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Posts posted by Beltane70

  1. I first saw DYRL at a Creation Convention in NYC in November of '86. A dealer was showing it at his table and I happened to notice it while the first battle scene was playing. Having seen Robofech before, I recognized the Valkyries, but not the scene, plus the fact that the animation quality was significantly better. The dealer informed me what it was, but I sadly didn't have enough money to buy a copy at the show. Needless to say, I went home and asked my parents for money and ordered a bootleg copy of the movie. I've been hooked on anime ever since then!

  2. Saw an Osprey in person for the first time. I was actually a bit surprised on how it sounded different depending on its position from me. When it was headed toward me, it sounded like a large helicopter (which is what I first thought it was until I actually saw it). When it was moving away from me, it sounded like a jet. It was also a bit louder than I thought it would be.

  3. Thanks, Gubaba! I didn't think to try and go to the actual website instead of using the app.

    It's a little disappointing that they yet to have new content for Macross The First. At least now I won't have to wait for the tankoubon to see the new chapters when they do come out.

  4. i forgot the original soundtrack so i can't tell the remixed apart.

    i started playing last night and said wow, this game has really aged well. i really enjoyed it. they put in a lot of effort in the remastering of the textures. i forgot most of the story (except i remember Sin's origin) so it's pretty enjoying i'm actually trying to learn blitzball this time. (on the ps2 i lost every match just button mashing)

    I've had the original soundtrack for X ever since the game was released, so I know the soundtrack practically by heart, which is why I noticed the difference right from the start.

    I spent something like 100+ hours on blitzball my first run through and will probably spend the same amount of time this playthrough as well. I'll probably level my characters to max like I did last time, too. What can I say, I find this game to be very addicting!

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