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Posts posted by nightmareB4macross

  1. I know cost is a factor, but would anyone consider making recast resin parts of the entire FP set? One for Original Taka and the other for Bandai re-issues?

    The FP of Taka fit a little loose on the Re-issues, and the arm armor are different, thus two casts.

    Anyone? ;)

  2. Sorry, but it isn't. I just found the site....I have recenlty began modeling. Purchased a gundam gb-02 1/60, finished the paint, I just need to complete the weathing and details...I figured on starting with a gundam rather than a VF.

    The gundam offers a lot of room for error and I can learn a lot from what I have done so far. Not to mention, the vast knowledge I have gained from all the member posts. This is only the beginning.

    Thanks, for the welcome! :)

  3. Helllo All,

    I am new to this forum. I have been observing and reading the posts of many MW members...man do you guys know your macross of what!?! ;)

    Well here is a link that might spark your interests...especially for the bored-out-of-thier-mind members who have nothing to do all day but mash valkyries together until they form something.

    Enjoy! :)

    www6.airnet.ne.jp/ f104/vf1/vf1s.htm

    Thanks, for letting me be part of all this....

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