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Posts posted by glane21

  1. @Spark-O-Matic wow, I would be pretty enraged about that whole situation.  How much did  CAS charge you to damage and  swap parts between your various Jetfires and then glue them into defective cases?  I’m sure it wasn’t cheap.

    These groups may know about the intricacies of 90s Playmates TMNT toys but there’s no way they will have expertise in all the nuances of obscure Jetfire variants.  Let alone what accessories and inserts an 80’s Strike Valk should come with.  It’s pretty ridiculous for them to even take something like that to grade.  Quite the racket.

  2. I enjoyed in the first remake film how they Easter egged that there was a space mission that they had lost contact with - which of course alluded to the Taylor and the astronaut crew in the original 60’s movie.  I thought it was really well done foreshadowing.  I’m disappointed the astronauts did not return in this current movie.  I hope they get to it before the series dies out.

  3. On 4/22/2024 at 2:26 AM, strikevalk said:

    one could simply take on the task of collecting every gray vf-1j variant in 1/55 scale, and it would be an amazing collection by just that alone!  there are many many variants for the gray 1J.  image.jpeg.f1ef949aa554ff272f816a7f9b6011b0.jpeg

    I believe there’s an Arabic language version that has this specific coloring as well.  Probably be very hard to find these days.

    Also it seems the bootleg fever runs high even in Japan given some of those sold prices.  And almost all sold higher than the minty real Takatoku Hikaru he sold as well.

  4. Got the KC Dana Sterling in from BBTS and I think it’s pretty great.  The cloth over figure plus armor is very similar to the Sentinel ride armors build and basically correctly scaled.  Which is nice if you want to do a mashup display.  They should go back and restart the Macross characters in their flight suits (rather than their sailor uniforms)  in this new style.  IMG_8507.jpeg.b87ed903c444f2f73c7f77c4c38d8872.jpegIMG_8508.jpeg.eb0ffee92c975635cdea156347f8c907.jpeg

  5. On 12/19/2023 at 2:13 PM, jvmacross said:

    Another set of items not produced in nowhere sufficient amount of  assortments were SDFM and DYRL plushies!

    Only one was officially released as far as I know...

    I know it’s slightly off topic but I still pine over that fully completed Hi Comical Orguss Orgroid that is shown in that Takatoku promo catalog you have @jvmacross, but it was  never released.  To know it got that close to production makes it worse.

  6. I think these Taiwan variants are genuine Takatoku.  The toy itself  and its accessories have the proper materials, fit and finish.  Not what you usually see out of the bootlegs.  Maybe they were cost cutting efforts to save themselves and that’s how the molds ended up in hands of bootleggers.  I can’t guarantee it of course but it’s a theory.  Anyway it’s a cool unicorn until more show  up.  @nightmareB4macrossis quite the valk archaeologist.  He’ll find more eventually.

  7. On 12/16/2023 at 3:14 PM, takatoys said:

    Finally I was able to complete the four box variations of the Takatoku VF-1J. Twenty five years ago, this set could’ve cost a fortune, nowadays prices have gone down considerably. Only super mint in box boxes are going for big money.





    There are 5 variants.  Don’t forget that there is a Takatoku box that says Made in Taiwan instead of Made in Japan.



  8. Jason Mamoa plays the same character in every movie - himself.  As such, he is certainly more suited to Lobo than Aquaman.  The biggest loss in this DCU reboot is Affleck as Batman.  Too bad be can’t seem to keep from crawling into a bottle and he’s lost all that muscle he put on.  Because that warehouse fight in Batman vs Superman is the finest piece of Batman cinema to date.

  9. On 9/14/2023 at 1:02 PM, Old_Nash_II said:

    I read CO yesteday and was cool. Much DYRL outfit and try a decent plot (Much more than most material that exists in comics, because that Mordecai... OH frag WTF was that thing?)

    Hey, thanks!  I worked hard on that book.  

  10. There used to be a guy who posted here under the name Lord Kungfu.  He claimed to have a warehouse full of Yamato 1/48s he was accumulating back when they were the new hotness.  He would post pictures of cases of each new release.  I guess that would be one investment that didn’t pay off.  But you have to remember that this was just after the days when a beat-ass yellowed Jetfire would sell for hundreds.  So it probably seemed a sure thing at the time.

  11. I’ve had the Valkyrie Factory Strike Hikaru for a few years.  I feel the quality is pretty great and there’s no weird smell I can detect.  It has the full Arcadia premium tampo printing as well.  I understand they altered the head mold a little but looks fine to me.  Right now it’s wearing a set of Arcadia GPB armor which fits perfectly and I have its knockoff Strike armor on a Yamato CF 1A which also fit perfectly.  

    In short, these were cheaper a few years back when they debuted and were a great deal.  I’m not sure that Valkyrie Factory produces them anymore as you see fewer listings and at higher prices.  Plus with this Fugu Models making the jet fire variant, maybe the molds have changed hands.  But I definitely preordered one and look forward to getting it.  It sure looks like ShowZ is getting a great response on them since they’ve been on the main page for weeks and there are lots of comments from eager buyers who hated the Kitz Concept version due to build quality.

  12. Yamato imploded because they diluted the value of their offerings by constantly reissuing them.  They were chasing capital  through sales and it didn’t work, only made their position worse.  Bandai doesn’t make that mistake.  Look at now hard they’re making it to get this latest release with only the clear parts as a new component.   Lotteries and whatnot. But you’re right that Bandai will Bandai and there’s Jack-all we can do about it.

  13. Which Dx releases have gone to clearance though?  If the tv Max 1A release didn’t then the more “expected” schemes  should do well enough.  It’s so low risk for them I think they’re leaving money on the table.

  14. 16 hours ago, Slave IV said:

    They main disappointment is that the Macross fandom is not as big and doesn’t buy enough for Bandai to consider making more DX Valks because if we were that big, they would make more. 

    Keeping the gundam metal build comparison going- I know the gundam fandom overall is much larger than Macross, but the metal build collector community is a sub group that reduces the population greatly due to their expensive price tags.  Designing and Tooling each new metal build is intensive and expensive.

    Now consider that the DX valk tooling is all done (sans Elint and Ostrich.)   All they have to do is alternate the head and color way to pump out  every pilot or fodder variant.  Monetize that mold. Low effort / high reward.  That’s why the slow releases are puzzling and extra frustrating.

  15. 14 minutes ago, Shawn said:

    3rd generation? What we you, in Japan?
    In the 80's at my monthly anime meetings at SDSU where my mom dropped me off for the afternoon they were 6th+, and you were HAPPY  😛

    and you then got to take a 7th gen home LOL

    Haha!  So true!

  16. I watched Orguss back in the 80s on 3rd generation vhs copies with no subs.  I was still able to follow the overall story and become very invested in the characters by the last episode, which has a unique ending to say the least.  You’ll enjoy it.

  17. After all these years, some new finds in the saga of Select Convertors.  I just came across these two variants of their Zardak(Orgroid) and Sunyak (Nikick ) that I have never seen before.  Notice how it says 3rd Generation on the card.  I’ve never seen that mentioned in any Convertors article.  And they really modified the mold on these.  I wonder if any other 3rd Gens exist.  Anyone on here ever seen these variants?








  18. On 6/2/2023 at 9:07 PM, sh9000 said:

    Looks good.  At first scrolling down I thought the second pic showed it painted.

    Standing in front of a figure of DYRL Britai  as well isn’t it?  I’d like to get one of those.

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