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Posts posted by EXO

  1. The second Macross design book contains all the work done by Kazutaka Miyatake.

    That means designs for all the ships from Macross, Macross Plus, Macross 7 & etc.

    Does this book exist? Or are you saying it would be a good idea? (because I would want it)

    I saw a non Macross Kawamori Design book at F & S last time I was there.

  2. Great job on that, Sean!!! I uploaded some pics already and it's really easy to use. I encourage other artists to do the same so we can have a true archive of the macrossworld fan art!

    I also encourage all the customizers and and 3D modellers to post their arts and pics on there. It would be nice to support something this cool.

  3. I assume they kept manufacturing destroids because enough of them were being blown up... that would explain the number of monsters going up.

    s_i_t_h, IIRC, Cobywan has expressed interest in building those support vehicles, but in 1/48 scale. So If Yamato did release the destroids in 1/60th, it's still wouldn't be a match. Just thought you might like to know, though.

  4. Great boobs for brains are taking over the forums.

    Sorry Roy... :p The topic header invited such talk. What else could it be that leads us to believe puberty has done wonders for Mao.

  5. I think Millia is hot....  Does anyone know where I can get some fanpics of Millia?

    ...welcome to the club.

    Just remember I'm the master Millia lover. All pictures of her defer to me first, then I disseminate them when I'm done.


    Vostok 7

    Thats more then I ever wanted to know Vostok. :huh:

    LOL!!! I think Decimate woulad have been a better word, V7... :lol:


    \Dis*sem"i*nate\, v. t. & i. [imp. & p. p. Disseminated; p. pr. & vb. n. Disseminating.] [L. disseminatus, p. p. of disseminare to disseminate; dis- + seminare to sow, semen seed.

  6. I was watching that orange county choppers show on Discovery channel and saw them using a lathe to Cut out rims for their chopper. Could we use one of these to make permanent molds that could be used with real plastec rather then resin and getting the benefit of longer mold life?

    Man! My job just switched locations and I'm a few blocks from where they shoot that show. Maybe they would let me makes some molds there.

    Yeah, right!!! :p

  7. I don't think the backups can ever take the place of the original... but... how many people are buying them instead just for customizing. As the little extras can assure, the back ups are made to be customized. Also, a lot of people would buy loose JMs just to get a part or armor they need. Why go thru the hassle when the recasts are readily available? Maybe you can't replace moveable parts with resin but the extras are well worth it and just as good... plus you get the clear canopy, which is a lot better than the original brown ones...

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