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Everything posted by wolfx

  1. evangelion meets Inception http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIir5OT8sAQ
  2. Coincidentally I had a dream like that once.
  3. I liked that interpretation about film making. And as for the sound track thing....that's just pure genius.
  4. Man playing on HARD difficulty sure is challenging, and I can't even achieve most of the hard mission achievements. I am kinda annoyed that the NORMAL achivements won't be gained even if I achieve it in HARD mode. =.=;;
  5. The 1st 3 missions felt so deja vu to the original SC terran mission. XD
  6. How long was Cobb away from the family? Was it mentioned? It might not be a long time. In any case, the "proof" that the kids were still the same age was when Cobb called home from the hotel room and the spinning top fell. He was ready to shoot himself too. Shinkansen isn't exactly cheap. And not every prefecture in Japan has an airport. I am assuming they were in Japan though I'm not sure where they were when they were on the train.
  7. That song seems to be very elusive in the commercial market for some reason. It wasn't in Miku fest, it wasn't in Project Diva, it was in the BRS trailer pilot but not the OVA, what gives? Rights infringement nightmare probably.
  8. Watched the Black Rock Shooter OVA. Wasn't too happy with the OVA. There was pitifully too little frames in the animation , and i won't even go there about the strange choice of pacing and storyline. They probably didn't have enough BRS parts compared to real world parts so they had to slot in bits to keep the audience excited? Didn't work for me. Quite a shame too since I love the BRS character design.
  9. and now there's the danger of overthinking stuff. XD Someone else told me a theory that Cobb was the dreamer and everyone else is his projection except Mal who's trying to wake him up from it.
  10. Cobb might not have a totem then because it would seem that he and Mal were the 1s people to experiment with multiple level dreaming , which was when Mal thought of the totem idea to keep track of reality. Also Cobb didn't take her totem or broke her link. He just spinned it inside the safe and left it there, which tells Mal that they are in a dream. She put it there to forget that she was in a dream after all.
  11. Just finished Baccano! since people were talking about it some days ago. That was a pretty fun series and there seems to be all elements of movies in there. Horror, comedy, thriller, action, etc.
  12. Yes. But the level of limbo isn't exactly specifically level 4. They would've have possibly went to level 4 since they went to sleep at level 3, but they were diving into Fischer, who happens to be in limbo. As for how Cobb and Mal made it to limbo voluntarily, it wasn't said how and at what level they went down, but they were experimenting on how deep they could go and ended up there. Agreed. Yeah i think they didn't know for sure at that point that dying in limbo will pull them back up to reality. That's when Cobb and Mal recited that whole "train" thing about not knowing for sure and taking a leap of faith thing. I guess "losing sense of reality" is subjective to each individual. THat said I don't think Cobb was in any danger of that during his search with Saito, unless he kept wanting to return to a place where Mal was still alive. That makes sense. I assumed she and Fishcer "died" in limbo because of falling off the building but I guess as you said, she synchronised the falling to the kick from level 3's fort crumbling. Fischer on the other hand woke up from syncing the falling and the defribillator though I can't remember how Eames knew when Fischer's conciousness was waking up and decided to ressucsitate him. IIRC I think Eames started defribbing Fischer and limbo started showing signs by having thunderstorms, giving the cue to Adrianne to push him off the edge.
  13. Suicide wasn't an option because they'd go into limbo due to being heavily sedated and unable to wake up. (the danger) Thus they needed the "kick" to ride up the different dream levels until the timer on the PASIV device runs out. That's why they have not woke up after swimming to the river bank after the van crashed. But it seems you COULD suicide yourself in limbo to get out of it. Fischer and Adrianne did so. Though perhaps Fischer and Adrianne only rode up one level after suiciding in limbo and was in time before the synchronised kick that would bring them all the way up. Cobb & Saito missed the kick so I'm not sure how would that be different, suiciding before and after the kick. Additionally Cobb and Mal clearly used the suicide method to get out of limbo,
  14. But Cobb and Mal was knowingly in limbo, creating their world for 50 years. Mal lost grasp of reality somewhere along the line (represented with her keeping her totem) whereas Cobb kept his grasp on reality. Cobb and Adrianne also went into limbo and were completely lucid. So assuming Saito got there completely lucid as well, he could've just ended it then and there.
  15. I watched it for the 2nd time and admitedly it made more sense on the 2nd viewing. I felt certain concepts could've done better with the explanations because it happened really fast and you might not have caught it on your 1s viewing. Right now i only have one question about limbo:
  16. The prequel comic to the movie. Arthur is awesome as ever. http://inceptionmovie.warnerbros.com/thecoboljob/ And Yusuf answers your questions about Inception http://nymag.com/daily/entertainment/2010/07/inceptions_dileep_rao_answers.html
  17. i read somewhere sometime ago that bunnies were supposed to represent americans (USA gi)....so should i be questioning why they had a HIND on their side rather than an Apache?
  18. Amagami ep 3 is full of weird fetishes. And this is awesome.
  19. really awesome short movie. Hope there will be more! Only strange thing is the headphones aren't covering their rabbit ears lol.
  20. Julie's and Jaegermeister. Interesting choice of background stand-ins.
  21. Just watched it. Pretty enjoyable except: 1.) predictable ending 2.) the "action movie syndrome" kicks in towards the end of the film which felt sort of forced. I understood they were in the dream world but really, gun fights , car chases? 3.) Ken Watanabe and the other characters get little lines and character development. Not much attachnment to them. Otherwise love everything else about the movie. Can't really say much without spoiling so, enjoy it.
  22. i marathoned Spice and Wolf 2. I love the romance elements in the show but the economics can be confusing. I really didn't get much of what happened in the 2nd arc until I read some online plot reviews. Maybe i'm just bad at business and economics.
  23. Katanagatari Ep 7. Love the video game parodies here and a pretty sad episode too. I can't place it but this series is one stylish sleeper hit in my books.
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