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Everything posted by mog_kupo

  1. mog_kupo

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    11983246 No cancelation email...............yet
  2. mog_kupo

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Got mine on HLJ, its bed time for me, good luck to those still loooking
  3. So, both the MB and the VF are going up at 16:00 pm on japan At least I wont lose too much sleep
  4. That preorder time its so weird, usally Bandai puts all their releases at the same time I dont know japanese but isnt that 18 the year of its release? I dont remember seeing the hour of the preorders on those banners
  5. I don't have the link right now, but I just saw a post on Facebook about the MB Mazinger getting a reissue
  6. Got my payment request from HLJ for the Arbalest, I gottta say Im not sure about keeping it, need to see some videos but oddly there are none up yet Good thing about HLJ is that you have 10 days for a free return
  7. mog_kupo

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Welp Not looking forward to this
  8. mog_kupo

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Well, it seems the Strike its a web exclusive so maaaaybe it won't be that hard to get
  9. Guess I wont be gettin my Wing Gundam anytime soon, those prices are way out of my budget
  10. mog_kupo

    Bandai DX VF-31

    There are some Bandai items going up for preorder next thursday, march 1st I imagine this one will go up that day too
  11. Mine it's on my PW so I would assume no problem for me And the F91 Harrison it's up un NY at 21,000 yens, anyone knows if this release will have the same box of the tamashii event?
  12. Saw them on a Facebook group, here its a quick example https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1658649397527725&set=pcb.1903975109851650&type=3&theater&ifg=1
  13. For those that already have their Qan, I've seen some reports of parts breaking during the transformation, it seems the build quality its not as good
  14. Out of stock now, ordered one, got confirmation and just waiting for the charge to my CC
  15. Ordered one, but since it has been open for so long I am beginning to think it's a mistake on the page
  16. I dont remember seeing it but the release date for the MB QanT its december 9 Hope I may be lucky enough to get one, I felt asleep on the preorder night
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