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Posts posted by sh9000

  1. 19 hours ago, vlenhoff said:

    ^ ^ ^ Now, that's what i call a group shot! ^^^ 

    So much Variety! I like them all, but that F-15 is just sexy to me. Great collection SH9000!

    Also, thanks so much for a fantastic deal!

    Thanks @vlenhoff!

    17 hours ago, derex3592 said:

    Great pic! What brand are the "normal aircraft"?

    Thanks!  The normal aircraft are all from Hachette Air Fighters Collection except the F-117 which is from DeAgostini Air Combat Collection.

  2. 2 hours ago, vlenhoff said:

    Ooooh a Fokker WWI plane, gotcha!

    Do you ever try dry brushing?  A little metallic or gunmetal dry brushing could bring the instrument panel on your F-35A to life. Either way it is really cool, these planes allow you to sit the pilots like that. The scale feels right! Did you say those 1/100 planes are diecast?

    BTW, sent you the payments for the VF-4 and Milia a few hours ago.

    Yeah if I get a Fokker I’ll paint it and give it to Hikaru.

    The 1/100 planes are diecast.

    Your Valkyries will take off this week.  Thanks.

  3. 14 minutes ago, vlenhoff said:


    Thanks so much SH9000!

    I know i say that a lot, but I mean it! I really love the HMR!


    What real world plane? the F-23? The one they based the YF-21 on?

    No problem!  Glad to help out fellow fans.  

    That would be the Fokker D.VII.

    I wasn’t planning on getting a YF-23 but now I’m going to see if there’s a good one that I like in 1/100 scale.



    Put a HMR pilot in the F-35A.

  4. 5 hours ago, vlenhoff said:

    Tamishii stand compatible! that's just the cherry on top of the HMR cake. Hmm, i might look into some of these 1/100 real world fighters. i would not mind an F-14, an F-18, or an F-16.

    I'll be expecting your PM. I've been saving for this :D

    There’s one 1/100 real world plane that I still plan on getting.  It’s Macross related and will go well with HMR.

    PM sent.  The price is good.  B))

  5. 11 hours ago, vlenhoff said:



    BTW, i never noticed the 117 had a beard. :good:

    Thanks!  The F-117 can attach to a Tamashii stand so that’s cool.  I’m also going to try putting HMR pilots in other 1/100 aircraft.

    I’ll PM about the VF-4 soon.

  6. 1 hour ago, Slave IV said:

    I’m happy about today’s haul. Can’t complain about $15 Black Series figs but the Trans- Am takes the cake. 


    almost forgot I also picked up MP BW Megatron today.

    Nice haul.  That Hot Wheels BTAS Batwing looks cool.  I didn’t know that they released one and now I want to get it to go with the rest of the Bat vehicles in that series.  I think most are 1/50 scale.  Hope they make a BTAS Batboat, Batcycle, and Jokermobile.

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