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Posts posted by mantisfists

  1. 1 minute ago, eggy99 said:

    That is a relief to hear.

    Sounds like a reputable seller then.

    Here's the person's quote.


    There's a lot of people on that forum that vouch for him.  He has a lot of good prices on Fanstoys products which, like Macross items, typically sell out super fast and get scalped at insane prices.  Because of that, there's always people who are suspicious and plenty of questions are asked.  But, everyone who's ordered from that site has gotten what they ordered and for the price they got in on.  I can't say whether or not he's legit, as I haven't actually received any of the preorders I have through him, but it sounds like he is.  At the same time, he could charge through the roof for this as well.  However, the listing does say free shipping, as somebody mentioned, so anywhere around $380 is spot on, I'd say.

  2. 13 minutes ago, eggy99 said:

    The scary thing about that PO is you're committing without knowing how much the store will charge as they can put it up for whatever the current market value, and if you pull out, then they get a free $15 USD out of you.

    Somebody on the TF thread said that they were able to get their $50 deposit back on one of their preorders. 

  3. I've spent way too much money on transforming robots this past week.  I'm going to go let my wife stab me now.  The hospital bills will probably be cheaper than the damned toys, anyway.  She'll be doing my wallet a favor.




    Who am I kidding.....it's her wallet.

  4. 1 minute ago, brannon said:

    have you ordered a high priced preorder  from him before ?

    I just preordered 2 Fanstoys Quietuses (Quieti?) for just under $240 each but I haven't gotten them in hand yet.  According to the members on the TFW2005 forums, he's a reputable seller.  I have no idea what price he's going to list this as, but for me, I'm willing to plop down $15 as a backup.  If I get it somewhere else and his price is good too, I'll buy it and pass it on to somebody here.  If it's more than I'm willing to pay, I'll eat the $15.  If it's a scam (which it doesn't seem to be), I'm out $15.  Well, unless you include the two Quietuseseses.

  5. Bombusbee has preorders available on their website.  There's no price listed, but it's a $15 deposit.  I'm going to try and get one elsewhere but I've put down the $15 as a back up just in case and will see where he prices it.  Just an FYI to everyone.

    Link is here, if anyone's interested......



  6. 2 minutes ago, rocketblast said:

    Ya I'm in US

    Yeah, I don't get it. That sucks, man. But, then....I don't understand a lot of how they calculate shipping.  I was certain I'd be asked to pay more.  No idea why I wasn't.

  7. 24 minutes ago, rocketblast said:

    Yeah I don't understand, why do I gotta pay $28 more shipping charge if I already forked over $50 to ship it?  Does it really cost 70 dollars to ship a small toy out of Japan?  I haven't heard back from them in email, I expect that it will be a very slow process.

    Yeah, looking at my invoice, I paid $50 to have the three shipped to me and never had to pay an extra fee.  Are you in the US?

  8. With a few people on here who ordered from Big in Japan relaying that they'd been asked to pony up more money to ship their TV Fast Packs, I've been dreading getting the same message as I'd ordered 3 from them, myself.  However, just got my shipping email and no preceding "gimmemore" email.  I'm curious why that is...........but not that curious.  :p

  9. 1 hour ago, Convectuoso said:

    I have their prototype. It's missing its head cannons, though



    Ugh.....I like that a lot less than the trooper.  I hope that's not the final prototype, though I might get one or two just to have them. I'm definitely in for multiple troopers, though.  I dig that sculpt, not so much the scout.

    Thanks for the pic, by the way.

  10. On 4/5/2021 at 9:27 PM, Convectuoso said:

    Coming from MEP TOYS


    Oh, HELL yes!!  And I don't have to paint it either!?  Count me in for 3 or 4.  Says they're going to be releasing the scout as well but I couldn't see any pics on their Facebook page.  Are there any images up for that?

  11. 55 minutes ago, jenius said:

    Bad news for folks waiting on the Houquet ride armor... My smack dealer just indicated the Iota will be going up for PO soon. Not sure when the delivery would be.

    I'm hyped, love my Zeta.

    I'm hoping part of this is because they've had feedback that pink isn't working for Houquet and maybe they need time to readjust the color.  The wait would be well worth it, if that were the case.  The only reason I'm worried is what happened with Beagle's Houquet.  The world's a crazy place, and recessions and pandemics happen.....but, I'd be ok with the apocalypse if we just got a great Houquet ride armor released first.  












    A RED one!

  12. Dammit.  I didn't even need another one but I couldn't pass it up for this price.  I'll never say anything to my wife again about buying something we don't need just because it's on sale.  I feel so dirty.

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