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Everything posted by sh9000

  1. I’ll check the F-14s later. People are getting their shipments of Emma Frost from Walgreens so expect them soon.
  2. Brood Queen looks cool but I'm going to hold off on buying too many older Toy Biz and Hasbro Marvel Legends figures as they might be remade by Hasbro.
  3. https://www.amazon.com/Black-Hole-Maximilian-Disney-Classic/dp/B07WV6YWGL/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?keywords=diamond+select+black+hole&qid=1568681229&sprefix=diamond+select+black+&sr=8-1 https://www.amazon.com/Black-Hole-V-I-N-C-N-T-B/dp/B07WP7ZJWJ/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?keywords=diamond+select+black+hole&qid=1568681351&sprefix=diamond+select+black+&sr=8-3
  4. sh9000

    Hi-Metal R

    I’m going to recreate this setup once the Tomahawk gets released.
  5. Star Wars Special Action Figure Set Luke Skywalker Jedi Destiny Set. Hot Wheels Exotics. 1/100 Mitsubishi A6M5c Zero. 1/100 Tornado IDS. 1/100 F-4EJ. I’ll get volume 36 when it comes out.
  6. Awesome! I’m definitely interested in buying a set.
  7. I’m sure Hasbro will get to the silver costume. They usually release different versions of the same figure. Painting her silver looks pretty easy so I’ll do that with my spare Storm.
  8. Thanks @vlenhoff. Opened up another 1/100 F-117. At this point I’ll paint a spare HMR VF-1 black to go with them.
  9. I’ve seen a customizer have the head dress removed on Magik with the hair intact. I’ll just give her the other sword she came with. I’m going to get some silver paint to paint up my extra Storm.
  10. sh9000

    Hi-Metal R

    All Bandai has to do is release a HMR VF-1S Roy but in white like the VF-1J Hikaru or VF-1S Messer, include TV hands, and a TV Roy pilot.
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