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Everything posted by Agent-GHQ

  1. I don't remember his name. I would have countered-offer $125-. Got that 10% card too but only applies to regular priced items.
  2. I don't know man. Ever since I held my first 1/60 v2, it totally blew my mind! Sadly, the 1/48 has already phasing out on me with the exception of LV1, LV2, and The Stealth.
  3. My Tomahawk tends to bend backward as if it is top heavy or something. Does this happen to anyone or is it common due to its weight.
  4. Yes, we know that! Anyways, my friend knows of people who knows distributors. Also, the sales rep from HLJ was asking $200- for the VF-22S at SDCC '09 and we passed on it. HLJ, declined our offer of $300- for two pieces. No thanks HLJ!
  5. Despite the continuous repaints and the discouraging MSRP, its not like Yamato has a real major competitor that makes such high-grade scaled model toys anywhere near equivalent as Yamato anyways. Obviously, sucks for the overseas fanantics! Glad I got the following from a buddy that goes to Japan on business trips: 1. VF-22S $100- 2. VF-11B $130- 3. YF-21 $130-
  6. Aren't weathering meant to give it the dirty appearance?
  7. I've been out the loop on video games, but I'm stoked to hear the VF-2SS game for the PSP!! BTW, is this a Japan game or U.S.?
  8. I'm more curious as to why, of all your reviews, you chose to put this VF-22S on your lap?? It just feels like it was half-ass done as if you were being lazy man!
  9. Lets leave the penile out of Macross discussion please! Anyways, I'm not familar with the M7 and M-Plus cartoon, but this toy looks identical to the VF-11B. I didn't realized M7 and M-Plus uses the same or similiar molds like the VF-22S.
  10. Why would this hurt you financially!? Don't you get stuff for free since you're Yamato's source of success?
  11. Then this poll is pointless! Yet our opinions matters most.
  12. Yeah, I'd love it to be 5ft long. I got your humor here!
  13. I think the TV FP may appear a bit light for it. I'd say airbrush it with a slightly darker of this gray.
  14. I'm looking at those destroids near the bow and I just can't see how this would house 5,000- civilians, military personnel, mechas, support equipments, etc. Maybe 5 feet long!?
  15. We love your humor! And thanks for the additional cheerleading my dear Aussie! I'm sure with the VF-2SS mold, Yamato can easily milk that too. Imagine the LV1 scheme and the MnM set!!
  16. Good question! We know Bandai do from the 1/100 model kit. And because of this poll, I suspect Yamato may have the license for Mac II.
  17. I think this color looks fukin stunning! I remember seeing an episode where the color was much like this.
  18. I want to see one with matching Strike Packs!
  19. And I'm more entertained by people who thinks the obvious litterally. Now get back on topic you jerk!
  20. They should be! After all, we see claims that it was not popular in Japan. But I'm more impressed by those that talks shiet about it while the poll still shows the VF-2SS in the lead.
  21. I strongly disagree with your perception on the VF-2SS!
  22. I concur Spiff. But I totally dig the VF-2SS's fighter mode as well. Thanks for the comparison!
  23. Yet peeps still think it doesn't exist! Also, those are some good ol pics of vintage collection.
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