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Everything posted by Kurisama

  1. That was great! Love the riff on the original theme!
  2. Thanks! I'm assuming the joints are ABS... Will try standing the joints on the next kit.
  3. I used Kotobukiya 'MSG' joints. Talking of which, any tips on getting paint to stick? Mine are starting to chip. They've got a coat of primer, paint and 2 coats of clear. Each with a full day in the Queensland sun to dry...
  4. Thanks fellas! It's not perfect but I'm happy with how it turned out. I have 2 more kits of this model and I now know what to do and what not to do. I plan on doing a UN Spacey themed paint scheme (grays + kite logo?) and a purple/lavender scheme which will be a custom Queadluun Nona with parts sculpted in Maya and printed out at shapeways. Also thanks to Jinnai for providing helpful advice when I'd call him at random hours during the day
  5. Can u photograph the bit u need, I'm sure I have a spare or partially built one, somewhere. Can send to you?
  6. Hey everyone! Here is my first attempt at building and painting one of many Macross kits to completion with the addition of customizing the elbow, knee and ankle joints. It's my first serious painting attempt, so be kind! Will upload in-progress build shots later.
  7. Here is a question - is the VF-17 able to have 'normal' arm configuration as per every other valkyrie? Or is the elbows-forward config all it is able to do?
  8. The only 17 I'm interested in is this one; IMHO the head is much more 'traditional' and just looks leaps and bounds more bad ass - also the colour scheme will display all the fine panel lines and details much better. Of course I will get this scheme when and if it ever comes out and when it goes on sale. I am a patient man.
  9. Put me down for an Alto Super pack!!! Srsly - when the group buy gets organized, count me in!
  10. Lol, re-using original pieces is fine by me! Less modeling! In other news - trying to pry open the chest area is breaking my balls - being really careful not to create stress marks on the plastic. Anyone ever done this before? I'm having trouble with the pieces directly behind the grey shoulder flaps. Otherwise it'll be a hell of a lot of masking tape and liquid mask. Shame too - cause I want to paint the pauldrons (seem to soft plastic/rubber?) separately.
  11. Cheers Kelsain! Well, when I get these all done with all the parts in hand and assembled - I will make these available to all my fellow Macross-worlders - don't you worry about that. I have found a local company that makes sprues and the like, so mass production shouldn't be hard - just a matter of cost effectiveness. Yeah - the image doesn't quite look circular - but for functionality sake, I will make it circular so it can turn at the wrist. The joint at the knuckle would be a pivot joint, not a ball joint - a ball joint that small and so numerous there would just get a mess. With the knee, I think if I did make it - you'd be able to get a slightly wider 'toe pointing away from each other stance', but i'll see how it goes - the material may be too brittle for that, we'll see. Up-scaling the arms would look sweet - would be able to put nice little nozzles/verniers in the circular indents and panels lines Even though I'm a original design loyalist - what would you think if I made the Q.Rea style 3-barrel arm cannons?
  12. Soooo..... long time no update. Good news is that I'm almost done marking assignments in my day job and the urge to make progress on the Rau is building, managed to squeeze these out yesterday; The head on the left is the first mock-up based on the available concept art and my own 1/144 bandai kit, the head on the right is to the dimensions (height and width) of the 1/60 DYRL head - I prefer the left. Going to add an optic lens greeble thingy inside the visor - cause hey, what the hell. Only thing is - trying to get get a clear enough material for the red area. More details on the head maybe? Thoughts? Here are the replacement manipulators. Fingers are proxy - I'm going to make them bend on the first knuckle, and the base will have a ball joint as the original 1/60 does - but i'm inclined to make it a pivot joint - thoughts? Details on the palms are just an indulgence, but they're starting to grow on me. Starting to think that I may make replacement missile shield covers for the knees and backpack - only the back pack ones are held by a pin and not a screw, and seeing as i don't know how to disassemble it and i don't wanna break it;looks like i may have to leave that one alone, only to the reason I want to keep the door opening gimmick - but the knee ones shouldn't be a problem. Other than the repainting, I plan on also cutting some small pieces of plastic card to make the raised panels and details as on the 1/144 kit. I'd rather not drill and make details that sink in to the plastic - my hands aren't steady enough! Over the last few days I've been toying with the idea of A)re-making the grey piece between the thigh and knee joint to include a swivel and B)Re-making the forearm to the TV Rau style - thoughts?
  13. So is the tornado pack a perfect fit or have u just let gravity and friction hold it in place?
  14. I'd be all over a VF-171 like sauce on spaghetti.
  15. Sorry for the crappy photo quality - couldn't resist taking a pic with these two valkyries side by side! Edit - Derp, might wanna attach the file...
  16. Check out the paint jobs on the monsters in the foreground; Didn't notice them the first few time around!
  17. Enjoy the gif I made of the scene; File name: MF_YF-19_Fly_By_Master.gif File size: 13.69 MB I would have loved to have seen the YF-19 transform as it zooms into the camera, fire the gun pod and spin 360 degrees, then transform again and fly off like in the second part of the gif... a fanboy can dream. Isamu is... busy.
  18. In a perfect world I'd order Ozuma's armour, the tornado pack for Alto and a CF VF-25A with regular super pack off HLJ. Oh and a VF-171 while I'm at it, what the hey.
  19. I always thought that this would be awesome; 2005 - November; In an Anti-U.N. Army retaliatory attack on the U.N. Forces, the under-construction Grand Cannon II is destroyed in Australia. - http://macross.anime.net/story/chronology/1999/index.html Think about it, more Octos/SV-51 & VF-0 action!
  20. Ah well, I always go for HLJ for purchases - but I wanted the 25S badly enough that I went thru Anime-export. In fact, got my VF-25F from them today!
  21. No need to be so harsh - chillax dude. If I am wrong, there are more diplomatic ways to go about it - jeez. That's right, Seto - I was thinking about that. It's been a while since I watched Zero, but I was under the impression that the crazy wheel chair guy worked with the UN, then defected, or something to that effect and then the UN took whatever he had developed and ran with it to develop the VF-0 - so as I understood it, the SV-51 was the original contender for the main fighter for the UN. Either way - wotevs, lol. Imma just gunna play with my 1/60 M.Zero valks! Weeeee!
  22. The YF-19 with '25 style boosters would have said boosters on the hips in Battroid... would look pretty sweet actually. Judging from the movie (frame by frame ) it seems to have reinforced shoulder joints too.
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