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Posts posted by Mommar

  1. *rolls eyes* My apologies, I meant I can't wait to see the CF IF they make one. Better?

    Sorry, I was being pedantic. Bandai hasn't made one before so there's little to assume they'll do one now. I'll buy three if they do make them.

  2. I'm hoping the CAD folks left us an easter egg, and we'll find out that all our Yamato missiles will work. ^_^ They do look very similar to the SV-51 hardpoints.

    Either way though, looks awesome. I just hope BBTS learned from their mess with the VF-25S.

    They seemed to have. They definitely were very specific about how many pre-orders they were going to take and it was a very low number.

  3. Another interesting note: The head guns/fins can be hidden in fighter mode, or they came in the box detached and the setup guy forgot to attach them. He also seems to forgot to attach the main gun in fighter mode, and missed a step in G/B mode and leaving those shoulder hinges exposed.

    I don't really see how there was a missed step in G/B mode. Other then angling the shoulders up higher then other pics we've seen nothing looks wrong.

  4. Interesting note, but not surprising (though some people around here seemed shocked/disappointed by this on the VF-17.) There are going to be removable covers for the hands on that thing just like every other version of the 17/171.

    Also, really damn great looking. I hope either of my Pre-orders is actually filled but based on these new pics I might actually keep both of them if they do each get filled. I'm glad there are new pics of something too, it was getting too quiet in here.

    I am super curious to see the difference in this versus the 17. Looks like that backpack fits a lot closer then the 17 (though this one is a lot more compact as well so that might make it easier to pull off.) The ankles look infinitely better then on the 17, though hopefully they don't become floppy at some point.

    Also, three hard points confirmed for everyone hoping to load theirs up with missiles.

  5. Wow, those VF-1s went pretty fast at those prices. Ended up getting the unpainted SDF-1 kit since I've been unable to obtain the photo-etched stuff and glow in the dark stickers in any other way.

    Should make it easier for me to paint it as well since it comes unassembled.

    I'm tempted to get that SDF-1 Kit (even though I don't care for the DYRL version) just because it's only $150.

  6. I realize complaining about something on the VF-2SS being derivative of the original Macross is at the very least highly ironic but I don't think the armor should have dual guns that look EXACTLY like the strike cannons from DYRL. At the very least keep them similar to the SAP pack's cannon. While all of the Mechs in Macross 2 were derivative they still maintained their own style... those cannons (even the blocky armor) blatantly reuse original Macross style which I don't think serves the MacII Valks style.

  7. I just notice the retail price for the 1/60 VF-17 is about 24,000Yen. The similar Bandai 1/60 VF-171 is about 14,000Yen. That is a big difference in price for mostly similar valkyries.

    What is in Yamato's version that can justify for the 10,000Yen difference???? :o

    The Valk comes from a show that debuted back in the early 90's and has far less exposure/marketing then the 171.

  8. Im a bit torn on which way to go. Either get a 17 or a Blazer valk. The 17 is more expensive, but i dont have one at all yet.

    Is the new 17D coming with the Fast Packs, or are they separate? Im not a big fan of the 17 packs, and its expensive enough as it is, so I'd rather hold off if i can.

    Also I know the 17 u have to watch out for the legs during transform; is this a serious issue, or a case of 'be careful and you'll be right?'

    I believe the Fast Packs are being released separately in the Fall. I highly doubt they would come with the D. As far as the legs go, I personally didn't have any problems transforming the thing back from Battroid to Fighter but I also tend to be very meticulous when transforming my toys.

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