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Everything posted by Kurisama

  1. Ok... I'll stop now. I really should get back to work. Back on topic - really excited to see what art will be in the book!
  2. Hey everyone! I've always wanted to see a VF-11 in the Skull Focker special colours - so having recently got a 11C on sale from HLJ - and some time on my hands before I really start work for the year; thought I'd give it a go! I'm still very much a noob in terms of masking and painting and what not - but I love to do it, and well, I need something to do until I can get back to making my custom 1/60 Q.Rau! Second pic is a quick photoshop to show where the black and yellow markings will go. Shield is the only thing 100% finished. Using Tamiya "Camel Yellow", as it looks to be the closest to Focker-yellow I can find at my local hobby shop. Using some decals from my old 1/72 VF-0S kit. What do u guys think?
  3. UH OH - TIME TO FREAK OUT, MACROSS WORLD STYLE~!!! http://www.youtube.c...rsIyzsOpc#t=15s
  4. After the first transformation on mine - and looking at it out of the box - QC issues are; Slight paint chip on the right horn on the skull, even before transformation Right foot is a tad loose and i need to have it slightly pinched to keep it from splaying open Right inner-shoulder hinge (the one that makes the should go up, it has the inner pauldron that forms the plane's top side on it) Gunpod barely stays stowed on forearm in gerwalk/battroid - yes i like my gunpods stowed mostly.
  5. Gah - that vid made me grab my '11B off the shelf for closer admiration - truly one of Kawamori's most beautiful valks. Now I want another one... why? :3
  6. Mine just arrived 10mins ago! It is a thing of beauty...
  7. My VF-25F is very toight - loik a toiga... Seriously tho, I've man-boy-handled it a lot and posed it to the wazoo - and it's all very tight still, great toy. Can't wait for Ozma.
  8. Yep - as soon as I heard they were up for order - raced to AE, as quoted from the previous page; Can't wait~!
  9. Goddamn Zero was painful. Such long waits between eps.
  10. In the past 13 or 14 years I've been a HLJ customer, the rare occasions I've needed to contact them and deal with their customer service side of things - they've been exemplary. Nothing but positive experiences. Even had Scott personally respond to an email I sent in regarding suggestions I put forward about their site design and functionality, which I thought was a nice touch.
  11. BAM - ordered! As a CG artist myself and a technical line art /schematic fetishist, I adore these books! Love the art in these.
  12. There is still 6 or so months until release, relax fellas. All pics of the VF-25S had the purple colouration on the gunpod, now on release we find he has a darker grey gunpod. Things change from initial photos to release.
  13. What, no VF-0S? Cool to see them all together!
  14. I try to have each Valkyrie with their respective super/armour where possible and also at least one naked Valkyrie. The frontier line so far is making this difficult. But I don't like having multiples of the same Valkyrie... so what will happen when the tornado pack comes out? Hope that a VF-25G comes out by then, or if it only comes out in Alto's scheme - hope that a CF VF-25A comes out so I can slap Alto's (red parts repainted) super pack on that. That's a lot of 'ifs'. Lol.
  15. Ozma Armour pack - paid for! Weeeeeeeeee
  16. Anime Export my friend~! Got the VF-25F last year from them - no worries at all! 3200yen for EMS tho, meh - it's not too bad. I got in while it was (both VF-25's) still 11200yen, which is about $140AUD for me.
  17. Shipping paid and... IT'S AWAAAAY! Pew pew pew pew!
  18. Just got my notice from Anime Export that Ozuma is ready to ship
  19. My thoughts exactly! Doesn't matter - I'll get a VF-171 and a VF-17D! Hmmm..... I see how that would not be a smart move for Yamato to release at a similar time to Bandai - which means we might get a 171 sooner rather than later! :D
  20. Great to hear Graham. Now to stir the pot; as much as I dig the VF-4, the feet do nothing for me. Feet anywhere from a VF-0, VF-1 or a VF-11 type styling would really top off this design. Not to say I hate the original feet, just seem a little like an after thought - and thats the only thing that niggles at me.
  21. Now this looks sexy; http://www.j-modellers.net/image/vf12008/vf-4.jpg Then again the Skull Fokker special paint scheme goes well with any Valkyrie. Found it at http://www.j-modellers.net/vf1.html
  22. The fin (very YF-21) and the bulked out jaw line of the SHE kit really make the VF-4 look mean and tough. I really dig it. If the new yammie comes out with this head sculpt, it'll be an insta-buy. Fin-less and sunglasses look a bit lame.
  23. I actually think the absolute reverse to you - glossy = cheap and matte = refined, imho.
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