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Posts posted by oshanmacross

  1. I would love one too but without transformation I doubt it would sell for them.
    If they could do the shoulder gun transformation then maybe, But the Queadluun Rau is a beautiful mech and on the resale market it is just above retail.
    I think the resin kit by Mono Craft released back in the 80's is all we will ever have.

    I'll be optimistic with you ^_^

    Here is my built up:



  2. tochiro did! Or i would say there are screen caps from his twitter feed! B))




    Those that got me excited....Grunt turning out to be my fav! looks sick!


    Dat underside!


    And finally this...


    LOL, already asked him ^_^

    Actually I should clarify.... I'm looking for the videos.

    This must go into my macross video stash.

  3. technoblue, you can save screenshots as PNG in MPC-HC. The images from anamorphic DVDs are saved in stored resolution, so they are always 720x480.

    Difference between the 2012 and 2016 blu-rays based on the two screenshots above. (I didn't check more.)

    2012 vs 2016 (click for cropped 600x600 1:1 images [no resizing])

    attachicon.gifdyrl_bd_2012-012541-cropped.png attachicon.gifdyrl_bd_2016-012544-cropped.png

    They know they can't do anything about the out-of-focus, but they try to darken the lines to make them "sharper".

    2012 vs 2016 (click for cropped 1200x800 1:1 images [no resizing])

    attachicon.gifdyrl_bd_2012-013520-cropped.png attachicon.gifdyrl_bd_2016-013523-cropped.png

    The brightness curve is tweaked to hide the grain. The grain is still there in the dark areas, just not as obvious as they are now darker.

    Updated: sources are the 2012 and 2016 blu-rays, extracted with MakeMKV and played back with MPC-HC.

    Yep! You hit the nail on the head :)

  4. I gave it a try and couldn't get past the first episode's character writing nonsense. The production is ace though, the alternate version of the post war era is really interesting and you can definitely see the production's money on the screen which is even more sad to me since the characters were so hollow and poorly played that I couldn't care about what would happen next.

    I felt the same way but after a few episodes I kinda got the feeling that this universe might be somewhat dreamlike.

    So for me that kinda explains why the characters act and do unrealistic things.

    I had to forget about "Where did the film's come from?" and "Why and How do the film's exist?"

    If you have ever seen Blade Runner it's kinda similar with the question of "What is Humanity?" or consciousness.

    For me the underlying question in The Man in High Castle is "What is reality?

  5. I don't think it was mastered to video. I think they are 35mm.

    After looking at it this weekend on the 4K you are right,Checked it out with and without up-scaling and any picture enhancements.

    The bitrate on these discs is killing me though.

    For some reason the "special" disc is the only one that looks like it was mastered properly.

    One thing missing:

    But as crazy as Japan Victor Corp. is about copyrights i can understand why this was not included.

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