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Posts posted by boinger

  1. Sometimes, I think the amount of episodes produced for each series has something to do with coincidental numbers.

    An exception for any coincidental episode number count for the SDF TV seres would have to be made though.

    The original episodes were 52 episodes as a Gundam parody and then changed to a new script of

    26 + 1 clip show before the high TV ratings and then to the final count of 36 episodes.

    Macross 7 has 49 episodes because 7 x 7 = 49

    Frontier has 25 episodes because it premiered on the 25th anniversary of the 1982 SDF TV series.

    So, perhaps Macross Delta will have an oddball episode count of 33 because it will

    start in 2015 on the 33rd anniversary of the SDF TV series. The number 3

    brought to you by 3 sides of the triangle that makes up the delta symbol.

    Or not.

  2. For months, I've been looking for some kanji OCR or translation software or hardware to see if there

    is some easier way of translating scanned Japanese Macross articles.

    I thought I found a hand scanner that does Japanese Kanji to English translation, but

    I couldn't get an email confirmation about some of the auditory translation functions from the

    customer support. Apparently, this device was featured on the CSI TV show, but I can't be sure

    if it works.

    Maybe, an iPhone app like Japan Goggles could translate the game capture images?

  3. If you can rip the games as mp3 files with 192kb/s or higher then that would be very good!

    Any music from these games is pretty special considering how the music has

    not been heard outside of playing these games and the few music rips that Apollojoe recently did.


    I posted on the macrosshare blog in the shoutbox to see if any one is interested or can

    help out with this project.

    I am curious if there are DRYL? story continuations in these games: Remember Me, Skull Leader & Love Stories.

    The Macross: Remember me game certainly has some cool and unique Macross mecha!

    Only Japanese-literate Macross game aficionados would know the full stories for sure.

    I hope we can find out as well.

  4. the white drew carey was working on a game playthrough with English

    translations of Macross: Remember Me with the assistance of Gubaba.

    I remember he lost a lot or all of his project work when one of his hard drives


    I can't find the MW forum post for the white drew carey's Macross: Remember Me project.

    Maybe, I'm remembering wrong?

    I'll see if I can drum up some support for this Macross game upgrade for you.

  5. I don't know much about Unity3D myself, so I couldn't say if it could do isometric style games and

    import the original Macross bitmap images.



    Unity3d can do isometric game play with add-on software and import bitmap images.

    Good choice!


    In 2010, SeminNV was working on a Unity3D Macross Simulator game, but then

    the game looks to be abandoned.

    He was last on the MW forum in June. Maybe, you could pm him for Unity 3D advice

    when you run into problems?

    For additional game materials, I was able to buy the Macross: Skull Leader Pack, which has a some bonus levels.

    The Super Dimension Fortress Macross: Skull Leader Complete Pack
    NEC PC-9801 compatible
    Simulation game
    Includes 1 compact disc
    1995 July 7

    But, I currently don't have a 5 1/4" floppy drive and USB adapter to convert the 7 floppy

    disks into a floppy drive image for these games.

    a. I need a TEAC 5.25" floppy drive
    b. a USB to floppy drive adapter
    c. software to copy over the 5.25" floppy disks to 3.25" diskettes
    or make into image files

    I was wondering if you would be able to rip the rest of the game music from the games

    like Apollojoe?

    And how were you able to get these games to work on Windows (7/8)?

  6. RPG video game makers with Isometric maps and a bitmap importer?

    Now I need to do some google searches.

    Here's a list of isometric video games on Wikipedia.

    I remember playing Zaxxon, badly.

    Here's a selection screenshots of very well done isometric games.

    I found a list of open source video game engines on Wikipedia.





    I tried looking on youtube for some isometric game tutorials and I just don't know

    what to look for. My education background is more geared towards psychology and hospitals

    than computer programming.

    Who else on the MW forum has worked on making or re-creating RPG video games?

    The HomeWorld mod guys?

  7. Many good games from the past have been upgraded and ended up very profitable.

    How would a person go about upgrading a game that came from the era of pre-windows 95?



    Would you start by using a more recent Windows-based video game engine that was originally used for a strategy game, but

    can then be modified into a Macross strategy game?

  8. That's looks like a great idea to me!

    I don't know who has done similar video game upgrades though.

    Would the Macoss pc-98 game upgrades be like how the remastered Ducktales video game was done?

    I sure would like to know more about these PC98 Macross games because of their status as DYRL? continuations!

    I have been searching for game playthoughs of these games just to see what they are like.

    On youtube, Apollojoe has ripped a few of the original Macross pc-98 game sound tracks.

  9. Anybody accessing Bittorrent Sync related files from me should be able to reach my computer now.

    I figured out why my Windows 8 desktop computer kept resetting my power options to turn off my computer after 2 hours of non-use.

    My desktop computer asus z79 motherboard comes with its own software that can override the Windows / control panel / power options.

    The motherboard software is now fixed to not turn off my computer.

  10. Yep, you are vouch-ed, Hikuro!


    And Gubaba is also very knowledgeable about Macross!

    I think he's back in the USA from Japan, but I'm not sure if he would

    be attending the MW convention in October. You would have to ask him.

  11. I was hoping somebody would a project like this!

    You can also listen to the last three Macross Speaker Podcast episodes for the

    tale of Macross' tempestuous history in North America. All the Macross Speaker

    Podcasts are good to listen to if you're a Macross fan!

    Thanks to Shawn, admin. of the MW forum, the Macross World legacy forum is over here

    and you can look over the recently closed HG and Robotech debates in the Hall of the Super Topics

    thread here.

    You can also find some of the older MW convention reports on the old MW homepage over here.

    A lot of the convention reports have gone missing, so you would need to contact the MW

    members directly to get your information and share some MW stories.

    VF5SS has done two very informative Macross panels at the Boston comic convention.



    Plus, he has done many historical overview podcasts of Macross as well!

    The Veef Show selection

    I think he's a good guy to talk to about the North American Macross perspective.

    Wishing you much success!

  12. That was another great podcast!

    I'm not sure what Germany has to do with Macross though?

    Would that be an in-joke on the lost Macross TV series: Air Cavalry Chronicles?

    That series appeared to be a re-telling of the first World War with valkyrie mecha.

    Is there any more information on that series?

    It's hard to say what the new Macross series will be like. You could have a look

    at the earlier abandoned Macross concepts that could have been turned

    into a series: Macross VF-X 2, Macross M3, Macross 3D, or Macross: Final Outpost Earth

    (DYRL live English version). There might be a pattern to what ideas were dropped

    and which ideas were turned into a series.

    I really liked to hear about the production history of Macross.

    Tom Bateman's perspective on how Macross came to North America and transformed into

    a hybrid anime showed how the anime market has changed quite a lot since the 1980's.

    I hope you can bring on some more guests for later podcasts, not that I don't enjoy hearing

    about your Macross news and adventures.

    I'm glad that Gubaba is still working on the Macross Perfect Memory translation, since that

    book is a Macross treasure trove. Thanks for that!

    Another podcast idea could be to focus on a specific Macross production guy/gal's career.

    Ishiguro or Mikimoto, etc.

    Or you could try a live streaming viewing of a Macross movie or TV series with a running commentary.

    And I look forward to your next podcast.

    Thanks guys!

  13. Hi Shawn:

    It looks like the MW Legacy forum is no longer available from the frontpage of MW?

    Has the old forum database now been incorporated into the current forum?


    When I click on the the MW Legacy forum weblink, I get:

    "Ikonboard CGI Error

    Ikonboard has exited with the following error:

    Can't load '/usr/lib64/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/x86_64-linux-thread-multi/auto/DBD/mysql/mysql.so' for module DBD::mysql: libmysqlclient.so.16: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

    This error was reported at: /usr/lib64/perl5/5.8.8/x86_64-linux-thread-multi/XSLoader.pm line 70, line 64.

    Please note that your 'real' paths have been removed to protect your information."


  14. I played around with Paint.net to come up with a name and logo for the MW fanzine.

    Now I would need to gather some articles together and organize them in a magazine format.

    I figured out where and how to upload images my MW account, but not post them in the forum yet.

  15. I know what you're saying Sketchley.

    If the MW Insider magazine were up to me, then

    the main feature articles would be derived from the

    MW website and all of its past and current forum members

    and their Macross fan projects.

    I could only do 3-4 interviews with MW members in a 4 month time frame.

    All the information sources would have

    to be in English or google translated into English. Then the rest of the

    magazine would be made up of articles either

    copied from MW or from other English Macross fan websites with

    reprint permission.

    Interviews and Reviews of Macross fans and their projects:

    1. Model build-ups / Dioramas

    e.g. wmcheng, etc.

    2. Scratch built models (Resin / Plastic / Papercraft / Shapeways)

    e.g. Captain America, Mechtech, mslz22, etc.

    3. Toy customizations and modifications

    e.g. kyekye, Kurt, etc.

    4. Animation

    e.g. Macross Frontier Stop Motion Animation, Macross Aria

    5. Music videos and fan editing

    e.g. Macross anthology

    6. Music: covers songs / karaoke / lyrics

    7. Fan dubbing

    e.g. Hikuro

    8. Translations

    e.g. Sketchley, Gubaba, ?

    9. Essay analyses / reviews on the

    Macross franchise from the forum or from other Macross fan websites

    e.g. Remember love defunct website

    10. Fan fiction

    11. Fan comics

    e.g. Remove before Flight

    12. Video games and game mods

    e.g. Macross VO Plus or HW mod

    13. Role playing games (2050 or Horizon MUSH)

    e.g. Sketchley

    14. Drawings / Decals / Stickers

    e.g. Takatoys

    15. Paintings

    e.g. Honneamise's Ghost painting

    16. CGI models and animation

    e.g. Jay Lew, mac666er, etc.

    17. Older translated Macross articles

    18. Toy reviews

    i.e. from MW website or forum

    19. Book reviews

    i.e. artbooks, manga, novels, etc.

    20. Music / Drama CD reviews

    21. Macross Collection:

    Other merchandise reviews

    new stuff: Masei DYRL Helmets, Cards, T-Shirts, Decals

    old stuff: e.g. jvmacross' Macross collection

    22. Anime VHS / LD / DVD / BD reviews

    23. Game reviews

    24. Macross fan website admin interviews

    e.g. Shawn, Mr March, Egan Loo, Nanashi

    25. Cosplay !

    26. MW Convention and Macross related convention reviews

    e.g. BlackAce's reports and previous MW conventions

    27. Macross magazine and furoku reviews

    28. MW forum Chronology

    i.e. looking though the forum to see what topics

    most forum members were keen on or what events made

    the MW forum the way it is today

    29. Macross doujinshi reviews

    i.e. fan made publications

    Variable fighter master file or MAT #3 Sky Angels or ?

    30. Macross production staff interviews

    i.e. reprints of old interviews

    31. Macross fan photography

    i.e. toys / models set in realistic backgrounds

    32. And then there's articles that could be made

    of all of the new Macross stuff !

    I already have a some MW forum member interviews done and transcribed with a couple

    of more interviews to be done in the next few months.

    Magazine name and Logo ?:

    MW Insider

    M-World Insider

    Megaroad Works

    MW Chronology

    Gun Sight-2

    MegaRoad Magazine

    Macross Attack!

    Super Dimension Fans

    Macross Insider

    And I need to pm Shawn and Graham about reprint permissions

    from the website or forum.

    I didn't see yellowlightman post more about his Anime Colony

    magazine experiences. I'll have to pm him to remind him.

  16. I'm doing a little research on "fan" magazines.

    Star Wars Insider

    Doctor Who magazine

    Wrapped in Plastic magazine (Twin Peaks)

    Colony Drop #1

    MegaLord fanzine

    Protoculture Addicts

    Starlog magazine

    Then there is the problem of getting permissions for official or fan artwork and

    writing some new Macross articles and interviews and getting some old

    Macross articles / interviews.

    Has anybody had any good experiences with Scanning Pen translators for


    Otherwise, a translator guy/gal would be needed for any old Macross articles / interviews

    or someone to just try to find an already translated Macross articles / interviews online.

    It might be a little easier if the magazine were more like a Macross World (tribute / promotional) Insider magazine.

    Then all the artwork and articles could be gathered from the forum and MW members.

    But I would also like to read more about the range and variety of Macross from initial productions,

    the creation of the shows and the mecha and merchandise,

    production staff interviews and ongoing careers and upcoming Macross projects.

  17. Hi yellowlightman:

    I think I would prefer seeing a magazine style pdf first before any blog or website development.

    MW's forum, front webpage and forum do a very good job at posting the latest Macross news items.

    The Macross Speaker Podcasts are also an enjoyable way to keep current with the latest

    Macross developments.

    I guess I see the Macross fanzine as something not so much about

    the latest Macross series or toys or models or games or news, but more putting more detailed

    anlayses / essays or reviews or interviews on historical Macross stuff and production staff

    and Macross fan projects found on the MW forum and throughout the internet into context.

    I suppose I'm just getting my ideas by reading older Star Wars Insider magazines and not getting the

    sense that the SW magazines were trying to stay current and show all the other aspects of ongoing

    SW projects. But the SW magazine did look at older SW projects with interviews and essays to

    place the current stuff in context.

    SW Insider is an officially sponsored magazine that does have a lot of official access

    in English to Lucasfilm archives. The Macross fan magazine could only remain as

    unofficial and non-profit. If I were editor or contributor, then I would end up relying

    a lot on other websites / people for translated articles.

    So, yellowlightman, I would like to learn more about you have learned from putting

    together that fanzine. Thanks!

    How were your experiences in putting together that fanzine?

    Were a lot of other people involved in that fanzine and how were they involved?

    How did you work with so many other people around the world?

    What was your role?

    What software did you use?

    Was there a framework / guideline you used to organize, edit and design the fanzine?

    Were there any specific ways your fanzine worked at avoiding legal issues?

    Did you have translators on staff?

    How did you get the articles for the magazine?

    Were there difficulties involved in selecting or editing the articles?

    Any pros and cons to MagCloud?

    I downloaded the 1st issue of the Colony Drop fanzine,

    but I haven't read it just yet. Wow, that artwork in the fanzine looks really good!

    I thought that was official anime artwork.

    I sent a pm to Apollo Leader about this thread to see if he had any insights or experences

    he wanted to share about putting together the two Macross newsletters.

  18. Sketchley:

    The magazine would be offered online for potentially world-wide distribution, so I can't

    say for certain which country's copyright law will be in effect.

    An official magazine has a lot of legal implications to consider.

    Here's what I found so far.



    Photograph legal implications

    Personally, I think copyrights have gotten beyond reasonable when every idea, potential idea or derivative of a potential

    idea can be copyrighted indefinitely and so would be considered illegal to use by anyone else.

    And yet Celestial Toyroom (Doctor Who fanzine produced by The Doctor Who

    Appreciation Society) has been around since the 1970s.

    Their fanzine has lots of doctor who artwork and screenshots and even a subscription service.

    How does that happen?

    They have several email addresses; maybe, they could answer how they do it?

    Also Colony Drop produced two "slick" fanzines in 2011/12 through HP Magcloud.com.

    MagCloud produces ebook or physical copies of the magazine for paypal purchase.

    Word doc and PDF files can now incorporate video and audio clips within the document,

    so I don't think html will be needed. But, the document file just gets that much bigger with

    the included video and audio. To save personal bandwidth, the magazine could be posted

    as a PDF on Scribd.com or shared via filelockers or thru a bittorrent sync folder.

    Then the magazine weblinks could be posted on the MW forum when available rather than create a blog.


    A MW digest of past and current Macross World events? with more details might be useful / interesting.

    MW has its own history with interesting members and an ongoing forum tends to be focused on

    the current discussions. Also, I would like to read more details about the history of Macross that Japanese reading Macross fans

    would have access to. If only Pen Scanners with OCR translators could be more reliable, then

    so many Macross magazine articles could be made into English?

    After listening to the Macross Speaker Podcast crew talk about the ongoing events in Japan, I still

    like to hear about previous Macross history. I might be just getting old and nostalgic though.

    Sometimes, I have to do a lot of searching on the MW forum and the Legacy MW forum

    to find some older info. and even then the forum posts lack detail / specifics. A magazine

    could offer expanded descriptions / analyses / essays.


    How is "Macross: Aria" progressing, chillyche?


    And another fanzine that is still going strong.

    Famous Monsters from Filmland

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