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Posts posted by Mommar

  1. On 11/25/2023 at 2:15 AM, borgified said:

    Bat Glider wings are too short on the final product from the teases more than two years ago and what's with the extra long spats?? :blink:

    Edit: And not to mention the un proportional noggin? 



    Their heads are always too big, though.

  2. 14 minutes ago, MKT said:

    To be fair, the 0S translucence is not really noticeable during normal handling in normal room light. It only becomes apparent during photoshoots when it is backlit or with focused lights passing through at certain angles. For better or worse, the 0S is also a warmish tone of white, which should make mask any early yellowing down the road. 


    Actually, the real problem is the reason why there's the translucence.  The plastic on the 0S is incredibly cheap looking and feeling.

  3. 22 hours ago, rematron said:

    Agreed.  And it's amazing what a different kind of camera lens will do in combination with approach and composition.  It makes the front look longer and the back look shorter just like most of Bandai product and packaging shots go for.  I'm liking it, though.  Can't wait to get it in my hands and on my shelf.  Really looking forward to landing gear that won't collapse with the slightest nudge.

    That's not a guarantee.  I have a Bandai 19 with a gear that does that.

  4. On 11/8/2023 at 3:09 PM, Robin-11 said:

    I don't mind reissues but i think they should try to change some of the releases...like for example, what about a Max VF-1S? I mean, it's already pretty difficult to find as a used item. It would be like printing money.

    Would it, though?

  5. I'll be the naysayer, I don't like the premise as presented here.  It looks like a force marching onto the city from an exterior location, not something manifest from within.  That changes the meaning of the hauntings and proceedings.  Obviously we don't know the whole story so there could be something someone did the city to summon this ice storm creature but it's still different philosophical concept when it is without.

    Also Patton Oswald sucks.

  6. 22 hours ago, Shawn said:

    Got my package today and....
    WTH Amazon JP!?

    They've always used the secure plastic wrap mounted to the carboard and dropping it in the box

    I opened and was happy to see some paper padding for the top, but then I open and see 3 loose books in a huge box
    I've seen worse posted here before, so how much can I complain about Obi and outside cover and corner damage, but at $240 shipped, I feel this is not acceptable from a company like this.

    I'll definitely be looking at alternatives in a future release.


    I didn't even get a box.  It was literally a bag.  CDJ sounds like the way to go


    In other news, I know it was done for Zero first but the SDF-1 makes this the better picture.




  7. On 10/24/2023 at 10:54 AM, borgified said:

    Sunny Side up egg punch effects? How un-original.. :p

    After all this complaining, who here Is not (I repeat Is Not) getting this version of the DX YF-21 at all ‘cause its not faithful to the  original Anime Series? 

    After all said and done, there’s still someone that changes their mind and says: “Oh screw my budget and my original thoughts. I will still get it due to FOMO and I want to be part of the gang in getting one. I want to be like the Joneses and stay in trendy with the times. The others are so out of style”. 

    I'm not getting it because they managed to make it look bad in all three modes regardless of accuracy.

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