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Posts posted by fearyaks

  1. Hi all, it's been ~ 15 years since I last built a model. I bought some cheap Star Wars models to experiment with (learn how to paint and such).

    Some basic questions for you all -

    1. Do you paint the pieces first (while attached) or do you prefer to wait until the model is assembled... or does it depend on the piece (like a cockpit)

    2. I presume you paint before you start the chalk-wash procedure

    3. Is regular old Testers modelling cement OK?

    4. Likewise, what about paint? I presume a lot of you are air-brushers but I want to take it easy for now and brush-paint. Is Testers that crappy (vs Tamiya for example)?

    I think that's about it.

    Thanks in advance all!

  2. Played it on the Apple IIGS, the Amiga, the PC. One of my favorite games ever (it's a toss-up between that and Gunship... the original Micropose Apache sim).

    Let me just say that this game and not Doom III or Far Cry is really pushing me to upgrade my crappy PC. I also mostly stick to console versions if they're OK but Pirates! will definately be on my PC.

  3. Updated (edited previous post but don't want it to get lost in the stats counting)....


    1A TV Max custom: 1

    1A Max: 2

    1A Hikaru: 2

    1A LV: 7

    1J: Hikaru: 2

    1J: Super Max: 3 (one w/o FPs)

    1J: Super Milia: 2

    1S: Hikaru: 1

    1S: Roy: 2

    1S: Moon Guard custom: 1

    Total: 23


    VF11B FP: 1

    YF21 FP: 1

    VF19A: 2

    YF19: 1

    Total: 5


    1A TV Max Custom: 1

    1A DYRL Max: 1

    1A Hikaru DYRL: 1

    1A CF: 2

    1A CF TRU: 1

    1J Hikaru (super): 1

    1J Hikaru (GBP): 1

    1J Super Max: 1

    1S Super Roy: 1

    Q-Rau: 1

    VE1: 2

    1D: 2

    VT-1: 2

    Total: 17

    Updated October

  4. Every year the mechanical engineering department at my college would have at least one group whose senior design project involved better ways to cool laptop computers. SOme of the designs they came up with were great but the overwheming theme was not to make laptops so thin, continue to shrink the components inside yes, but give them ventilation room. One year a group decided to go all out, I don't remember the brand but they got this really thin laptop that they then overclocked and would run to the max, basically it could run for about five minutes ful tilt before getting too hot and shutting down. They then added I think they were 1/4" spacers all around it to give more air around the processors and several small high efficiency fans for blowing out the hot air, no intake fan, but you could feel a vaccuum at the intake vent when it was running full tilt. Finally they hooked up this interesting little gadget that was thermostat controlled and had one of those mini-CO2 tubes plugged into it. Whenever the laptop reached a certain preset temp the CO2 canister would fire a burst onto the processor, memory and some other parts (sorry don't remember where) cooling them down. The canisters actually lasted a long time and kept the laptop cool and running efficiently. The sponsors that year thought the design was great but said that the CO2 canister concept was not commerically viable and so what the added thickness in their opinion. Its too bad because that little LT really rocked when they were done with it and was still very compact and portable, oh well.

    That's fine. I think most laptops these days run so hot that you'd burn your thigh if you actually used them as such.

    I don't really think heat is an issue unless you're playing games or doing a lot of number crunching.... the issue that I simply had was about how difficult it was for me to try and replace my faulty laptop. The larger Dells and PC based ones are understandably thick and nasty because of what you mentioned.

    Shoot, I wouldn't mind buying an external fan attachement or something of the sort. How about a liquid-cooled system that you could hook up to your faucet?

  5. I'd have to agree w/Maniac. While I've never had a problem w/my Dell desktop, their laptops suck big ones.

    Overview - ours overheats and shuts down such that the even some screen savers get it too hot. Our thermostat is obviously busted because the fan does work (turns on when you power up the system). For whatever reason, they've outsourced their tech support to an overseas company and those poor souls simply follow 'solution trees' or whatever the heck they're called.

    Ex: (true story)

    Me: My laptop keeps overheating. I've already updated the Bios like one of you suggested and still no go. May I simply get a request in to get a replacement or a fixit order.

    Answer: I need to go through these steps first to make sure the problem is still occuring. Please do the following (no exaggeration) -

    1. Remove the battery

    2. Remove the HDD

    3. Remove the memory

    4. Remove the Modem (are you serious)

    5. basically remove all removable parts, try to upgrade bios, check to see if overheating still happens.

    Me: After spending 20 minutes removing the crap, putting it back in, and trying to upgrade the bios, the stupid laptop shuts down when playing a crappy Dell bowling game.

    Answer: So I'll put in the order to get your laptop repaired.

    Phase II:

    Since it is a laptop, they'll need to send me a special box. No problem right? Well since I originally had the laptop shipped to my dad's place (it was an X-mas present for my wife and we were visiting him for X-mas), I make sure to give them my new address. Well of course the boxes get shipped to my dad's place (he's out of town so they get returned). I know it's not something a tech guy should be able to do (change an address on file) so no harm, no foul. I next call a sales person, start to explain my issue and they transfer me back to tech support (before I can even explain things). I finally get back in touch with sales, find someone who knows how to update my address and they 'confirm' the address and place an order for a repair.

    What happens? Instead of actually replacing my Dad's address with mine, they mix the two and it gets sent to Oregon with my address in the 2nd line. Well this confuses the heck out of the FedEx/UPS chap and the box gets returned. So I'm getting pissed at this point and I try to just get a total refund. However, by now (waiting for boxes and such) I'm outside the 3 month window to get my money back from Amex and from Dell. I try one more time to get the correct address and the box somehow manages to get as close as Fresno (about 3 hours north of me).

    So, screw them, we've got a crappy laptop that serves as a word-processor/internet surfing device. It's heavy as heck, thick as a brick and is an overall piece of crap.

    At work we've got IBM Thinkpads and they're much better (lighter, no issues with over-heating) and at home my wife and I now use Apple laptops (Powerbook and iBook).

    I think if you were going for a Laptop, consider an Apple one (good form factor, small, less issues) or a ThinkPad.

    For now, I think the only thing Dell has going for them is their good LCD monitors.

    But it is a good deal if you want a POS laptop.

  6. So a friend at work found this (not affiliated w/Google) and we thought it was pretty cool.

    It takes the 1st Google image search returned and turns it into ascii-esque art (using the query letters).

    I wish I could post the results (I suppose I could take a screenshot)



  7. i honestly don't like the darker grey color...so if it's really going to be the TV version i would assume they'd change the style of the box slightly to show that it's the TV version and not the DYRL? version...also, if it is the TV version i would also assume that the cockpit would change also (which the person neglected to list <_< ) with the figure change...at this point i feel this is all just speculation since nothing is "set in stone" because yamato hasn't given any details of their re-release of the VF-1S...while it would be likely i wouldn't get my hopes up just yet until we get confirmation from yamato

    But the person did mention something about the hands changing which would fit into the TV hands + color change theory.

  8. Bariaburu Faita is a name we should all get to know really well

    as he will be a very important person to be bringing the latest news of macross to macrossworld


    not only that, but he was also the guy that was nice enough to hook up a bunch of members here with some LV's without charging an arm and a leg for them. most of us had our doubts(including my paranoid arse) but he came through like a champ. B))

    Yep. BF hooked me up with a LV ~ three months ago for cost. He went out of his way and tracked down, what 5 of them and sent them out.

    He's also given us information on product releases and so forth.

    To keep this sort of on-topic, I understand why people might think it's not cool to re-sell something on eBay but really, on page 1 or 2 of this thread, didn't the person who designed the kit give the 'It is fine that he sold' it post?

  9. If I took public transport to work I'd consider it.  As it is, I don't travel enough to justify a portable system and at home, I spend most of my time with my Xbox (can you say Halo2, and KOTOR still to come in '04?).

    Perhaps if I started travelling for work more I'd pick up a portable system...

    Portable systems aren't just for your workday commutes. I like to play my GBA on my lunch break at work, on the can when it's time for #2, and even a little bit in bed after I've tucked myself in for the night.

    The more I read about the DS, the more promising it looks.

    i can agree with that. i play my gba when i head up to my cabin in the woods, its much easier to lug it around than unplugging a computer or a ps2 and lugging it up there and plug it back in then pack it back up to bring it home.

    You guys all have good points. Perhaps I use 'those' times for reading (toilet and bed) and we don't have a cabin yet. Though I imagine if we did, we'd have an Xbox there full time.

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