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Capt Hungry

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Posts posted by Capt Hungry

  1. Didn't whatshername from Final Fantasy: Spirits Within make one of the "guy" magazines? I know she wasn't on the cover, but I do remember he being featured somewhere.

    While not being a "true" animated female Aki Ross did make the cover of Maxim's Hot 100 issue back before everyone woke up and realized how awful FF:TSW was.

    ... so I guess technically she was the unremembered pioneer while Marge will be lauded as the dandy. :p

    Well... to be fair, that wasn't really the cover of the magazine. The Hot 100 was packaged inside the bag, while some other skank graced the cover.

    And yes, people woke up and realized how bad the movie was... but Aki's debut was before the movie came out. So no one knew.

    And she's still hotter than Marge. :p

    I think Eliza Dushku was on the cover of that Maxim that year. But I have SOOOOOOO had enough of Paris-I-Made-A-Sex-Video-And-I-Am-So-Overexposed-Hilton.


  2. I can never watch more than 10 seconds of that show.  The character designs look like cheap crap.

    So true, the story sucks too... I hate all of that guy Tartakovsky (spell?) works, way too crappy....


    For me, the animation doesn't really have to be top notch all the time. The simpilicity of the animation is fine with me. I really dug Dexter's Lab for a while. There were also a few pop culture references in those episodes. Besides, don't some of you secretly wish to have a lab or hangar someplace with transformable mecha?


    I am ashamed to admit to watching the Powerpuff girls once or twice. The animation is simple there too, but there was one epsiode that was very entertaining. The dialogue throughout the episode was based on lyrics by the Beatles. Mojo Jojo took a girlfriend who was patterned after Yoko Ono. It was very clever. There were several references to things that Yoko and Lennon did (such as the interview in bed).

    I guess maybe I'm not sophisticated as some here, but I just like to be entertained and don't really need a huge all encompassing story or deep character designs. I hope someday that we'll see Jack defeat Aku. I look forward to how the conflict gets resolved.


    But like WDC says, $30 for a 13 episode DVD is pretty damn good.

  3. Many months ago I was pissed at seeing commericals in the theather too and did a little research.  Some guy brought a lawsuit against it.  His claim (if I can remember) was that the theather said the movie would start a "blank" o'clock but the commericals actually made the movie start at a later time.  Some theathers are now using this thing called "the 20".  A 20 minute commerical about all the crap on NBC, TNT and some crappy music service.

    I'm with Roy on this one. I absolutely DETEST being subjected to commercials in the movie theatre.

    WTF is that about??????

    If I am paying $8 to see a movie, that's all I want to see.

    It's bad enough that various network channels subject a viewing audience to non-stop commercials. Some movies will run for about 10 minutes, then we get 15 minutes of commercials. While I am ranting, what about seeing the same flippin commercials all through a show or movie?????

    Are you listening Sci-Fi channel!!??!?!?! Even the networks do this. No wonder why I don't really watch much TV anymore.

  4. I was shocked when I saw the pic but then I realized that it was a fake because the right mechno arm, shouldn`t be above the elbow. I guess Anakin`s look after the duel with Obiwan will be diferrent than this fake pic and we know Lucas he`s full of surprises.

    Yeah, he did come up with Jar Jar.................


  5. That is pretty cool.

    I remember before CPU's passed the 1 Ghz mark, that there was a company that used a refrigeration unit to cool the chip enough to OC it to 1Ghz. Think that they used a P3 too.

    It's amazing how much the computing industry has taken notice of overclocking/modding PC's now.

  6. One of the opposing solos takes off by retracting the landing gear as he attains enough airspeed to become airborne. He's still only about 6 ft over the runway at that point, but he hasn't completely pulled back on the stick. Once he reaches the end of the runway, he pulls back sharply to climb vertically.

    It's pretty cool.

  7. There was another movie like short that I ran across in 2000 (I think), found it here as a matter of fact.

    It was all CG too, but took place in the atmosphere. There is an impressive shot of a VF-1A, I think, that transforms as it falls through the air and fires it's gunpod as it falls to take down some missiles.

    If anyone has that, post it up for the benefit of the newer members. I know I have it on a disk and I'd be happy to see about uploading it to an iMacross server.

    VF-X2's intro?

    No, actually I found it last night among all the Macross related stuff I have backed up. It's another Takaken movie. I'll see if I can find a link.

  8. There was another movie like short that I ran across in 2000 (I think), found it here as a matter of fact.

    It was all CG too, but took place in the atmosphere. There is an impressive shot of a VF-1A, I think, that transforms as it falls through the air and fires it's gunpod as it falls to take down some missiles.

    If anyone has that, post it up for the benefit of the newer members. I know I have it on a disk and I'd be happy to see about uploading it to an iMacross server.

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