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Posts posted by boinger

  1. Updated the Macross Documentaries Collection with a few more commericals, trailers and DVD/BD video extras.

    If you have already downloaded the last version, then you can just connect again to BT Sync as before without changing anything or

    downloading anything more and the Bittorrent Sync software will download all the updates and extras.


  2. One possible source for the David Newman's Macross international movie script would be Leslie Newman, wife and

    co-writer. I'm not sure if she would be willing to sell the Macross script or share it publicly.

    Maybe, Gubaba can track her down and do an interview podcast with her to see if she remembers anything about this

    obscure Macross script?


    Any singing contenders for the Macross Delta series?

  3. Posted on the Macrosshare blog!

    Macross Documentaries Collection

    via Bittorrent Sync

    I put together all of the Macross documentaries I have in this one!

    But, some videos are incomplete or in not the best video or audio quality.

    If you have access to any missing or better quality Macross documentaries

    and would like to share, then send me a MW message, so we can update

    this collection.

    I think we need a videography listing for these Macross documentaries and

    any other Macross documentaries that have been done.

    Here's a possible description list for the documentaries:

    Name of documentary:

    Date of first broadcast:

    Broadcaster / Producer:

    Guest Speakers / Commentators:

    Short Description:

    Video Source: (VHS/DVD/BD/TV)

    Video format:

    Audio format:

    Other Characteristics: ?


    I tested out sharing this huge 50 GB collection from my desktop to my laptop

    and it works great!

    Bittorrent Sync is just like the usual bittorrent, but without a centralized torrent server

    , but is currently not able to pick and choose files You have to make some

    space on your hard drive for this one!

    And the more people online for sharing this then the quicker the download!

    Are you having a happy new year, yet?

  4. Macrosshare has been updated to the new web address Macrosshare.blogspot.ca !

    Macrosshare.blogspot.com works, too!



    Bittorrent Sync Beta software had to be re-installed and all upload keys have been lost.

    Contact me via MW pm if you are still in need of any Macross documentary files.

  5. Earlier this year, I asked MechTech if he would be interested in allowing me

    to put edit together a multimedia ebook based on his forum posts and

    participate in interview series to celebrate his work on the 1/200

    Daedalus model. So, he said "okay".

    The first volume of the 1/200 Daedalus project ebook

    and edited version of the interview we did together earlier this year

    is now posted on the front page of Macross World!

    If you see any need for corrections or re-writes to the ebook, then you can

    contact me for updates.

  6. It looks like we'll need a PC98 / Windows 95 computer with a 5.25" floppy drive

    to get the Skull Leader Collection to work.

    Here's the email back from Deviceside.com to confirm the lack of MSDOS support.

    "It sounds like those (games) are in PC98 1232k format, which the FC5025 is not currently able to read. I've added it to the

    requested formats list and I can notify you if we add support. However, there are no plans for any additional format

    support before the end of the year. As for the 3.5" floppies, you might be able to read them with a USB 3.5" drive.

    The following software might be suitable for that: http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA013937/editdisk/index_e.html

    However, this software will not work with a 5.25" drive attached to the FC5025, and I can't provide any assistance

    on using it with a 3.5" drive."

    -- Adam Goldman | Device Side Data

  7. I haven't received an email response from Deviceside.com yet.

    Here's the webpage where I found the idea for getting these

    5.25" game floppies copied.


    This guy says he had no problems in setting up the floppy drive

    and extracting MS-DOS. Hopefully, Adam of Deviceside.com can

    clarify the problem with the USB flopppy adapter.


    And I found a couple of more websites that had positive things to

    say about the deviceside.com USB floppy adapter.



  8. I currently don't have a 5.25" floppy drive or a floppy cable or

    or floppy drive I/O adapter (such as the deviceside USB adapter was

    supposed to be) or a Windows 95 computer.

    I would be happy to send you the Macross 5.25" floppy game files, if

    we could figure out how a 5.25" floppy drive could connect

    to your laptop. I don't know how that works.

    So far, all I can think of to get these games is to get

    an older Windows desktop computer that has a floppy drive

    port on the motherboard.

    I'll do some google searches and some Macross game booklet scanning.

  9. I was reading the FAQ for the deviceside USB Floppy adapter and the adapter only

    works for Mac OS and Linux floppy diskettes. Adam did mention that PC98 DOS support

    would eventually be added to the USB Floppy adapter.

    To get these 5.25" floppy game files, I would need an old desktop Windows 95 / 98 pc that I can

    plug in a 5.25" floppy drive to copy the game contents onto the hard drive and then put the 3.25"

    floppy drive in this desktop to make copies I can transfer onto my Windows 7 desktop.

    Laptops don't usually come with 5.25" floppy drives.

    I threw out my old Windows 98 computers years ago.

    I could check out some pawn shops or Salvation Army for an old computer rather

    than ebay.

  10. Macross: Remember Me Disk 01 files copied over to Windows 8.1 somewhat successful.

    The same number of files are copied over, but the reported file size in Windows 8.1 is smaller

    than the files size on the MS-DOS floppy diskette.

    Maybe, Windows 8.1 is more efficient in storing MS-DOS files?

    MS-DOS floppy diskette:

    217 files, 4 folders

    Size: 956 kb

    Size on Disk: 1.04 MB

    Windows 8.1 copies:

    217 files, 4 folders

    Size: 956 kb

    Size on Disk: 968 kb

    I'll continue copying over the rest of the disks to my desktop.

    Disk2FDI software looks like it will work to convert the floppy diskettes to .FDI,

    but the software only works in DOS and not Windows 8.1. I might need some

    sort of amiga emulator or maybe I can run this software through the Windows command


    So, if Macross: Remember Me in NEC MS-DOS 3.1 files can be recognized
    by Windows 8.1, then I might be able to use that USB floppy adapter.

    I'll email Adam of Deviceside again.


    Disk 02:

    268 files, 4 folders

    886 kb

    852 kb

    Disk 03

    15 files, 1 folder

    196 kb

    228 kb

    Disk 04:

    9 files, 0 folder

    845 kb

    852 kb

    Disk 3 and 4 might be corrupt.

    Disk 3 contents look like a small continuation of Disk 2.

    Disk 4 contents looks like a DOS boot disk.

  11. I just received an email from Deviceside. Adam, from Deviceside, was asking me to

    confirm the disk format because the USB floppy adapter does not currently recognize

    PC98 floppies.

    Apparently, Windows MS-DOS is different than NEC PC-98 MS-DOS and is not

    currently recognized by the deviceside USB floppy adapter.

    He also said that WinImage software would be unable to create

    .FDI image files of the game floppies, I emailed him back with the game diskette

    file format information found on the back of the PC98 games,

    I'll see what he suggests.

    1. Macross: Skull Leader Complete Pack

    (Skull Leader & Love Stories with bonus levels)

    NEC PC-9801 / PC-98-21, NEC MS-DOS ver. 5.0

    (7) 5.25" floppy diskettes

    2. Macross: Remember Me

    NEC PC-98-01 VM2, NEC MS-DOS ver. 3.1, 3.3, A/B/C/D. 5.0

    (4) 3.25" floppy diskettes

    An alternative for game back-up might be sending the game diskettes

    to Floppydisk.com, but I can't find a good review for that website. The last

    resort would be to acquire an Epson PC486 from ebay, Then I don't know

    how to get the floppy files to transfer over to my Windows 8.1 computer.

    I do have a USB 3.5" floppy disk drive, so I can test to see if Windows 8.1

    can recognize the game format as it is on the 3.5" floppy games.

    I'll have to look around the internet to see how .FDI are made and with what software.

    For now, I can scan the game booklets and covers. I'll get the scans done

    next week for sharing.

    I hope your mouse clicking fingers have not worn out just yet with all those

    PNG game screen captures.

  12. I sent off an email to deviceside.com to see if I can purchase a USB / floppy drive adapter and

    I have a Teac 5.25" floppy drive bookmarked in my ebay watchlist.

    WinImage was recommended on the deviceside.com website for making floppy drive images, so

    I'm likely to buy that, too.

    Then we can see what those bonus levels for Macross: Skull Leader or Love Stories are like.

  13. Hi 1/1 LowViz Lurker:

    I see you raise many interesting and tangential points about why or how the Macross

    series has been developed and how it might continue. But, I disagree about some

    of your historical, fictional parallels and biblical interpretation of the plots or

    themes found in the Macross series.

    Any ideas or themes found within the Macross franchise are more likely to be based within the Japanese

    cultural context considering all of the Macross creators residing solely in Japan.

    For example, crucifixion as a form of Roman capital punishment has been around much longer

    than Christianity. Crucifixion does not necessarily mean the same thing to someone in Japan than it does for

    someone in Europe or North America. Then there's the fact that Myung is not Christ-like and did not get killed

    in this fashion or at all.

    Alternatively, Shinto and Buddhist themes might be in Macross, but not so much

    biblical interpretations. Shoji Kawamori has been clearly influenced by his past visit to India

    which resulted in the anime, Earth Girl Arjuna.

    I don't see how J.R.R. Tolkien's fictional works can be relevant to past

    Macross series, but there might be cool thematic ideas for future Macross works.

    Somebody could send Shoji Kawamori a copy of the Japanese version of Lord of the Rings and

    see if he likes it.

    From what I've briefly read on Wikipedia about Jack Parsons and a whole life time

    of studying pseudo-science. I think scientists are human beings who can have opinions that

    are wholly false outside of their professional specialty. (sentence re-written)

    Jack Parsons, the rocket scientist turned occultist, makes a claim about lost ancient technologies

    being re-discovered in current times. He spent most of his life in developing rockets

    without any archeological studies. He's right about rockets, but not so much about anything else.

    In terms of Macross and ancient technologies influencing human society,

    I suppose you could say that many of the Macross series plots are driven by the

    use or mis-use of the ancient Protoculture technology.

    Maybe, I don't quite get what you are saying?

    Political terrorism (freedom fighting?) and government corruption around the world have occurred both before and after the

    September 2011 terrorist activities that occurred in the USA. So, I disagree about the strong

    connection to what has happened in the USA as to what has happened within the Macross universe.

    But at the same time before 2011 in the PSX game : VF-X2, terrorism and government corruption

    have been issues within the Macross franchise.

    I see Macross as more science-fiction based than fantasy/magic based story telling without

    any clear black / white or good / evil morality issues.

    Then again,

    Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Arthur C. Clarke, "Profiles of The Future", 1961 (Clarke's third law)

    It's good thing we're just talking about Macross and not Evangelion.


    Would you be able to write shorter sentences or re-write your ideas into bullet points?

    I find your writing to be very imaginative, but unfocused.

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