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Everything posted by danth

  1. I got an idea guys. Let's all change our languages on our Xboxes to something nobody speaks, and then go into Lone Wolves. We can get those last few achievements! All I need are Steppin' Razor and Maybe Next Time, Buddy.
  2. Yeah, I want one of those greenies too. But at a hundred pieces, it'd be a miracle to get one, even if you went to Wonderfest yourself.
  3. Hey guys, I gots a question to axe you all: Is there any way to get the original red Garland with without broken shoulders? It's my favorite version, so I'd rather get it than the brownie or the Proto Garland.
  4. So I've been noticing stuff about the Megahouse. Good stuff, it looks like. In the pictures Shun posted above, it looks like Rey's bike is leaning to the right, meaning the forearm cannon must have a good amount of clearance with the ground. I was afraid it'd scrape the ground when the armor bike leaned to the right at all. Also, in the above pictures, and others, we see the wheels at different distances from the chasis, as if the swing arms that the wheels are fixed to can be adjusted to different angles. This is good, if true, because I'd like to lower the front of the bike and lift the rear. In the CAD design, the front of the bike looks really high to me. But if the "suspension" is adjustable, no worries.
  5. Hey guys, I haven't seen Gunbuster yet (or bought the DVDs) after many years of wanting to see it, because the R1 is defiled (episode 1 music edit & cruddy audio re-encode) and the R0 was not subtitled. There's still no good solution, but I figured I might as well get the R0 and then just add subs on my own somehow. Of course, now the R0 is unavailable. I called Kinokuniya and this really cool employee is going to see if he can get an R0 for me. If that doesn't work, at least I can get the R1, flawed as it is, relatively cheaply. Hell, maybe I can buy just the first R2 DVD, rip it, add the subtitles to it, and use DVDs 2&3 from the R1 set as-is. I'm not sure what will happen, but I really want to watch Gunbuster, and I don't want to buy the tainted R1. So, uh...does anyone know where I can still score the R0 release?
  6. Dude, I really want to see some more pics or hear some news on this. I can't wait to get one of these!
  7. I wonder if it's been cancelled. Is it normal for Yamato to show a prototype and then say nothing for this long?
  8. Yeah, I watched it like last year and it was great. Even better than I remember.
  9. Ahh, good, so I don't have to feel guilty for liking it. So you're saying that there are a number of possibly cheap licenses that would include the VF-4. As for Trash, do you recommend it? Is it scanlated? Yeah, the VF-4 rocks that much. I think one reason it's so cool is because it truly looks like a trans-atmospheric craft. It looks like a jet aircraft and like a starfigher.
  10. Hey, does anybody know who designed the Stampede? I'm assuming it's not Kawamori. Anyway, I love all the VF's, and the VF-1 will always be my first love, but I have to give props to the VF-4. It's got the most mystique of any variable fighter, since it only appeared in animation briefly in fighter mode. Also, if you can put yourself in the mindset of watching Flashback 2012 when it came out, when the only VF was the VF-1, and seeing the VF-4 for the first time, you can imagine the excitement you'd feel. "Holy S---! A new fighter! Wait, does it transform?" We were left with a mystery. And since the VF-4 has never been seen in animation since, it's kept most of it's mystique. (Yeah, I know it's been seen in video games. But it's not the same.) Also, it's one of very few VF's that hasn't existed in toy form. Hmmm. I bet the Flashback toy license isn't that expensive. C'mon Yamato! Although, I'd hate to see how fat it would end up as a toy (YF-19 gullet syndrome?).
  11. Hmmm, never seen some of these. I guess the artists I worship were not infallible after all: I see white out on that paper! And they used graph paper as a crutch. I bet they even used rulers and stuff. Inspiring.
  12. You'd probably like Genesis Survivor Gaiarth, an early nineties anime that's unfortunately only available on VHS.
  13. You callin' dibs? I'd love to do an eighties style space mecha show, right down to the transforming/combining mecha and eighties character designs. The main characters would be adults, and there would be no angsty or girly main characters. I'd also like to do a parody anime that either exaggerates or reverses stupid anime cliches, and I love Sumdumgai's idea of a cool main character surrounded by annoying friends! That's exactly what I'm talking about.
  14. I think they're definitely worth it, especially for a Robotech fan. See the originals. You'll regret it later, when these sets are out of stock everywhere, if you pass on such an awesome deal. Southern Cross is by no means a bad show.
  15. Hey, the Beta/Tread looks pretty decent, besides the hideous landing gear beam. The Legioss is a stinker, as is the link-up engineering.
  16. Yeah, the striped DYRL valks are no less boring than the TV 1A's. At least the TV-1A's have a different pattern than the 1J's. But what really makes the DYRL 1A's and 1S's so bland is that we've seen so much of them in toy form from Yamato. The first 1/60's were the DYRL 1A's & 1S, and then the first 1/48's were the DYRL 1A's & 1S. I'm sick of them. The Max TV 1A has never existed as a toy, which makes it special, and, come on, it's freaking Max Jenius. I think Macross fans would go nuts for Max's TV 1A.
  17. That's be the ultimate initial wave in my opinion. I'm way tired of the DYRL 1S's and 1A's. Let's see some TV valks.
  18. I'd bite if the Legioss and the link-up was at all anime accurate. I could even forgive the long nosecone and rounded edges at that price. But as it is now I don't want it at any price. It just occured to me, looking at the Tread...what were they thinking? There's no way the Legioss' arm thrusters would have ever fit into the recesses in the Tread's chest. Was the link-up a total afterthought? I guess so, since the Legioss' vertical stabs don't even fold in all the way.
  19. Me too, but gawd, how much would Yamato try to squeeze us for a 1/60 battlepod? Yamato, I don't care how tall they are or how good they look -- I'm not going to pay more than $40 for a non-transformable ball on top of skinny legs.
  20. That would be freaking awesome! Yeah, probably. But you know everyone here would go nuts for one.
  21. I think the 1/60 tailfins, though a bit small, are much more accurately shaped than the 1/48's. If you look at the line art, the 1/48 tailfins are totally wrong. As for the "stubbier front," I pesonally don't see it, and this shows that it isn't really stubbier at all. I agree that the 1/60 double bump is not as nice as the 1/48 canopy's smooth contour, but it doesn't bug me nearly as much as the low-hanging shoulders of the 1/48. The new front landing gear looks good enough for me, but I personally don't care much about detailed gear.
  22. The wide canopy has been a complaint ever since we saw the first pics of the 1/48. I wonder why Yamato hasn't addressed that problem for the new 1/60? I wonder if Graham has ever mentioned it to them. Surely a slimmer canopy means a slimmer retracting heatshield, which should be even easier to engineer. The wider canopy is not a deal-breaker for me, but it seems like a needless deviation from the mecha design.
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