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Posts posted by wolfx

  1. Sad to say...it happens all the time. Being a teacher here in Japan I am subject to many 'a finger prods. Especially when I teach at the Elementry School. Most of my students know NOT TO DO IT NOW, but I still get it. It's a term of endearment I guess. Do they make kevlar butt armor?

    Where it is from....havn't a clue, but it's been around for awhile. But if they do it and you are caught off guard...it is quite amusing (to the one doing the prodding), and quite embarassing to the prodee (?)

    Rob (Violated) MN

    ROFLMAO!! I can't imagine pre-teen kids violating a burly gaijin......

  2. In Gundam wing the TV show, Wing is upgraded to wing zero. In the movie, Endless waltz, Wing Zero has big angel wings. They're just there, no talk of upgrades, they try to destroy it right at the beginning, why would they upgrade it to do that? There are flashbacks from the movie to things that happened in the TV show, in these flashbacks the Wing Gundam has the angel wings... The movie version is an alternate. At the end (spoiler) they destroy the pretty Gundam, so there's no arguing that the Fix action figure is an upgrade made in the storyline either. These are just alternate versions of robots just for the sake of toys and models, personally I don't have a problem with that.

    The feathery Wing Gundam Zero Custom is basically just a redesign to the original WGZ. Just think Macross geeky transformation toggles redesigned to DYRL/Macross Zero throttles...which later got accepted as canon as if the toggled transformation never existed. Its not an upgrade. The same goes for the Wing Gundam FIX figure. Wing Gundam version ka. (short for katoki) is by Hajime Katoki, some dude that redesigns/overhauls some Gundams to look more kickass. In fact, the whole FIX line was designed by him.

  3. I'm sure some of you have seen this pics before, but hey, why not see them again!

    HOLY cow....is that a VF-2 toy??? Transform it!!


    Oooh..gotta love them space pictures. Try to get the blurry effect at the back of 1/60 M&M's boxes....those were my favourite artworks (photgraphy?). Anybody has high res image of the M&M 1/60 box art?

  4. From the Macross Compedium



    Mass cloning of people as well as animals and plants through the use of Protoculture technology begins.

    Start of nature reclaimation project. Earth ecosystem rehabilitation begins



    Because of the increase in hereditary children's diseases due to the overuse of cloning, mass cloning is terminated.

    20 years of mass cloning is ALOT of people.

    GASP! Max is a clone that's why he looks so young for a almost 60 yr old person! :o Kidding.

    Mass cloning of people...now that I didn't know. It would make more sense I guess. But, realistically, how many people in the population would want to be cloned? And among these samples, I would imagine there to have alot clones in the world. (Macross III....Attack of the Clones) So Earth would have a population of 50% clones by M7?

    Not to mention that there were literally millions and millions of Zentradi left over after the war, most micronized and integrated into the population

    The Zentraedi theory also would mean that more than half of humanity consists of Zentrans....which sounds strange. It would mean the fine line between terrans and zentran to be totally non-existent. A total assimilation into the human race. Yeah right, as if that would happen realistically considering humans are all racist bastards.....

    But I said I assumed that the earth was close to fully populated, because how many colonisation fleets have already been launched up to M7? I don't know the number, but apparently there have been enough people on all immigration fleets to fill up earth itself. By M7, Eden already has a bustling metropolis and there's the Macross 5 and 7 on colonisation expeditions. It doesn't quite add up.

    Southcross: interesting calculations. But I will not be willing to accept 12 yr olds bonking each other. :blink:

    I guess cloning does sound the most realistic answer, but imagine the moral dilemmas faced due to cloning? How many people of the human race are clones? At the sound of it, you'll probably see 5 instances of the same person in your lifespan.

  5. This hit me yesterday while rewatching SDF.

    Ok, I assume that 70-80% of the earth was decimated....survivors consisting only of the 20% odd survivors on earth and the rest that is on the Macross. Put those survivors with defected Zentraedi. 40 years later (in Macross 7), the earth is assumingly back to full population, and they can afford to send a bunch of immigration fleets to colonise other planets. Unless every survivor mated with every female (human or zentraedi) making one baby each 9 months.....I can't see how earth could've got such a huge population boom in 40 odd years.

    It would probably take a state as big as Texas to populate and man the Macross 7 fleet even....considering the amount of gunships and escort ships they have, not including their numerous casualties suffered with the Varauta army even....

    Any thoughts?

  6. Why get the helmet? Like anyone will be flying a Valk in the near future... And if they make it why dont they make the uniforms as well? Just dumb unless you get the helmet for a show piece.

    Wear it as a motorcycle helmet....or if you're with the airforce....give your fellow wingmen a good laugh...and probably a court marshall. :lol:

  7. Woohoo!!! can we say Spanish Christian Polka!!! :blink::rolleyes::p

    I normaly love the Macross soundtracks, Mac7 can get pretty bad though. for what the mid 90s?? some of the music is as bad at the crap that came out in the early 80s

    Huh? Dude...u can bash M7 for anything, but don't bash M7's J-pop/J-rock. It pwnz j00!!

  8. Now that you've given me more details, it's called "Banana Moon Love". I'm sure of it. And no it is not a Minmay song.

    Ok, thanks! But strange that they were using a non-minmay song for the "Minmay Attack". :lol:

    But , if it wasn't a Minmay song and Macross II was not an official storyline for the Macross series, why was it played several times in Macross 7? Unless they were trying to give tribute to Macross II despite being the blacksheep of the Macross series or it was played elsewhere as well?

  9. I doubt the scaling is anywhere near accurate. ie: 1/60 valk does not scale with a 1/60 MS. For comparison purposes, you could take out a MS pilot and the valk pilot and put them next to each other.

    I have an EVA PG, but not sure what its scale. I think its a 1/60 since most PGs are that size. It stands only slightly taller than a Valk. An EVA of the same scale should tower over a Gundam...and I doubt that my PG EVA towers over the PG WGZ custom.

    BTW, i love the WGZ Custom PG, but I heard its a b**ch to paint and build...and I'm too lazy to build/paint it. *sigh*

  10. The "Minmay Attack" song which was featured in Macross II : Lover's Again was played several times in Macross 7. Was it officially one of Min May's songs? Has it appeared in any other of the shows?

    Correction: "Banana Moon Love" was the song and I don't believe it ever made it to M7. "Riding in your Valkyrie" was the song used most in M7 by the Jamming Birds. I'll have to talk to Keith to confirm that though. Definitely though, it's not a Minmay song.

    I'm not sure if it was called Banana Moon love....doesn't sound like its got anything to do with love cos its rather fast paced and all. I am very sure that it was played a couple of times on M7, like when Mylene was driving the car and it plays on the radio, was heard on Zolan radios in dynamite....etc. Its not sung by anybody in M7 though, if that's what you were thinking.

    Its the song they used in the "Minmay Attack" part of Macross II, where some laser beams and holograms of a dancing singer (Minmay?) play out in space while she sings the song and battle with the Marduk ensues. So I was curious if it was a Minmay song and if it was played in any other series elsewhere...maybe in Flashback or something.

  11. OMG...if I could do something like that....I won't be able to part with it for self-satisfaction and sentimental value. I wouldn't sell it.....but if you're one of those hardcore modellers able to replicate that easily.....i guess it can be a lucrative business. Heheh.

  12. BACK to the subject...

    The first time i managed to get thru an entire series of anime that switched back and forth between cgi and cel at will was Initial D. That thing gave me a HEADACHE- every curve and turn was cgi car vroom/cel driver reacts. But you know what? After a while it grew on me. I think Macross Zero is alot smoother than Initial D in transition, but it can still be pretty jarring at times. For an anime, the worst thing it can do is jar you out of your mesmerized immersion into all that is Kawamori. But in the long run, heck i'll get used to it, and once i get past the gimmicky nature of it i'll just start enjoying the anime lol.

    But you realise in Initial D, the CG sequences and the cel-parts are entirely seperate, never intertwining. Same goes for GONZO's Last Exile and Vandread.

    Even in Macross Zero, there's not much intermingling of CG and cel...but like I said before, I'm not sure why they decided to make the explosions normal cel when everything else is in CG....makes it look weird. Its funny to see a CG VF slowly turn into cel as it gets shot and explodes.

  13. This should be in the n00b post, but since its related, i'll post here.

    I know that the Minmay guard, Blue Roses and Enigma are all custom paintjobs by some fans, but did they have some kind of background story for them? Like...what is the Minmay Guard? Is it Minmay's bodyguards or something while she goes for intergalactic tours? etc.

  14. One good point to mention is: Why give your ace pilots or higher ranking officers an indicator of who they are? Clearly if the enemy realizes that 001 is the squadron commander why not just gang up on that plane and take it out and leave the rest of the squadron is dis-array. The same can hold for the 1J theory. The enemy could realize these aren't standard planes by there markings thus changing attack stratagies.

    I think in a heat of a battle, there's no way to realise the "markings" and what nots that indicate that a plane is a squadron leader, unless it was colored bright neon green when others are drab grey......

    Learnt that from Warhammer 40k and why you can't target heroes. :lol:

    And about kill markers....if they really had some adverse psychological effect, i'll paint them all over my plane....and haxx0rz their morale.

  15. Still it kinda bothers me that he had 3 holes in his back and no one notices a blood trail? With 3 big holes in your back, you are bleeding like stuck pig. I mean those tech guys saw it in the cockpit. The spalling idea I can deal with. That is what happens when a round penetrates armor in tanks. Also wouldnt rounds those big shatter the cockpit canopy? I agree that somethings here did not make sense. Regardless, I thought it was the adrenalin rush that kept you going despite you got hit by a bullet. Wouldn't it be where his body would go into shock after he landed his plane?

    Its da lasers....they be so hot that they burn off all the tissue and stopped the external bleeding, but not the internal ones. But then again, I don't think they gave it much thought. Thumbs up to melodramatic death scene.

    But , i'd still prefer him to die in a "blaze of glory" like powered convoy said. One dude against impossible odds....hold the line to save his comrades....oh well.

  16. Actually, CG models would work better than cel animation. Cel animation would tend to make things too life-like. CG models still has a hard time removing the "doll" effect. This would be bad for life-like characters since people don't move like dolls.

    Huh??? Wasn't it CG that would make things too life-like? In fact in Shrek, they had to downgrade princess whatshername's detail so she would seem more cartoon than life like. And "doll" effect....you probably have not seen Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within. But I think you meant its not currently cost effective to make CG "life-like" compared to cel, which is true.

    Who the hell said M0 or any Macross series had to be realistic? You guys really gotta drop this "It doesn't look realistic" stuff. It's bad for your health.

    Not saying that it should be realistic or not. This was just a comparison between the "who has better CG argument" between Yukikaze and Macross Zero higher up the thread. I personally like both as they are, but it would be cool if there was a almagation of both.

    You missed the VF following Nora when they were attacking the Asuka, didn't you?

    I saw missles and explosions......all hell's break loose, so no I did not see the VF following Nora. :o

    The way I understand it, a fleet of boats/carriers are as good as dead when fighters get as close as they did in M0 3. The fact that they did get that close was either the CAP was completely obliterated....or them russian valks bashed through the front lines. It seemed that only Fokker was the only surviving pilot to defend the Asuka. But you could argue that dogfights were still happening around the Asuka and only Ivanov and Nora broke through the CAP.


    so you noticed the carpet bombing F-117's too 

    someone at the studio needs to do a little more reasearch

    It wasn't me who noticed it....it was my military freak friend. :lol: He's the one cussing Macross Zero for all its real world irregularities.

  17. Only issue I had with Macross Zero's CG/art were the explosions. Not sure why they opted to use traditional hand drawn explosions against the CG models, which kinda showed the glaring differences between the 2. But other than that small irritance, I'd say Macross Zero does a good blending of CG and traditional cel.

    IMHO, Macross Zero had more detail, but dogfight simulation was not entirely realistic. (They are Valks afterall) Yukikaze had less detail to the models, but their flight physics and dogfights were more realistic and when they bank and turn in the air, you can see those pressure lines on the wings.

    PS: What real world irregularities (military, non-military) did you find in Macross Zero? I have a military freak friend who cusses Macross Zero for showing:

    1.) Carpet bombing stealth fighters

    2.) Asuka getting attacked without a CAP (Combat Air Patrol)

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