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Posts posted by mantisfists

  1. Well, dammit.  I haven't heard boo from FJ (where I've ordered 2) or Big in Japan (where I've ordered 1).  I'm guessing the Big in Japan one went through since they posted more inventory well after I'd put in my order but I was hoping to know if my FJ order had fallen through or not so that I could try and get one more, if needed.  Looks like I'll be glad I ordered the "just in case" 1D from BiJ so, hopefully, at least I have one.  But, since I haven't heard from either of them....who knows?  Would have been nice to know I'd secured one before I went to bed.  Oh, well.  Such is my luck.  Congrats to those that have confirmed.

  2. 2 hours ago, jvmacross said:

    OK, so looked into the issue a bit more....

    The small piece that got stressed and broke definitely was one complete closed piece....



    ....which means that even if I were to glue it together and it held....I would still need to remove the pin to position it back and then place the pin back....






    If I cannot remove the pin, there is no way to really try and fix the leg permanently....I can possibly get the part replaced but it would still require breaking the pieces apart that hold that "Gerwalk" knee part as it is between the white outer leg parts which are glue in place....

    I will try and remove the pin, if that proves to difficult, I will just leave it in fighter mode.....;)

    That's a bummer, man.  I'd still contact KC over this, though.  I ordered a 1J on ebay that came with a bent head laser.  When I tried to straighten it out, it snapped off.  When I contacted KC about it, they offered to send me a new head to be shipped with another 1J I preordered for the GBP armor set.  Their customer service seems to be pretty good (at least in my experience), so they may be able to help you. I'm sure they'd at least look at options to do so.  At this point, what have you got to lose I guess, right?  That does suck, though, man.  I felt really nervous about flexing that joint too much as there doesn't seem to be a way to know how far you can flex it before it would break. The hairs on the back of my neck stood straight up every time I manipulated it.  I'll make sure to be extra careful.  Thanks for the heads up.

  3. 37 minutes ago, Lolicon said:

    You can use Flory's model wash as it does not affect plastic and is simple to use.


    You'd be surprised how much you can do with just a mechanical pencil.


    Pencil is probably the best method for Arcadia valks as their panel lines are super fine and is difficult to get a good wash on them.

    Hey, thanks man.  Just ordered some of Flory's wash and I'll try it out.  I've used ink pens before on some of my Yammies and, while I liked the results, I liked the wash much better.  Haven't tried a mechanical pencil, though.  Sounds interesting.  I might have to try that as well.  Thanks for the thread and video links as well.  I could (and have) read and watch those for hours.  

  4. I like the color of the TV super parts MUCH better than the movie strike parts.  I'm glad I ordered the 3 that I did.  

    To all the members doing custom panel lining....are there threads or would one of you mind doing a step by step thread on your process and techniques.  I did a pastel wash on one of my Yamato strike parts years ago based on suggestions from these forums and I loved how it came out, but there were no moving parts on those.  I'd love to do the same on my DXs as well but wasn't sure if you guys were disassembling your toys, if you were applying a top coat over your work, etc.  Everyone's work on here is so beautiful, I have no illusions of doing anything comparable, but I loved doing it, loved the results and would love to do it again.  Not to mention, seeing how some of you artists work your magic is fascinating to me.  I've searched the forum for threads about this subject but I've only seen how people have done their models, nothing on people working on these toys.  Of course, my lack of intelligence is well established on these forums, so there could be multiple threads on this subject right in front of my face and I just didn't see them.  If that's the case, a point in the right direction would be great.  Short of that, anybody thought about doing this?  I, for one, would really enjoy it.

  5. 5 hours ago, Perxion said:

    Hello guys,
    I leave you a photo with my first modeling job.
    From 1 to 4 I was incorporating different tools, colors and also learning.
    Which of these 4 seems best to you? Please let me know

    Thank you!


    I've always preferred the matte look, so I'd say 2 for me.

  6. 2 hours ago, 505thAirborne said:

    If this SDF-1 ever sees the day of life, I certainly hope they change the colors. Looks like a cheap chunk of plastic as it is. 


    KC's response to that exact concern back in 2017.....


    Thank you for your question. This is prototype only and we will follow the colors in the TV series for our finished product."

    Looking at more of the pics for this SDF, looks like the bay doors for the Daedalus open. 15401180_1835007070089012_4509769742317047078_n.thumb.jpeg.013b9feaf196edf1a04a6bb23cf22673.jpeg

     Wonder if they'll be mini destroids inside.  LEDs in the feet add nice pop, as well.  KC mentioned in the comments when asked about pricing that their goal is to keep it under $400.  At 1/2000 scale, that's not bad.  Of course, that was over 3 years ago, so who knows?

    Some very nice detail as well....



    Those pics are from way back in early 2017, as well.  With the GBP armor not being released until late 2020, maybe we see it sometime in 2022?  I'm excited for it, though.  Especially with how KC finishes their products.  You can even see the detailing with this prototype.  I'm guessing all the panel lining will really shine with the TV colors.



  7. 4 hours ago, jvmacross said:

    and I hope they are still working on this.....maybe someone with a Twitter or FB account can ask?




    I asked them about the SDF release a couple months ago and they said they had no timetable for a release at the time, unfortunately.

     I'm not usually a fan of LEDs, but the LEDs on the underside of the SDF look great.

  8. I just got my hands on both Rick's 1J and Roy's 1S, along with a set of strike parts, and I can't express how much I love them.  The detail in the tampo printing and the panel lining is stunning.  It's to the point that I can't stop looking at them.  I know a lot of people hated Roy's 1S, but I'm happy with mine. The Roy I got was used off Ebay but in great condition.  The legs are a bit floppy if I shake it while holding it, but it holds poses great and looks amazing once it's posed.  I don't have a lot of the gap issues that a lot of people have talked about nor does my 1S have the floppy chest that Jenius showed in his amazing review....at least, not yet.  I could see how those things could develop with continued handling, though. They definitely can't compete with the DX when it comes to being solid and the DX definitely FEELS higher quality but, MAN.....these things are beautiful, in my opinion.  The detail Kitzconcept has put into the detailing of these toys is exactly what I wish Bandai would have done with the DX and fawning over KC's version makes me even more disappointed in DX's lack of detail in this regard.  I wish Bandai'd release a PF version or something, similar to what Arcadia did with the VF-0D or is doing with the VF-4. I may be sold on this line, though.  With the HM line looking like it's dead, and KC stating that they're planning enemy mech and what looks like a complete lineup, this may turn out to be my favorite line.  And if they announce that they're doing destroids, it's a wrap for me.

  9. 7 hours ago, twich said:

    So, I guess  I am a bit confused...Is this an announcement that they are releasing a GBP armor set?  Is it bundled with a VF-1J?  I guess I missed a link or something....Also, are they announcing if they are doing a reissue of the VF-1S Fokker with the improvements of the VF-1J Rick Hunter custom?


    On the Kitzconcept Facebook page, they have a post announcing it's release next year.  In the comments section they mention that the release will not be a bundle, but instead will include an extra head with a grey visor.  Preorders start sometime this week with an expected release date of Sept. 2021.  There's no mention of a reissue of the 1S, but somebody on this thread mentioned that there would be one. Kitzconcept has been very good with answering any questions if you leave a comment on their Facebook page, so if you'd like to ask them directly, I'm sure you'd get an answer.  



  10. 11 minutes ago, sh9000 said:


    But first I'll do the Gerwalk landing pose with the DX VF-1S Roy like the HM here before transforming it to Battroid mode.


    Since a lot of poses are reused by Takani, this one with the VF-1S Roy should be easy to do again.

    The DX head sculpts are on point.  I just love every one of em.  Minus hollowed out head lasers, they're near perfect IMO.

  11. 4 hours ago, vladykins said:

    To have this post:



    Then have this post:



    And now I'm here with @mantisfists sitting in the gutter.




    I didn't even see that.  My adolescent mind is so disappointed in itself.

    ....and the gutter's where it's at.  After all, we all float down here

    2 hours ago, DYRL VF-1S said:

    LOL :rofl::rofl:

    See what you started @sh9000????

    Yeah, @sh9000!  This is all YOUR fault!

  12. 6 hours ago, sh9000 said:



    1 hour ago, jenius said:

    Remember to have your Valkyrie spayed or neutered.

    Yeah, that gunpod makes it seem.....uncircumcised.  Ugh....


    Edit: By the way, in no way am I bagging (haha) on sh9000's pic. It's just, I never matured so it's also hilarious.  And the "Ugh" is because I put an image in my head of these valks that I'm not sure will ever go away.  Just thought I'd throw that out there in case the picture's poster thinks I was disrespecting him/her.  I'm just a child, is all.  

  13. Just now, Shizuka the Cat said:

    I think your math might be wrong.

    Assuming an average of 9 months for the actual pregnancy, then I have about 7 months to get pregnant if I want to give birth by the time I hit 30.

    My stupidity beat you to it!  I love how dumb I am.

  14. 1 hour ago, Shizuka the Cat said:

    Because we waited for me to finish my PhD before getting married, I am already only 4 months away from hitting 29. 

    I really want to have kids before I hit 30.


    Hate to say it, but, unless you really are a cat (or, at least, have the uterus of one), or my math is wrong (like it usually is) you might be too late on that goal.  Keep working hard, though.  I'm sure your husband thanks you for it.

    Edit*  Hahahahaha!!  Yup.....math is wrong.  That's why I do what I do.  Ha!!


  15. Kitzconcept's VF-1J is great.  I, personally, love the sculpt and it has hands down the best detailing with the tampo printing and panel line wash, in my opinion.  To me, it kind of has the looks of the DX line but the feel of the Hi-Metal line, if that makes any sense.

    13 hours ago, vladykins said:

    But if you collect 1/72 scale planes, the Kitzconcepts in 1/72 might work best. Plus there aren't a bunch to get caught up in.

    Umm.....about that.  





    Granted, only Rick's 1J and Roy's 1S (along with 2 special schemed variants) are available so far, but still....they're a'comin.

    They've also said they have enemy mech planned as well, though no timetable as to when was given.  Very interested to see where this line goes. (I LOVE those hands on the GBP, by the way)

  16. 2 hours ago, RHunterVF1S said:

    I agree with you.  The only reason I got into the line was the tease of the enemy mecha and space issues.  I love my valks but can't justify the space having the collection I wanted to have.  I can fit double the amount of 1/100 in the same space as I can my 1/60's.  

    Not to mention having a Monster, destroids, and Zentraedi mecha in the same scale and quality.  

    I hope Bandai releases more but I understand the basics of the business.  With the market how it is worldwide why invest the money on all new molds for 1/100 Macross stuff.  They have the 1/48 and they can just repaint that multiple times and milk the mold.  

    What drives me crazy is that they've done the work and invested the money to complete the collection.....every missing mech already exists....they just haven't released them.  

  17. 1 hour ago, vladykins said:

    My Roy finally showed.


    Sam Raimi's Evil Dead series were far and away my favorite movies to watch as an early teen...only rivaled by Re-Animator.  You, sir, have my utmost respect!  Hail to the king, baby!

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