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Posts posted by glane21

  1. 4 hours ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    Ah, OK... so pretty much the same as it was at Academy Comics and Eternity/Malibu Comics then.

    That lack of coordination and editorial oversight at the publisher level and at HG's level was a big part of why HG ultimately decided to condemn all of the pre-2001 licensee-made material as a part of their reboot and relaunch of the brand.  It's one of the very few topics where HG openly admits that Robotech failed because they screwed up, rather than just blaming the licensee/studio/economy/alignment of the planets.

    It really never fails to shock me a little just how cavalier the attitude of Robotech's licensees was when it came to copyrighted material.  I know these were smaller publishers, but it's amazing how nobody ever seems to have stopped to ask "Can we legally use that?".  If this hadn't been made in the 90's and most of the publishers hadn't collapsed on their own, they would've been run out of business by the court-ordered compensatory damages.

    Probably not enough cash flow to make it worth the law fees.  

    I was in a meeting with Jim Lee in his Wildstorm LaJolla Studios just before I did RoboDojo for them.   One of his guys came in with that day’s haul of merchandise that was ripping off his various copyrighted material.  Toys and kid sandals and such .   He laughed at the odd usage of most of it and gave me some dinosaur head puppets to take back to my nephew who loved Jurassic Park.  Point being that there was only so much they could pursue.

  2. 2 hours ago, Seto Kaiba said:
      Reveal hidden contents

    It's not every day that a fandom as starved for new content as the Robotech fandom applauds the revocation of a license and the cancellation of multiple titles for overall poor quality and abysmal sales performance, after all.


    It sounds like you dodged a bullet, then. Especially given how the fans had the torches and pitchforks out for Rubicon.

    Was there any kind of oversight going on regarding the usage of copyrighted material? I know the '90s were a lot less lawsuit happy on that front, but some of the titles that were published under Academy Comics and Antarctic Press feel like the artists were actively trying to get sued for copyright infringement. So much so that, these days, the new comic licensee handling reprints won't touch those titles.  (And yes, it absolutely objectively was copyright infringement... HG didn't have any rights to DYRL? until 2001, years after these comics were published, so 100% of the use of DYRL material was unauthorized.)

    Come to that, was there any guidance being given on character and story arc development at all? I know the Robotech fans were really up in arms about Antarctic Press's comics because of how out of character everyone was all the time. Was this operation just a free-for-all?

    Leaned more towards free for all I suppose.  Like I said, I had no idea Rubicon, Gibraltar, etc  were in production at the same time.  

    I had actually pitched a Mars Base Squadron book but they wanted to use the popular characters to monetize the license (understandable), so I reworked it accordingly.  I believe in the main title Ben had introduced a new Zentran baddie and their battles with him caused the voyage home delay that Covert Ops is to resolve.  I’ve always liked DYRL designs over the tv versions.  I saw they had let a DYRL flight suit appear on a cover already so I just went with it and no one complained.

  3. 2 hours ago, Old_Nash_II said:

    So... "paying well that's bad"? or did you draw and write for free?

    They paid well for an  independent publisher of that era.  Probably better than some current ones do and it would actually make it to print.  

    When I was working on Class Reunion and news came that the license was being lost and production timelines were impacted, they let me switch to the 1 shot 48 page format to save the title.  I appreciated that.   Even though I got the bad inkers in the mix.  It was the last Robotech comic out the door for them.

  4. 10 minutes ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    Kind of an autopsy on the company too... Academy Comics only held on to the Robotech license for about 2 years and folded shortly after Harmony Golden revoked it. Like most of Robotech's licensee pool, they were a real amateur hour outfit.


    If you feel so inclined, go ahead and share your tale of disaster and woe.

    IIRC, those two titles have a combined issue count of just three and were both canceled basically immediately.

    Covert Ops is a complete story in Two issues by design.  Class Reunion was supposed to be 2 regular sized issues but they learned of the license loss during production and I had to release it as a 48 page single issue instead.  So neither were cancelled and in fact were among the best print runs they had among their various Robotech books.  

    Post some interior pics from Covert Ops and I think the artwork holds up.  The original art pages sell for big money, wish I’d kept some.

    On Class Reunion, the shortened production time led to them hiring out various inkers to do pages here and there and most destroyed my pencils.  It was pretty infuriating.  Like the first 5 pages are good because the inker was competent and  then 4 pages  of trashed art and so on.

    As I recall there was a main Robotech title that was Ben Dun’s baby and various limited series like mine to cash flow the license.  There was zero coordination among us , that’s on their editorial staff.  I had no idea that Wings of Gebraltar series existed for example.

    But that was fine.  I was getting a good rate to draw Macross.  They had already used a DYRL flight suit on the cover of a main title  issue.  So to me that meant I could too.  I ran the first pages by the editor  and no one objected.

    Anyway, that’s some history. Feel free to ask specifics. I also did issues 9-12 of Eternity Comics Robotech II: Malcontent Uprisings before the Antarctic stuff.





  5. I don’t understand this.  Tommy Yune is an excellent artist.  He could produce a much better in-universe  line art  design and, as licensor, make the comic company use it.  I don’t know why he would allow this train wreck design to be used.  

  6. How does the “5000” nomenclature jive with the rest of the variable fighter sequence numbering? I mean it is in the same timeframe as the VF-19 and 22 then it jumps all the way to 5000?  Just wondering.  

  7. On 1/12/2023 at 9:08 PM, nightmareB4macross said:

    Holy crap, that’s way up there!

    I bought a set exactly like this from I believe  Pony Toy Go Round in the late 80s.  It was either them or the Robot Store that used to advertise in the Comico Robotech comics (and also sold the Joons 1/55 Space Fighter knock offs).  They had a whole stock of Elintseekers but did not mention they came with the Jetfire armor.

    So this really did happen .

  8. I’ve got Figuarts and Medicom armors but they pale in comparison to the quality of these DLX releases.  Also if you get the Legends Infinity Saga Iron Man/ Thanos  2-pack with the oversized Tony heads, they scale well with this line.  The bruised up head would look good on that battle damaged mk43.



  9. 4 hours ago, Tking22 said:

    Affleck Batman at least gave us the most Batmany fight in movie history, that fight scene from BvS was straight from a Batman Arkham game, it was fantastic.

    Agreed though, I'm pretty hyped for this movie, reviews are very positive overall, I love reading that this leans far more into the often forgotten, for movies at least, title of World's Greatest Detective, we haven't gotten much of that from most Batman films. 


    Agreed, that fight scene is like the Vader scene in Rogue One - It made the movie.

  10. On 2/2/2022 at 1:32 PM, sqidd said:

    Oh, I don't mind her thinking I'm goofy because I buy toys (she doesn't though). If she gave me flack about the money front..........buh bye!;)

    And yeah, compared to my decade of roadracing motorcycles toys are NOTHING in comparison. A racing season was $150K+. Even if you include my new hobby of riding supper Gucci mountain bikes........still not close!:rofl:

    Don’t you have a Lamborghini - or am I thinking of someone else?

  11. On 8/15/2021 at 11:08 AM, jvmacross said:

    yeah...I think it is a "squeky wheel" situation :aggressive:...but not sure what their endgame would be...to hope customers forget they had orders?  Then sell the stock at current market values?  If so, we may have another NY on our hands...

    Have to say JVmacross was right on this one. After his had shipped and he suggested I lodge a refund threat with them, I gave them a few more days and still no change.  So on Sunday I replied to their last response to me, so that it had the full thread history, and said just refund me and I ’ll buy it elsewhere.  Got a quick response and today my tracking shows it departed Nagoya. 

    So on the one hand, yay it shipped and I’m not taking another Nippon Yasan up the backside.  On the other, I also preordered the GBP through Luna so may have to go through this dance again.

  12. 3 hours ago, jvmacross said:

    Looks like my Luna -1D is finally arriving.....guess they will stay on my list of PO backup retailers for now

    So far my tracking is unchanged saying only label created.  But hopefully this means movement is imminent.

  13. WB wrote Gal Gadot and Patty Jenkins $20 million dollar checks each when they sent Wonder Woman 2 to HBO Max to avoid exactly this situation.  Even though that movie was possibly even a bigger turd.  Disney should have done the same to avoid the knock on their image by screwing over the first female Avenger.  Especially when they were marketing Black Widow as a MeToo movie. 

  14. 6 hours ago, Norland said:

    That may be true. I emailed them on Friday asking them about the status and they replied back saying they would check on it on Monday and have not heard back from them. Trying to see if anyone else is having this same issue or just me?

    I’m in the same boat as you.  Please post back here with whatever they tell you.

  15. On 7/29/2021 at 3:35 PM, Norland said:

    Anyone else get this DHL tracking info from Luna Park? Its been like this ever since I got the shipping info on Tuesday. 



    My Luna Park tracking is the same with the same dates.  Still not handed over to DHL after 4 days.

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