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Everything posted by boinger

  1. iMacross4 UDATES: 1. Macross Frontier iMacross4 Macross Frontier folder has no files in it. While transferring macross frontier rapidshare files from premium rapidshare account to free collector's rapidshare account, I lost the files. Apparently when I put the files into a rapidshare folder, I still have to keep the original copy in either my premium account or the collector's account. You can expect 3 weeks for the files to be uploaded back to iMacross4. Bitttorrent sharing is slowing my upload speed to RapidShare account. Fortunately, I am in the process of backing up all the files for iMacross4. Please go to Macross Share website for Macross Frontier for now. 2. DYRL a.Flashback remastered with separate updated english subtitles (thanks Gubaba!) b. DYRL trailer subtitles 3. Macross 7 remastered a. episode 1 by VIP group 4 parts using HJsplit software. It looks really good.
  2. Hi Knight26: Thank you for watching and leaving some comments. Is there anything that I could have done to make my edits better? Or basically, I just shouldn't have bothered? I can't help that the psx dyrl or sdf tv animation don't look on par with the dyrl movie, but I thought the scenes fitted with the movie. The prologue does explain the opening conflict with the zentraedi. The zentraedi are an alien race coming to reclaim their ship, at least that's the initial understanding from the human perspective. Then later in the movie, you get to find out more about what's going on. Any suggestions on how to fix up the zentraedi earth orbit picture? I'm still learning how to use paint.net. I was thinking I could have composited a few moving Zentraedi ships in the background. My intention with the Zentraedi earth orbit scene was to bridge the opening psx dyrl scene to the opening dyrl scene with britai and exedore. I had the idea of putting the FB 2012 concert part 1 scene within the movie by watching M Frontier epsiode 1. Within the dyrl movie, hikaru and minmay had fun with holographs on their date. So, I figured why not? The FB concert at the end of dyrl perfect edition never quite made sense to me when it was tacked on to the end of the dyrl movie, so I thought that the FB concert part 2 would work as a better epilogue. Anyways, I felt I just had to try this. There's always the remastered dyrl, which I still watch and love, too. boinger
  3. iMacross4 UPDATES: 1. Macross Fan Edits Super Dimension Fortress : More Macross Loving v4 xvid ac3 avi 27 parts, 2.6 gb use HJSplit to reintegrate to avi 2. Macross Miscellaneous Video a. Zero g love b. super deformed SDF tv opening c. Graham transforms the 1/48 valkyrie I'm slowly backing up all my macross files. So, iMacross4 will get updates for games, pictures and Macross Miscellaneous folders. That means weekly updates with new "old" macross stuff. enjoy!
  4. Super Dimension Fortress : More Macross Loving v4 xvid ac3 avi 27 parts, 2.6 gb, use HJSplit to reintegrate to avi now on iMacross4 under Macross Fan Edits
  5. Super Dimension Fortress More Macross Loving Version 4 DVD now available ***** I'm also uploading SDF: MML v4 xvid ac3 avi to iMacross4, but that will take at least a week to upload.
  6. Hi: I was just wondering if anybody picked up the The Super Dimension Fortress Macross Memorial Box [Limited Pressing] dvd set. I have my animeigo sdf tv dvd box set when it was first released for $400! Is there a big difference in video or audio quality with the new remastered sdftv set? boinger
  7. iMacross4 Updates: 1. Macross Frontier a.Sagittarius 9 PM Don't be late found by GGemini b. Macross Frontier Manga 1,2,3 .cbr 2. Macross Miscellaneous Video Macross Slideshows (non-Frontier) in flash video format I found on youtube a. Macross Tribute b. Macross Tribute DRYL c. Macross Memoriesd. Macross Love e.Macross: Fastest Lift-off (goofy interviewers review Macross from SDF to M7, no english subtitles for good reason.)
  8. SDF MML Special Features DVD bittorrent 1. PSX SDF Macross DRYL video game footage with English subtitles from Macross 20th anniversary 2. Macross Flashback 2012: angel's paints video clips with English subtitles 3. SDF Macross DYRL DVD covers video slideshow from MacrossWorld.com picture collection 4. Original SDF Macross DRYL Trailers with English subtitles from Macross 20th anniversary DVD 5. Original SDF Macross DRYL perfect edition ending credits with English subtitles 6. SDF More Macross Loving movie trailer 7. Original SDF Macross DYRL movie trailers 8. Macross DVD cover collection All English subtitled. SDF MML v3 xvid ac3 being uploaded to iMacross4 in the next week. Tomorrow, I'm working on the dvd menu for SDF MML v3 and then I'm done.
  9. SDF MML v1 deleted from iMacross4 to make room for SDF MML version 3 xvid ac3 avi, which I'm uploading now. SDF MML v1, v2 and Extras are still available through bittorrent. See above posts. *************** UPDATE: I'm working on the final version of SDF MML for the dvd. Fixes include 1. Flashback concert 2 with redone subtitles 2. M 0 clips cropped a bit, so they fit in with wide screen 3. no "untill" in subtitles I hope I'm almost done. The last trial run of the dvd worked just fine. It's just a matter of little details then tmpeg takes a day to encode the video. I think I can post the dvd .iso by this weekend. I think I actually learned something about video editing that will make the SDFM Clash of the Bionoids a little easier to do.
  10. I have been posting progress notes for this fan edit on the Macross Fan Works thread. I know one guy here on MacrossWorld who downloaded SDF MML version one 700 mb avi and he was happy that I did the movie edit. But I keep seeing parts in the movie that need fixing. On MiniNova.org, I have posted: 1. 700 mb avi 1st version 2. 2.5 gb xvid ac3 2nd version (zentraedi scout fades too quickly. I redid the composite of panning of the background picture and didn't pay attention to the foreground picture at the end of the scene. oops.) 3. DVD extras, .iso is of version 1.5 that still needed fixing (audio sync loss by 1-2 milliseconds, 1 frame jump in one scene. You can download the extras and skip the .iso for now.) SDF MML 1st version is also available on iMacross4 in the Fan Edits folder If you see any errors, then send me a pm and I'll see if I can fix it. I'm working with version 2 right now to get it into shape for the final version of the dvd.
  11. SDF MML version 2 xvid ac3 avi now on MiniNova.org SDF MML Extras bittorrent 1. SDF Macross DYRL soundtracks 2. SDF Macross DYRL: This Is Animation book c(omic)b(ook)r(eader) file 3. Macross: Flashback 2012 graffiti (incomplete) cbr file 5. SDF Macross DYRL DVD booklet cbr file 6. Macross: Flashback 2012 DVD booklet cbr file 7. PSX SDF Macross DYRL video game booklet cbr file 8. SDF More Macross Loving Teaser poster 9. SDF More Macross Loving DVD cover art 10. Macross DVD cover collection ********* minor note: I think we'll be seeing a version 3 of sdf mml for the dvd sometime in the near future. I've been having difficulty getting the sdf mml mpeg to go into dvdlabpro's dvd menu without losing audio sync when I use the demuxed Tmpeg video /audio files or the womble mpeg demuxed by dvdlabpro (24 fps). When I try a work around by converting the mpeg to dvd with ConvertXtodvd, I get a pixellated picture, but matched sound (30fps). Dgindex and cc encoder software will be finished giving me some more demuxed video and audio files to play with by tomorrow. After viewing multiple combinations of demuxed video/audio files, I noticed that sdf mml v2 has an error with the zentraedi scout ship fading before the end of the scene. That needs fixing for the dvd version. (Fixed: Under womble mpeg video editor, I need to encode all of the work file into an mpeg in order to match up the womble audio to the better quality mpeg video of Tmpeg software.) Gubaba was telling me that he's keen on updating DYRL and Flashback subtitles for his Mega Macross bittorrent for next year. So, if he can send me the .srt file, I could then reupdate the subtitles for sdf mml. If anybody spots errors that could be fixed in the sdf mml v2 video, then send me a pm and I'll see if I can get it to work. (For example, pixellated video in 2 second Flashback concert part 1 is fixed for version 3, by pasting in a clip from my copy of remastered flashback dvd)
  12. After making and watching two dvd versions of SDF MML and listing the whole dvd and extras to bittorrent, I found a few more fixes that needed to be done. I'm going to post the final dvd with fixes to rapidshare in the next 2 weeks. 1.Audio synch was lost 3 times in the movie by a few milliseconds. It's not noticeable if you haven't watched this movie as much as I did and haven't watched lots of Japanese shows. 2.Flashback concert part one has smoother transitions. 3. The first introduction is a bit choppy for some reason. I had a previous mpeg of the whole movie that has a smooth introduction video. I encoded that old introduction scene and the edited main movie separately to plug back into the dvd menu. 4.Videolan has a problem with two of the video files, but the dvd plays just fine with any other software dvd player and standalone dvd players, so I'm just leaving these videos as is. I think I have the movie just the way I would like it for now. Time to start my next project.
  13. Super Dimension Fortress: More Macross Loving SDF MML DVD Extras Available on MiniNova.org!! *** I posted SDF MML v2 xvid ac3 on MiniNova.org that looks just fine, but I'm having difficulty getting the movie to go into the dvd menu properly. I found that the audio was slightly off synch or the psx video scenes look pixellated, so I'm re Encoding the movie now. *** It's a whopper big file, so you can expect it to take 2-3 weeks for downloading because there is just me uploading. But don't worry I'm going to be seeding this dvd for a while. I will look into uploading dvd and extras onto a collector's rapidshare account, but that will take me about 2 weeks to upload as well.
  14. iMacross4 UPDATE: I need to reUpload Macross Frontier Manga 1. It's missing page 08 and I need to renumber the files, so the pages flip through in the right order with comic book reader software. oops. 1. Macross Miscellaneous Video a. Macross: a future chronicle avi (3 parts, HJSplit software) b. Macross game flash video (compiled in Macross Game Video collection) c. Macross 20th aniversary subtitles .srt file *** This .srt needs to be retimed and a little better english translation. d. Yamato 1/48 vf1s toy commercial video e. Macross 20th anniversary 700 mb avi, no subtitles (8 parts, HJSplit software) 2. Macross Drama and Music a. Macross_7__OP_Single__Seventh_Moon 15 minutes version (2 parts, HJSplit software) b. Macross_7__ED_Single__Dakedo_Baby 15 minutes version (2 parts, HJSplit software) 3. Macross Miscellaneous a. Macross Perfect Memory i. webpage of written details ii. Outside story, original Japanese .cbr file iii. Lost Two Years and The Plundering Fleet pdf, winrar, translated by Renato b. Two nice Macross Timeline pictures in Macross Miscellaneous(It would be nice if both could be combined in an english poster jpeg version.) ***************** The macross picture collection is eventually going to be reorganized to take out some redundancies. The macross music collection is going to be a lot smaller, since Macrosshare has the majority of Macross music. The miscellaneous macross video collection needs a little reorganizing to take out some redundancies. Macross Games and Macross Miscellaneous need a little tidying. enjoy!
  15. Here's page 28 and 29 as a splashpage. I did some internet searching on this because I was interested in doing some comic scans for later. I used paint.net. 1. make a "new" blank file 2. click "image", then "canvas size" 3. uncheck maintain aspect ratio 4. type in new pixel dimensions width 2882 length 4000 5. open up each page of scanned comic jpeg in paint.net 6. select all for each page 7. copy onto blank file 8. line up and save as jpeg I shrunk the file down to 523kb with microsoft picture manager
  16. The video on the dvd will look sharper because Tmpeg software does a better job of rendering video for a dvd than Womble video editor does. The 700 mb avi is the womble mpeg rather than the Tmpeg video. The psx dryl video game scenes look a little fuzzy at edges straight from the Macross 20th dvd, so I'm not sure how to fix that. *** Keep in mind that there's a big video quality difference between an 8 gb dvd and a 700 mb avi. *** I fixed the "untill" subtitle for the main dyrl movie and Tmpeg is working at encoding the final movie. The other video files are fixed and ready for the dvd menu, so all I would need to do is plunk in the sdf mml mpeg into the dvd menu, fix up the dvd chapters, compile the dvd and turn the dvd into an iso ready for bittorrenting! It's that "easy".
  17. "Untill" spelling subtitle fix: Do not use the latest version of dvd flick software to convert .mkv video files. The audio and video do not match. The audio and subtitles match, which then tells autogk to burn in the subtitles at the wrong spot, so avoid dvd flick. ConvertXtoDVD software works way better. I'll think the dvd will be ready by Saturday, but problems of all sorts keep popping up unexpectedly.
  18. I am the only guy seeding right now. MTS does not have as restrictive a policy for uploading as Shaw Cable, but I have to keep the uploading at a certain rate or MTS can and will cut off my internet connection as punishment for sharing too much. MTS doesn't mind the downloading though. SDF: MML is also available on iMacross4 under the Macross Fan Edits folder.
  19. SDF MML DVD compiling update: I burned and tested a dvd to play on a my dvd players and found out a couple of things. 1. extended trailer plays just fine on a dvd player. no more glitch. 2. dvd player plays the movie in wide screen, but fills up the whole screen as in no black bars, but that's okay since I have a wide screen tv 3. original dyrl trailer and original dyrl movie ending do not have english credits dvdlabpro dvd compiler imports the dvd vob video/audio file just fine. I get dyrl trailer and movie ending english credits playing on videolan player correctly, but no english credits on my dvd players! I have a sony upconversion dvd player and a yamaha dix dvd player. I then noticed that when I slightly changed the zentraedi earth orbit scene for the dvd, I forgot to decrease the brightness and saturation of the zentraedi scout. I'm re doing the dvd video now. I am also working on getting the original dyrl trailer english subtitles for the dvd. The original dyrl ending subtitles are the same as angel's paints part 2. I need at least one more day to get the subtitles for the trailer done and to mux the dvd video and re compile the dvd. Almost there. I was going to make a quick perfect edition dyrl with Then I can put the sdf mml into an iso with extra dyrl files onto MiniNova.org by Friday. It will take a couple of weeks to upload the sdf MML iso to iMacross4 because the iso dvd is 8 gb! **** Minor Fixes, Major time consumer: I am now set back to square zero for COTB special edition. I have to re do all of my video and audio edits of SDF Clash of the Bionoids. Womble video editor crashed in the middle of saving the project file and corrupted the project file! $@$#%$! I thought Clash of the boinoids would be a much more relaxed and easier fan edit, but Womble has some sort of defect with more than 10 sound edits that break the software. So, I need to save every 5 sound edits and if it looks like Womble is slowing down, just close Womble and redo the last 5 edit points. I was going over the dyrl english song subtitles and found "untill", which is supposed to be spelled unti(l). So, the dryl extended subtitles also include this spelling mistake. To fix one spelling error on the sdf mml dvd: I need to turn G_P DRYL into a dvd with dvd flick software, then use autogk to burn in the new subtitles with the correct spelling, then open up womble to copy and paste a few frames and finally get tmpeg to make the .mpv video file, which can be plugged into the dvd menu and compiled with dvdlabpro. Then I turn the sdf mml dvd into an iso with dvdshrink. The original dyrl trailer and ending now have fixed subtitles and I know that dvdlabpro makes a fine dvd.
  20. SDF MML 700 mb avi as a bittorrent is now available on MiniNova.org! Click here! I'm just finishing up the dual layer SDF MML dvd now, so I can post the bittorrent by tonight. The dual layer SDF MML will take a while to download via bittorrent from me: at least 2 weeks. ***************************** Wow! 22 people downloaded my SDF MML bittorrent already. For some reason, I'm getting a bittorrent problem. I submitted the bittorrent to MiniNova.org through one of pirate bay's open bittorrent trackers. I have 2 guys in swarm and MiniNova does not register me as a seeder? I'm not sure what I did wrong. The pirate bay tracker is connected and utorrent gives me a green light for connections, but no uploading? No firewall blocking any internet connections. I'll give it an hour and then I might have to re do the bittorrent. ****************** It's working!! __________________________________ UPDATE: SDF MML dual layer dvd with extras is almost ready. I ran into a dvdlabpro 2 glitch. My extended movie trailer finishes playing and then videolan media player just crashes. I initially did the extended movie trailer with Womble video editor into an mpeg. Then I used Tmpeg software to get a nicer quality video and use womble 5.1 audio to put into the dvd menu. combinations I have tried: W= womble video editor T = Tmpeg software A = audio V = video C = convertXtodvd software WV , WA TV , TA WV , TA TV , WA CV , CA Then I stopped last night and took a nap before going to work. I'll just burn the dual layer sdf mml dvd with DVD Shrink and Imageburn to test out this problem with the extended movie trailer tomorrow. So far I have one positive review from the SDF MML 700 mb avi posted under the Macross Fan Edits folder on iMacross4.
  21. SDF MML dvd menu complete ,but I found one audio glitch in the flashback angel's paints part 1 just after the first sdf tv clip insert. It was a small audio overlap that wasn't needed. That's fixed. Then I redid the zentraedi fleet earth orbit scene one more time for the dvd, so that the zentraedi scout zooms out and then pans left a bit rather than just hovering for a second. Tmpeg should be finished converting the dyrl extended mpeg into an .mpv video file by the time I wake up tomorrow. Then I can post a bittorrent on mininova.org So tired. 16 minutes into Clash of the Bionoids, probably finishing the audio editing by this weekend. I would also like to fix up a DVD menu, DVD cover art and a movie trailer, so that could take me a week or so because I work nights starting Friday for a week.
  22. If more than one person ever gets around to doing DVD cover art for SDF MML or Super Space Fortress Macross, then I'll hold the contest. I was just trying to drum up some interest in this whole fan editing thing. See Macross Fan Editing post and iMacross FAQ for latest updates.
  23. iMacross4 UPDATES: 1. Macross Fan Edits a. SDF More Macross Loving: DYRL fan edit (removed and uploading SDF: MML v4 xvid ac3 avi) b. SDF MML teaser poster c. SDF MML DVD cover and disc art d. SDF MML movie trailer(2 parts, use HJSplit software) e. DVD cover elements f. DYRL extended dvd cover Nero software file (*Removed because it doesn't quite work unless you have all the other picture elements handy) 2. Macross Miscellaneous a. Macross DVD cover collection b. Macross CGI collection by Jay Lew, cbr 3. Macross Miscellaneous Video a. Space Fortress Macross by Studio MMGuy (Flash media Fan made introduction to DYRL movie) b. SDF tv ep 1 Air show scene by Hikuro c. SDF Macross DRYL Outtake music video 4. Macross DYRL a. Flashback 2012 DVD booklet 5. Macross Frontier a. Macross Frontier issue 1, 2, cbr (scanned by Graham) 6. Macross Zero a. Macross Zero ep. 1 english dub by Hikuro's Dark Entertainment team Part A 2 parts, Part B 2 parts, Part C 2 parts, Part D 1 part; winrar 7. Macross Games a. Macross Fan video game ************************************* SDF MML dual layer DVD available through bittorrent only see Macross Fan Edits posting for more details coming this week.
  24. SDF More Macross Loving is now available as 700 mb avi on iMacross4 in Macross Fan Edits folder. 8 parts to be reintegrated with HJSplit software. In Macross Fan Edits folder is also, 1. SDF MML teaser poster 2. SDF MML DVD cover and disc art 3. SDF MML trailer ******************************* I have the dvd menu ready to go, so I am just waiting for Tmpeg to convert the Womble video edit list into separate video and audio files to plunk into the dvd. SDF MML DVD bonus features: 1. PSX SDF Macross DRYL video game footage with English subtitles from Macross 20th anniversary 2. Macross Flashback 2012: angel's paints video clips with English subtitles (full version of flashback 2012 is not included because I was thinking of submitting this DVD to fanedit.org) 3. SDF Macross DYRL DVD covers video slideshow from MacrossWorld.com picture collection 4. Original SDF Macross DRYL Trailers with English subtitles from Macross 20th anniversary DVD 5. Original SDF Macross DRYL perfect edition ending credits with English subtitles 6. SDF Macross DYRL soundtracks 7. SDF Macross DYRL: This Is Animation book c(omic)b(ook)r(eader) file 8. Macross: Flashback 2012 graffiti (incomplete) cbr file 9. SDF Macross DYRL DVD booklet cbr file 10. Macross: Flashback 2012 DVD booklet cbr file 11. PSX SDF Macross DYRL video game booklet cbr file 12. SDF More Macross Loving Teaser poster 13. SDF More Macross Loving DVD cover art 14. SDF More Macross Loving movie trailer ****************** I will post again when I have the dvd converted to .ISO format and converted into a bittorrent for MiniNova.org. Probably by Wednesday.
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