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Posts posted by protostar8

  1. At least they should come with a display stand and a good selection of accessories (FAST Packs, missiles etc).

    Perfect transformation may not necessarily be desirable at this scale. You need to remember that in toy design, especially at this scale and doubly especially with complex transforming toys there are a lot of trade-offs involved.

    If you want line-art accuracy, a high level of articulation AND perfect transformation, then these ideals while desirable are not necessarily compatible with durability.

    The more complex you make a toy, especially thre smaller the scale, the more potential there is for durability issues to arise.


    So any word on FAST packs or accessories? All the shots I've seen are just of the valkyrie all by itself.

  2. Been a little behind on episodes and just watched this one. Gotta say I am absolutely sick of the stereotypical die as soon as love is confessed theme. It has been played out. I lost a lot of respect for the show and writers with that scene. Why don't they take a lesson from One Piece and have everyone live that's a "good guy". That'd be pretty different in a modern anime show.

    The only way they can change my mind about that scene is if Brera picks him up in his fighter from space (b/c it was being remote piloted and thus had an open cockpit to pick someone up in). That would be different from the norm.

  3. I think they mean those hinges and more, necessary for transformation, it might just not be the hinges, it might be the mechanisms overall at that scale. If parts swapping keeps the toy extremely solid and durable, then I guess its for the best at that scale.

    I still prefer PT though.

    But from what someone said, these are as big as the Mac+ Valks (which I assume they mean the 1/72 ones). If they are that dang big, then there is no reason the hinges should be weak. Heck, they could even use some metal hinges for the weak ones. It really just seems to me like they are trying to rush a product to market or take the easy way out instead of actually thinking it through...

  4. One of the maing things that I see that's wrong with the VF-4 is the nose on the one in the SHE/fan kit is too long. A shorter nose would look much better IMO.

    Also, if the VF-25 is gonna be as big as the Mac+ valks, then they can make it PT and there really shouldn't be too much problem with the "it's too small of a scale" excuse. Bandai can do it, it's just a matter of IF they want to do or take the cheap way out that won't please as many people (and won't make me want to pay more than $30-ish).

  5. "Rushed" is another meaning for bad writing anyway. If it was good writing it won't feel rushed. Check back 1 or 2 pages ago, i provided a link that Goro Taniguchi himself admits that R2 isn't what he envisioned for Code Geass. He had to throw away the whole script for what he had planned and re-do it into this travesty due to pressure from management (which switched Geass to the 5pm timeslot).

    But that's kind of what I'm getting at. He had to change his work. And his "vision" may be pretty similar to what it ended up being, but if it was slightly off then he would definitely say it's not as he envisioned it. Even throwing away the whole script doesn't mean the overall progression changed. It just means how quickly or what is said changed. He may have planned all along to have every event that occured in R2 to occur in the one he threw away, just not so quickly. I htink the show could have been better if stretched out another couple episodes (like 10 to make things a little slower paced), but overall I like how it has shaped up. The ending is all that's left to determine if the series was good or not in my opinion and if Schniezel Britania wins, then I think it will be a bad series for me.

  6. uhhmmm cuz its obvious? The writing for R2 has dropped considerably to the point that certain plot points were introduced but poorly used and seemingly for nothing, ie: The Knights joining Lelouch's school. I mean R1 had those funny/humour episodes but they are usually a set up to further character interactions and other plot points.

    Then there's the geass ability turned into a mere deus-ex-machina in the story.


    1.) Lelouch goes do something crazy.

    2.) He gets everyone in a tight spot....but no worries because he has geassed some ppl before hand and has turned the tide of battle!

    3.) But seems not everything has gone as planned and some people has ruined his plans....

    4.) But hah....Lelouch has catered for this too

    5.) But no...some outside force ruins his plans again and this time Lelouch did not cater for this scenario

    6.) Someone (usually Kallen) will appear and save his ass. Not part of plan...but guess it works.

    The worse one was his fight with Xing-Ke. It was kind of painful to watch.

    All that shows is that it was rushed. Not that it was drastically different than the original plan. To me, it feels like Gundam X, which was rushed in the end. Although w/ Gundam X, the plot didn't really change too much, everything was just rushed. I have a feeling Code Geass is the same way. And I'll agree that it doesn't have the same feel as last time, but how many times will the enemies fall for his plans?

  7. Bandai is promoting these as action figures:

    (from the Macross F Blog)


    ... so I don't think they care too much of how many parts need to be swapped for transformation.

    What would the translation into correct English be? And it's not that making a non-PT valk is bad, but for $50, PT is pretty much an absolute must unless these things are freaking gorgeous and accessory filled, especially since they have larger versions that they can use to scale the transformation down with (I know it's not super simple, but the $50 price tag should imply some pretty hefty engineering).

  8. I'm just curious. How do people KNOW that the series is significantly different than what it was going to be (I've seen people posting about it being seemingly drastically different than the creator's original vision)? I know it feels rushed and a few things might have happened slightly differently, but I think the overall progression is probably something like the current series. It doesn't really even seem all that "kiddie-fied" to me either. And I kinda like how things are shaping up now.

  9. Other than the VF-25, is there a release order (and loose release date)? Like is the line gonna continue with the entirely too often seen VF-1's or are we gonna get something fresh like a VF-4 as the second one? (No offense intended to those that like the VF-1, I just think there are already plenty of them, and even a 1/100 w/ Fastpack version available ALREADY).

  10. Easy, VF-4. After that, I hope for Mylene's valk, VF-3000, VF-5000, and VF-14. I don't need smaller versions of stuff that's already available---the whole point of the line (IMHO) should be to make valks that aren't popular enough to justify the development of 1/60 ones.

    I completely disagree wtih you. The line should make AFFORDABLE valks the priority. I'd like to see some more obscure stuff, but I can't justify dropping $150+ on a single toy, but $150 on 3 (especially if they have armor/stands/etc) I'd be much more inclined to do.

  11. Ouch, $50 does sound a bit high for a 1/100 scale toy. I guess the hook is that they are making many of the lesser produced valks that people will pay the higher price anyway.

    I agree, $50 is expensive for that scale. Even the Toynami 1/100 w/ armor would only cost around $30-35 shipped depending on where you get it. If they throw in perks like missiles and armor and stands, then we're still looking at something equivalent to the Toynami valk's accessories. What will make it worth that extra money will be if the quality is superior to the Toynami valks b/c they do have some issues (discussed many times in other threads). Personally, I'll only pick up ones I REALLY want from the line if it's gonna cost $50 a piece (YF-19, YF-21, VF-25 but only with armor, maybe even a VF-0 if it comes with some kind of perk).

    I just think that if bandai wants to be competitive with those prices, they need perks like armor, missiles, and flight stands included. They also need to make them perfect transformation. Minor stuff like landing gear can be removable, but the toys need to be more or less perfect transformation b/c there are WAY too many people that hate parts-formers, no matter how minor the stuff is that gets removed. I make very few exceptions to that rule myself when buying stuff unless perfect transformation makes it significantly uglier, like deformed ugly. We also know that all or nearly all of them have been made as toys that transform without major parts swapping, so you have to consider having that knowledge present too.

    There are so many things they need to nail down, but they are things that are fairly easy to do, so lets hope they get it accomplished.

    And is there a tentative release date for any of them right now? Like first quarter versus fourth quater?

  12. I haven't been keaping up with this thread like I should so here's two questions.

    • Will the game be playable for non-Japanese speakers?
    • Where would one be able to order?

    Thanks in advance!

    Likely, the game will be playable for non-Japanese speakers. All the Gundam Battle games (made by the people making this game) have translations of menus and stuff up on gamefaqs. Personally, I don't have any problem playing the gundam battle games, but it does take 10-15 minutes to get used to things like pressing O instead of X to select things. But aside from minor stuff, it will be all in Japanese with no real English anywhere, but you can learn where stuff is and what to press to play.

  13. For everyone wanting a Pandora Battery, you can actually buy a little device from codejunkies that will convert a normal battery to "service mode" and back to "normal" mode for $30. It's what I used. I've used it on PSP slim and PSP phat and both worked just fine.

    To simplify things people have asked about: PSP games are playable on any PSP, but movies have to be from the same region as your PSP unless you have a modded PSP.

    The Custom Firmware (CFW) will allow you to do a lot of things, like play games off of a memory card instead of disk. You can also install a lot of cool little applications (like a cheat program if you have games that require way too much time to unlock everything the fair way). The CFW version is important. You want to end up with 3.90 M33-3 or above when you are done (some methods have you load an earlier version, then do upgrades to get to 3.90).

    A "Magic Memory Stick" (MMS) is the a memory stick with the CFW installer on it. That way, when you use the "pandora's battery" or "service mode" battery, it will install the custom firmware. You actually make this yourself unless you buy one from somebody pre-made.

    And lastly, YOUTUBE is your friend for all things PSP mod related. Seriously, there are a ton of tutorials for almost everything.

  14. Hopefully nothing ends up being wrong with them. I've searched online for issues involving the ARX-8, but came back with nothing so I hope it was just bad information or maybe something like the shipment was damaged so the seller ended up short or something and the wording got lost in translation. Mine shipped today from HLJ, so it'll probably be another 2-3 weeks before I get it. I'm actually amazed at how random my delivery time from them is. Sometimes I get it in 10 days, other times it takes 20, so I'll post something once it arrives.

  15. Cool, just hope we can have free reign without time limits.

    No doubt there will be cheats.

    Likely you'll need a modded psp for the cheats to work as most cheats I see that aren't button codes or passwords are for CWCheat, and that requires the psp to be modded.

    Again, if anyone needs help with the whole modding thing, let me know. I can help. The psp is also modded via software mods, so it's technically not even illegal in the US.

  16. Hmm, that's interesting. I actually ordered mine from Rainbowten last Friday but they sold out. When I asked them about that, I was told that 1/3 of the supplies in the market has been recalled due to faulty products.

    Anyone have more info on this?

    What specifically are you referring to?

    What is this from?

    Full Metal Panic, but this robot hasn't been animated into the show and only appears in the novels as the show hasn't gotten far enough along to see this. The anime is also kind of unstable in terms of when new stuff comes out. The anime is great though!

  17. So how many of you have pre-ordered the Crapnami Beta?? I am really tempted ...


    I don't have one pre-ordered yet. I figure that someone will get their hands on one a few weeks before release, then we'll get a review. I also think the price will plummet soon after release b/c $150 is ridiculous considering the shipping will probably cost $15-20 since it's 2lbs without packaging, so that's like $170 and I'm not gonna dish that out for a toy unless it's f**king perfect and this is a toynami product that is inherently flawed (I'm looking at you ugly ass cockpit in robot mode). I could buy the YF-19 1/60 for that price and I know it'll be better QC than toynami. When the thing drops below $100, I'll pick it up, but I can't see myself doing that before then.

  18. totally getting the Yellow figure. cool toys!

    Better hurry, HLJ is already listing it as out of stock. Now all that really remains is Hoquet from MH.

    Also, would there be much interest in a cover to pop over the aweful looking Toynami Beta Fighter cockpit in robot mode? If I end up buying one, I know I was probably gonna make one b/c I think it just looks aweful with the cockpit not hidden.

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