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Everything posted by Cdisdope

  1. The kiss before Space War I? Hmm...I may have contradicted myself earlier. I said that she loved him and I also said that she led him on. But I guess if Minmei loved him, it really wouldn't be leading him on. I stand corrected... OK...Minmei is still selfish and childish, though.
  2. Thanks a lot! Here's what I would like to believe happened... The Zentrans and Meltrans, after seeing the movie thought their original clothes were outdated and were so impressed with the new "cultured" look, that they decided to make it standard.
  3. Hold on... Minmei is selfish. The time they got trapped in an inaccessible part of the Macross, she thought it would be a good idea if her and Hikaru go and commit suicide by going out in space AND called him a coward. Why together? She didn't wanna die alone. She then was about to kiss him, until the missile fell through. Her attitude then changed and she continued to keep calling Hikaru "a friend" from that point on. When Minmei was hospitalised, she straight-up told Hikaru that he should visit her because she visited him when he was hospitalised. Minmei only got close to Hikaru when things weren't going well for her. When she had the final falling out with Kaifun, she went to Hikaru's place and tried to change his lifestyle to cater to the lifestyle she THOUGHT she wanted. Minmei doesn't love Hikaru? Really?! How many "friends" have you kissed so passionately? They kissed twice: before Space War I and on Christmas, when she also made Christmas dinner. In Japan, a kiss is a big deal and not thrown around as much as other cultures like the United States do. It's a sign of love. And XMas is a day for couples. So, maybe this is a cultural difference...but thinking about it in a Japanese way, Minmei did love Hikaru. I don't think Minmei is stuck up. She's just selfish, childish, and only leads Hikaru on.
  4. The thing that I like more about M7 compared to MF is its originality...(coming from someone who tried to watch M7 twice and finally watched all episodes recently). MF was SDFM with name changes, same plots different outcomes. Max dies, causing Miria to be alone, Kakizaki and Roy stay alive, Kamjin is still rogue, with a one episode showing. M7 definitely has more character. To each his/her own. Here's a question...why is it that the Zentradi from M7 - MF use uniforms from DYRL and not SDFM? Have any of the creators of the Macross series stated why? From my understanding of the Macross canon is that DYRL was a movie to depict what happened in Space War I. If someone knows the answer, please school me.
  5. Pretty girl, but she isn't "Minmei" enough... maybe if she had more of a pale complexion and younger looking. Minmei's a teenager after all.
  6. ^ That scene is f*cking classic! Totally unexpected, especially because I grew up with Robotech! And...It was nice to see how bad ass Meltrans are...so bad ass that they can throw their newborns around...lol
  7. ^ That scene is f*cking classic! Totally unexpected, especially because I grew up with Robotech! And...It was nice to see how bad ass Meltrans are...so bad ass that they can throw their newborns around...lol
  8. Did I miss something?!?! I just watched the original Macross series again and couldn't find Hikaru flying a Super VF-1J, which makes total sense because the first time that we saw the FAST packs was in "Booby Duck" and were placed on Roy's VF-1S. With that being said...does anyone know why Yamato went on to make a figure that had Hikaru's original VF-1J with Super Parts?
  9. who's gonna panic buy this one? http://www.anime-export.com/product/13378
  10. Here's some panic buying......... 57,000円 on yahoo auctions for a VF4G!!! http://page5.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/e133096454
  11. For real...even Mandarake's website has no VF-1s left. And people on yahoo auctions Japan are buying stuff up for high prices. Arcadia seriously needs to say something about the Macross series soon.
  12. Wow, really...no love for Macross Plus?! Gakken85, my Macross timeline is quite similar. Like most kids living in the states, I grew up with Robotech in 85...and always wondered how Dana Sterling could be Max and Miriya's daughter (especially that she was a blonde, but when she was a baby her hair was green) So, I knew something didn't feel right. I liked the Macross saga and Next Generation parts. July-August '85, took a family trip to the Philippines and had a stop-over in Narita, Japan. At the duty free shop was a 1/55 Hi Metal Bandai VF-1A. I begged my dad to buy me one and he did! Went to the Philippines and met my cousins for the first time and they saw my toy and kept saying "Macross". I was puzzled. Wasn't this "Robotech"? It was an 8 year chasm of nothing Robotech related except re-watching the old episodes on VHS. Then, US Renditions released Macross II and it was..........aight. I wasn't into the Marduk and wondered what happened to the Zentraedi. It said Macross II, but there was no sign of Rick Hunter, Lisa Hayes, or Minmay, who I thought was far superior to Ishtar. Though, it was nice to see transforming fighters and a songstress again. In high school '95, I had a friend who was really into anime. He rented a VHS tape of Macross Plus from a local Japanese video store in the San Fernando Valley (L.A.). I immediately fell in love with it after hearing Voices and how it cut straight into a dog fight scene of Isamu and rogue Zentradi (I think they were) in "Deep Space 2040". This was the first time that fans were able to see a transforming fighter with a totally different design in the VF-11 Thunderbolt. It stayed true to the original Macross storyline by having Zentradi in it. Even if it wasn't an important aspect of the story, it felt more "right" than the Marduk. It paved the way for Macross 7, by introducing new fighters. We learned that pilots are ALWAYS necessary and that it should be humans who control technology and not the other way around. Sharon Apple's music was "forgettable"? Good. She was a virtual bitch. It makes us appreciate the idols even more. IMO, I think the music fits the theme of the story and is well produced.
  13. REALLY?! My post about 3/11 deleted by an admin. POS otaku!

  14. The triple-threat that still leaves many people, especially Japanese, in awe of how powerful nature can be, topped off with human error. Today marks two years of the tragedy that shook, swept away, and radiated north-east Japan, or Tohoku. The scars are still fresh as many people will never be able to go back to their homes. Some have to remember the friends and family members that they lost on that day. And some, mostly children, have to live with the lingering threat of cancer caused by the nuclear meltdown at the Fukushima nuclear power plants. They have endured great suffering and remained patient throughout the ordeal. Watching the news of the aftermath, I was honestly moved at how those in the affected areas were able to line-up and wait for water and supplies, no looting, no fighting, no chaos. Let today, (actually everyday) be a reminder that: 1. We should be thankful for what we already have. 2. There is always hope. 3. Nuclear power is a double-edged sword. まだ頑張ろう、日本!
  15. Thanks everyone! Nice custom, Dobber!
  16. I found a MIB one of these online and was wondering if it's worth paying 21,800 yen. Is there a place to get it cheaper?
  17. Thanks and sorry for not posting this in the Newbie thread.
  18. Besides the appearance below (from episode 5 - "Transformation"), does anyone know if there are any other showings of this valkyrie?
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