make room for other things (YF-30, the elusive 25S reissue, etc...). Before I let him go I thought I would share some pics with the rest of you destroid lovers.

    That is awesome! I am curious how much are you selling it for?

  3. ^Nice!

    I'll post some pics once the Tornado Parts come in for the 25F. B))


    Thanks! I can't wait get the Tornado Parts, I have F and G just waiting for their Tornado Pack upgrades. :)

    That is absolutely badass Saburo!

    As much as I love the VF-1J as well, for my favorite I would have to go with the VF-19 Kai.


    Because, Basara. Lol! :p (Yeah I'm a big M7 fan!)

    Thanks abbadon.

    Dude your photos are works of art! Just looks sooo sexy! :p I have saved them all to my hdd! hope you don't mind! ;) The armored Ozma still is my fav Frontier Valk next to the Brera's 27y..

    Hmmm maybe now just a little ahead of the Lucifer thanks to the armor parts! And I like how you have the chest missile launcher bay doors opening outwards also!

    I think it looks much better this way and doesn't obstruct the view of the head unit!

    But my Hikaru VF-1J was one of my earlier purchases when I started collecting again after selling of my old v1 VF-1 Valks years earlier..

    The 'J' was an expensive little sucker too! at nearly $500 (aussie) MISB delivered! my VF-1J MPV was similarly priced.. actually more expensive if I remember correctly.. <_<

    Thank you for the compliments spanner. I don't mind if you saved them, I am glad you enjoy them. :) The VF-27γ is my favorite from the series but favorite toy is the VF-25S. :) Yep, I switched out the chest missile bay doors, it also helps with taking photos because doors don't obstruct the view of the head. ;)

    I didn't get into collecting Valks until about a year ago so I am a late to the game. I did had a couple 1/55 Valks as a kid, but were a lost in a fire.

    I hope to get a 1/60 VF-1J one day, but first is a 1/60 VF-1S. :)

  4. thought I'd revive a dormant thread.. just because I can! :pand now back to the original topic..

    so for me my all time fav has to be Hikaru's VF-1J presented to you by Miss Macross herself.. Lynn Minmay!

    VF-1J nice! I have to hunt down one of those too.

    Until I can get a VF-1S + Strike parts in my collection the VF-25S + Armored parts is my favorite, or they'd be tied for 1st place. :)




  5. I'm sold on the cyclops look. I know I'm in the minority but I don't like it having the human face and eyes. I think it looks more like a battle mech this way I also like the 25 and 29 without the ankles extended. Poor Ozma though below forgot his intake cover.


    I like how you have the VF-25S box displayed in the background. :)

  6. Damn I'm torn on buying a 4th, but 2 sealed is enough. Damn it, the struggle begins.

    For cases like this I leave it to the coin of judgement. Heads order it, tails do not order. :) I in most cases, I don't go with the do not order judgement and just order. :D

  7. Its just left over frame from a model kit.. you know the surround which holds all the bits before you cut them off etc etc..

    Cut them down to size and super glued it all together. Easy!

    That's what I thought it was but just wanted to make sure. :) Thank spanner

    Like many moments in life, all men remember that singular beauty that comes when they get their first armored 25s DX.

    Yes, that's why I took so many pictures of the Armored 25s, so I can remember that moment and so I don't have to transform it to see it in different modes. :)

  8. the last time they had orders up again, the listing said "September Restock"

    Thanks SaitouSad.

    I pre-ordered when the re-re-issue first went up and it was listed as a July restock. I had emailed their customer service in June asking if they had a specific date in July when it would arrive. The reply I got was they had no specific date, but it was due to arrive in July. I wonder if that has changed or they are getting several restocks? I guess just wait and find out.

  9. Wonder why HLJ is so damn slow with their stuff. Says September whilst its supposed to be released in July. Skipped AE because I'm going to ship to the states (Hurray for no import Tax)

    Where are you seeing September on HLJ?

  10. The Armored Parts for Ozma arrived this morning.. I gotta say it was quite a painful challenge getting it all together and standing upright!

    From what I could tell the parts have been used / fitted previously and some things were a little loose and floppy like the top mount missile launcher bays which sit either side of the head. Did a small modification hack to the ball joints in an effort to stiffen them up a bit and they now sit a little better.

    I swapped out the chest plate inward opening missile bay doors in favor of the outward opening doors as one of the doors was floppy and had some yellow paint spill on the inner side which looked crap.. manufacturing defect I assume? I did manage to scrape some of that paint off but I wont be using it. And the left upper leg section cover for all its worth simply wont fit properly. Its sitting on there ok now but if just doesn't lock in. Yes I did take the intake fan covers off..

    All in all Ozma looks totally bad ass! And it all just fits in between the shelves! The upper missile launcher bay doors have about 1mm of room to spare when fully opened..

    Clearly Bandai intended these parts to be fitted only when the Valkyrie is on the display stand but as the shelf height on the Klingsbo is much shallower than the the Detolf for example I am unable to have it setup on the stand..

    I guess I could remove one of the shelves and put more on them on the stands but I think the display would look shite.. might give it a go in the future who knows..

    Also had to rig up a post from a small Minmay figure I had which now supports the weight of the parts from behind. Can't say I like having it there visible but at least Ozma is able to stand up without toppling over.

    Was a little frustrating to get it all sorted but its done and im happy! For a while there I was thinking stuff it I won't fit the parts but im glad I persisted with it all!

    Here are some photos..

    Congrats spanner76! Taking pics of the VF-25S with Armored parts took me the longest amount of time due to the balancing issue. Its ok, though I like how awesome it looks.

  11. OK, *here* is what my fold crystals really look like---took some finagling to try to get the camera to catch it.IMG_5119T_zps534eb1ce.jpg(also shows how well Bandai did painting Ozma--you can't see him at all with the factory canopy color)

    Fold crystals look great and I didn't notice till now, nice job on removing the light grey from the LERXes.

  12. Not sure if this belongs here. Galia 4 fold set. The speaker has rubber bit to prevent scratching on the painted area. Btw the super fold booster cannot be fixed onto the renewal due to missing mounting holes near the shoulder. I forgot to lock in the nose cone. I also noticed if I tried to mount the speaker near the tip of the wing, it tend to pop off so I place it closer to the body which secure it better.


    Thank you for posting pics, that looks pretty cool. I always wondered if those speakers would fit on the renewal version. Too bad the fold booster can't be locked into place.:(

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