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Posts posted by protostar8

  1. It's be really cool if any pilot could hop in any mech/fighter.

    In the pic of the monster in the hanger, it kinda looks like kakizaki as the pilot detail, but maybe not. Imagine that. :lol: Kaki in a Monster. :lol::ohttp://b.bngi-channel.jp/psp_macross/mechanic.html

    All the talk about wether fighter mode will be good or not, all i hope is that it's a quick sure way to avoid/out-run missiles, and you can fly WAY low to the ground.

    Wonder if one valk would be faster than another? Would they think to include that? Like YF-21 should be twice or maybe thrice the speed of the norm VF-1.

    Well, the Gundam Battle games have a definite difference in stats for certain things, so making some fighters faster is reasonable.

    The missiles look great in this game too.

  2. Okay, so if the Blue Beta is gonna be limited to 10000 pieces, does anyone actually think they'll be able to sell that many? I think the price tag is so high that anyone who actually might have been on the fence (given the QC nightmare the Alpha is) will probably be put off. And if I recall correctly, there were only 10000-ish blue toynami Alphas made, so I doubt every single person will buy one and Aoshima's doesn't match color wise from what I understand so I just don't see them selling out. So I honestly think the price will drop quickly after release.

  3. With Xlink Kai, it can be :) But it may be possible. Armored Core FF for the psp only lets you go head to head locally too, but you customize the colors on the cores limited only by your imagination (and fashion sense)

    True, but I doubt that this team is considering modders when they design the game. And from what I can recall, the Gundam Battle games don't have color change options like that. Armored Core has always had a color change thing.

  4. Well after looking at Overdrive's coverage of WF 2008 it looks like CM's going to make a Brave Gokin 25 version of this Linebarrel mecha. Look at the photos too see what I mean. Thanks again Overdrive.

    How much will this cost (most likely)?

  5. lol .. what?? The final version gets a head inside the head? :lol: Now that's overkill.

    Heh, a little more than a head to be more accurate, but just watch the show b/c I won't spoil it. Just don't get put off by the 3-4 episodes in the middle that are kinda slow b/c they kinda drug it out to throw in a whole lot of plot at a slow pace and this show is anything but slow paced.

  6. I think this was just off the cuff talking by Toynami and not really something they had on the drawing board. When people said "$250? That's ridiculous" they suggested that instead of making a transformable toy they might consider making a fighter only Beta that could have the head put down so it would connect with the Alpha. They would then include a stand that you would attach to the toy that would also reach forward and support the Alpha. It was just a thought they were kicking around when they were still thinking about hitting the $79.99 price tag. Either that or it was just a Toynami employee free-styling at one of the cons to judge people's reactions.

    I still think the $80-100 range should be the max amount. Honestly, Unicron and Primus from Transformers have to be about the same size and they are hefty toys and only cost $40-50. Toynami is just trying to overprice a toy (which will more than likely cause bad sales and have the blame deferred to lack of interest instead of poor pricing choices). I like everything but the cockpit in robot mode. It looks HORRIBLE like that and could have EASILY been fixed.

  7. wha? i thought the mod chip was to give the PSP the ability to have add on stuff like planners and play retro games?

    I may have got this confused with something else? :o I am getting the japanese version.

    man, can you please tell me what the mod chip does? I thought all PSP's were all non region locked besides the UMDs...

    i haven't called the modding place yet. Would be great if i don't have to mod anything! :D

    Okay. First, I play japanese games on my US psp frequently, but the psp is region free (at least for games, it's actually region locked for movies if I recall correctly). There might be mod chips for a psp, but I don't know anyone foolish enough to use them when modding a psp is so easy. If the place you're taking it to asks for more than $40, tell them to shove it b/c you can do it yourself cheaper and then you always have the tools to fix your psp if you brick it by accident. I've modded both slim and phat psp's and it's very easy. In fact, if you buy a "battery tool", then you run basically no risk of messing your psp up. The modding is actually a software mod if you use a battery tool (replaces the use of a modified battery to get the psp in repair mode). I'll go ahead and say that Sony made a game system that is perfect for hackers and modders b/c you can do so much with it.

    What the modding will do is allow you to run homebrew applications and play games off of a memory card, instead of using UMD's (disks). The modding basically makes the psp a mini-computer for your use as you see fit.

  8. I don't care for the redesign of the VF-19S over the original YF-19 and VF-19A (which the same as the YF with a new color). It isn't bad though, I just like the original wings more. I'd also like to see a VF-22. As much as the YF-21 is cool, I was always more partial to the VF-22.

    I'd love a YF-19 and either a YF-21 or VF-22 in 1/100 scale! I could actually probably afford one then!

  9. Correction. As has been mentioned earlier, the item coming on Nov 15 is Enkidu. TTGL is coming on Oct 15.

    Oops. My bad. Wasn't paying attention. So TTGL is coming a month earlier than what I said! Hooray!

    Any word on when the ARX-08 from Full Metal Panic is being released?

  10. haha freaky. Thanks for this IXTL! :)

    Kamina is the main hero dude and pilot of the Guren(Lagaan?) i gather? :D - http://www.hlj.com/product/SIT00209

    He pilots Gurren. Simon pilots Lagann (the head). The item coming on the 15th of November is Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. The show is basically about size escalation. The main robot just keeps getting bigger and bigger and the last one is massive (I'm not spoiling anything, so read a wiki on it if you want to know). I'm pumped to get Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann!

  11. Ummm... It may be me, but I didn't realize that Batman had tits in the movie.

    They just went from small in the movie to bigger on the toy. I mean it's coming from Japan, so what do you expect? They slap giant knockers on everything. I still think that overall its cool looking interpretation of batman.

    Reference image of the costume from the movie...


    And I think the Gotham Public Works cosplayer is the hottest Catwoman. Just check out their site for some pics...Meow! I still want my Harley Quinn in a movie dangit!

  12. Okay guys, thanks for the info. I appreciate it. I may just let it sit unbuilt for awhile longer b/c it sounds like more work then I'm up for at the moment. I had actually considered selling this at one point or seeing if anyone wanted to recast it, so I may end up going that direction if I think it'll be too much trouble to build one day.

    I also had forgotten to mention that I've built transforming custom Transformers from scratch (sheets of plastic and rods), so I'm cool with pretty much everything mentioned minus drilling holes, but I could practice on some spare plastic I have sitting around if needed.

  13. Dude, why not just build it fixed? You really think you are going to play with it? If you are going to play with it, don't you think your time might be spent better building other kits? Seriously, who would ever bother to transform a resin kit? You work so hard to get it beautiful, but then they are so fragile that you break it and/or scratch the paint job trying to transform it. And why? Because you wanted to zoom it around your apartment? Seems silly.

    Maybe b/c part of the reason why I bought a transformable kit was to be able to transform it??? I'd have bought a damn Hasegawa kit if I wanted it fixed. Hell, there have been plenty of toys that transform and get scratched from that process but some people (myself included) like that it transforms and enjoys transforming it.

    I asked how hard the kit was to build and if I'll need anything extra to build it other than basic hobby tools.

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