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Posts posted by nightmareB4macross

  1. Hey Ed.Coli,

    Why not just take one of the extra pilots from your VF-1D (assuming you have one), and put the back seat driver in your emty fodder.

    Besides, who wants to ride shotgun. No girl ever checks out the guy riding shot gun, they look at the shot caller...the driver. :D

  2. Godzilla,

    We'll if you are going to put a stop to your collection once you find your significant other...how about a little help?

    How about I trade you...

    my one cousin (single, and ready to mingle), for your ten Low Viz?

    Just looking out.

    NB4M. :p

  3. Well actually, if you place the boxes up in the attic by themselves that would be just fine. Just remember there are small animals that do tend to navigate and use as shelter and breed in cardboard boxes.

    I store most of my boxes and items in the aforementioned method. So far it has been 10 years and still working great. Everytime I open one box I place at least a handfull of mothballs to help detour small animals from wanting to get into the boxes.

  4. Hirohawa,

    For small boxes, try storing them in totes, they are relatively strong and stackable (useful in small storage spaces).

    For large boxes use a large box that you can assemble in the attic, line the inside with a plastic bag and tape and place the boxes inside. You can also fit boxes within boxes to make more room.

    Once they are store, place a few moth balls in there to repel small animals (they just hate the smell).

    And never forget to place or write an inventory on the box. This you will appreciate when you need to find something inside the boxes (or totes) without opening them.


  5. Godzilla,

    Banthatrader ships really fast.

    Just make sure you read the description of the item carefully. I purchased an item from him a while back. He stated slightly damaged packaging, but it seemed that it was damaged because it was stuffed into a box that was too small to accomodate the actual packaging of the item.

    Still, he did imply it was damaged. I did not pursue the issue, as I was mainly interested in the content and not the packaging.

    I would recommend him.

  6. Newbie,

    Thanks for the pics. My jaw just dropped when I saw the gerwalk mode...

    ...now you have force me to do one as well. :p

    Amazing custom.

    I think you can make the pants for this, although it would remind of that old saying.

    "Hey there big boy. Is that a nosecone in your pocket or are you just happy to see?" :)

  7. Newbie,

    That is one sweet custom.

    Does the jacket still fit in Gerwalk Mode? You know the part where Max gets discovered and is bolting out of the Zentradi ship with the coat on...I always liked that scene, it's one of my faves.

    Gerwalk Mode with Coat Please! ;)

  8. More good guys for the SSL...

    1. Valkyrie Exchange (VE-1 and VT-1 1/60 Yams, Combo)

    2. Vermillion One (1/55 Resin Parts)

    3. Mslz22 (VT-1 and VE-1 Resin Casts)

    4. Glane 21 (Olson Special 1/40 Takatoku)

    5. Micronian Devil (1/55 Super Reissue)

    6. Stampede Valkyrie (1/55 Super Reissue)

    7. Tom64ss (1/35 Legioss Repro Stickers)

    Sorry I did not post this sooner for some of these transactions. Still thank you all.

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