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Posts posted by mantisfists

  1. Wow....y'all are pretty passionate about them stickers. Looks like imma havta get some custom stickers.....though, I've always thought that broken burnt sienna crayons and post-it notes got a bad rap. :p I've seen some of the pictures with the customs applied and they looked beautiful. Just didn't really see much of a difference when I went onto VE to look at the sheet and compared it to the one the valk came with. Last thing I wanna do, though, is apply cheap assed stickers to my valk and ruin it.

  2. I wanted to put the stickers on my 1/48 vf-1a, but, i didn't want to put the stickers on that yamato packages with the valk if they're just gonna fall of. are they really that bad? what are some of the problems with em? and what's the difference between the factory stickers and the once available on VE? sorry....y'all probably sayin "damn newbies.....always askin questions." thanks for y'alls' help, though. it's been invaluable. :D:D:D

  3. I just recently bought my first 1/48 also (Hikaru's vf-1a) and I haven't had any problem with the airbrake. I WILL warn you about the hip (where the exaust is for the fighter). It's EXTREMELY fragile. I broke it the first day i got it. Mine kinda suffers from some limp wrist malady. Other than that, it's a beautiful toy. I have it on display right next to my mpc rick hunter and it really makes the mpc look bad. I haven't gotten a chance to pick up a fast pack yet....but, I've heard that the hinge on the backpack is very fragile as well and I've been warned to get a few replacements in the event I break em.

  4. Man.....that 1/60 is off the hook!!! I think it looks so much better than the one they have coming out. Don't get me wrong.....the 1/100 looks ok. But, the both the Monster's arm and back cannons look way too short....and where's the gun turret under the cockpit!!?? It just looks lacking without it. I understand that that they probably had to shorten those cannons to make transformation possible. But, to tell you the truth....I'm not going to be transforming it anyway. That battroid doesn't look very poseable, either. I know, I know....i'm just a grump. ;)

    P.S. I agree that there's gonna be some beautiful customs of this thing. Definitely lookin forward to seein some of em. :D

  5. Thought everybody'd like to see this. I copy and pasted it from the Robotech.com website......

    "UPDATE 2004.08.03: SHIPPING SOON!

    Masterpiece Alpha Fighters are currently on their way to Toynami's warehouses in the United States and will be shipping out to retailers in the beginning of the second week of August. Expect the Alpha Masterpieces to start shipping out to customers later the same week! "

    Hope this brightens some of you folks' days. It did mine. :D Guess we'll be gettin those reviews next week after all.

  6. Really? I saw the posting on the backpack hinge....but, it didn't seem that I would break that. Of course, I haven't gotten a fastpack yet for my valk. Any suggestions on how I can keep from breaking it....or what makes them break so easily? With the hip.....the legs were so tight, that I can see how a lot of people would have problems. Especially since that piece that is broken is so thin....but, the backpack hinge didn't seem like it was as fragile. Sorry bout all the questions. Thanks again for all your help....it's definitely appreciated.

  7. Right on. Thanks for your help, bro. I was hoping that somebody had just recast the pieces or something.....but, i guess if somebody recast everypiece, they could just make their own. Is there any way to get ahold of the cast hands that come with the tv versions of the vf-1js or do I have to go through the same process?

  8. I can wait. The part's just cracked, not broken. It sucks...I just got my first 1/48 yesterday...and while trying to transform it for the first time.....*crack*. And I as being gentle. It didn't help that the instructions are in japanese. What's the point of even having ANY english on them!!?? Anyway....so, how do i get in line?

  9. Hello, everybody. I'm looking for an L-L2 for my vf-1a hikaru and perhaps a vf-1a head. I reat this post's beginning, but wasn't sure if somebody had these available at all times as recasts...or if they were only available from the 1/48 scrap heap. Any help would be appreciated.

  10. Thanks for everybody's input. It seems as if I'm going to have to just buy the 1/60 version. Money's kinda funny and I've really gotta be picky about which ones I buy, and while I'd rather have the largest, most detailed.....guess I'd better just buck down and get what's available. I've wanted one of those for 18 years and I'd hate to miss out. Thanks again, y'all. :)

  11. ummmm.....do videogames count? i remember when i played final fantasy VII for the first time and aeris died.....i couldn't believe it. it made my heart twist. i kept playing the game thinkin that she would come back to life somehow, and when i finally got to the end.....let's just say that i felt WAY too satisfied with kickin sephiroth's ass. i kept getting pissed off at myself for being upset at a videogame girl's death. i mean....i cried when yoda and king kong died....and when gizmo went home....but, i was under 8!!! (ok, maybe that's no excuse :p ). but, for me....that and roy fokker's death are the two most shocking.

  12. Anybody know if Yamato is planning on releasing the GBP-1S armor in 1/48 scale like they did for their 1/60 valkyries? I haven't bought the 1/60 version yet and I don't want to buy it if Yamato's just going to release for their 1/48 valks....then again....i waited on the stealth 1/48s too (now I'm stuck hatin on the folks that have em), and don't want to miss out on having a valk in my favorite armor (even if it is small).

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