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Posts posted by Beltane70

  1. For us to get a mature macross it probably has to be a in OVA form. Maybe have pop idol blamed for the death of some young kids and the society bans music and freedom of expression and the censorship allows dictators to prevent anyone from having freedom to think? This causes intolerance as people can't share their culture with others since everyone must homogenise into one big culture that is the same all over the galaxy and is boring in order to appease collectivists.

    Parts of this idea were already used by Kawamori in AKB0048 and I doubt that he'll use this in the new Macross series.

  2. True. Most of mine are too scattered with their real world priorities (wives, children, etc.) for us to get together and play. I don't know enough people online that have PS4 to get together with. LOL - :(

    Besides I suck at the Crucible, just die, death, die, die, die, lucky kill, die, die, die, run for my life, die anyway, - match over.


    Sums up how I am at PvP, too.

  3. I got some good old school anime on the way from Rightstuf with Space Adventure Cobra and Cat's Eye. Should be here in a day or two. Until then I'll keep watching Cobra on their offical youtube channel. I guess the best way to describe it is Space James Bond meets Lupin with artwork that would look right at home in Heavy Metal magazine.

    Space Adventure Cobra has one of my favorite opening songs!

  4. Wikipedia agrees with 20 for Japan.

    But I'm just kidding around. The teaser doesn't say Sei and China are living together - Sei sounds like he could be calling from outside her door (like, maybe they have hotel rooms near one another). Sei still calls her "class rep," which isn't exactly intimate. And Rinko could be right around the corner, anyhow (probably still trying her best to get them together). I just think it's funny to imagine them travelling the world together while still technically kids.

    China does say, "stop calling me 'class rep'", to which Sei apologizes. Plus, it's technically possible for them to be 20 since you can be two different ages in the same year, depending on how precise you want the six years to be.

  5. I don't see why Kickstarter allows multi million dollar corporations access.

    Isn't the whole point of Kickstarter for independents?

    This whole thing seems like giant sharade.

    I thought this whole thing was pretty unethical from day one!

    On another note, I totally agree with Seto about Treiz. He's definitely rt.com's most delusional member of the boards that's not a moderator on the site.

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