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Everything posted by VF-Zer0S

  1. the head looks really weird at this angle. Does it have a mouth opening on its face? It really looks like an insect
  2. Yeah It would look great next to my invisible VF-25F that I wish I would own someday lol. In all seriousness it looks cool
  3. I think he ment in Vf- releases. I could be wrong though
  4. I know it looks like a minimal change but Id rather not mess around with something like that and Id rather pay for renewal parts anyway. It looks really good though
  5. When are they gonna make the tornado pack renewal version?
  6. This and they have a pretty active facebook account. I hope they are not all bought off by next month now lol
  7. VF-Zer0S

    Bandai SD Infinite

    They should re-release these again
  8. I'm so glad this was pointed out. I thought I was the only one who heard him
  9. I just canceled an order so theres still hope there
  10. Alot of stuff bandai makes they reissue so dont worry. There prob wowing at how these pre orders are going
  11. I got one and canceled my original order cause it was 10$ cheaper lol
  12. Dam I missed it and was really unexpected. Now I have to pay NY prices. Thanks for the info.
  13. dam...I was actually gonna do that but never mind that
  14. Well that gives me even more time to save for it. Normally not a fan of the character but if I mis out on it, I'm gonna severely regret it later. Sorry for the post though
  15. Sometimes it can take a week to process an order just keep your hopes up
  16. http://itemsearch.fromjapan.co.jp/search/list?word=dx%E8%B6%85%E5%90%88%E9%87%91%20vf-25f%20%E3%83%A1%E3%82%B5%E3%82%A4%E3%82%A2%E3%83%90%E3%83%AB%E3%82%AD%E3%83%AA%E3%83%BC%20%E3%82%A2%E3%83%AB%E3%83%88%20%E3%83%AA%E3%83%8B%E3%83%A5%E3%83%BC%E3%82%A2%E3%83%AB&auction=1&shopping=1&auction_site=yahoo&shopping_site=rakuten,yahoo&price_min=&price_max=&category=All&sort_order=price_asc&disp_num=20&new_used=all&in_stock_shopping_yahoo=1&v_family_id=1&v_image_id=&v_subkeyword_id= make an account here and get one if you dont mind spending more
  17. " Screw The rules! I have Money!" haha I trust that majority of us have got one by now? IF not Good Luck on Getting one. I got Cart Napped like 5x times so if I can get one so can you guys
  18. I just got my order in...a bit pricey but worth it
  19. http://item.rakuten.co.jp/toredama/4543112807137-00/?scid=af_pc_etc&sc2id=247567789 here it is for really cheap below retail
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